
:It looks like they treatedyou rather roughly.
 Now you know what they are really like, private Kururugi.
 Britannia is rotten.
 If you wish to bring change to this world, then join me.

:So, was it true?
 Are you really the one who killed prince Clovis?

:This is war.
 Why wouldn't I kill the enemy commander?

:And the gas?
 Those were civilians out there.

: A bluff to help things along.
 The result, not a single death.

:The result?
 That's all that matters to you, I suppose.

:Come join me.
 The Britania you serve is a worthless dominion.

:Maybe that's true, but...
 But this nation, it can be changed for the better, and from within.

 And  any aims gain through ***ful means are'nt worth anything.

 Where are you going?

:My court martial begins in an hour.

:Are you mad?
 The only reason they're keeping you trial is finding guilty.
 The judge's prosecution is undefence.

:Rules are rule.
 And, if I don't go, they start to cracking down on Elevens and honorally Britannians.

:But you'll die.

:I don't mind.

:Don't begin idiot.

:An old friend of mine always used to tell me that.
 He's said that I was a fool.
 It's my weakness, I guess.
 I try to bring you in, but you just end up killing me.
 And If I'm going to die, it'll be a service of the people.
 Even so, I thank you.
 You saved me.

:You fool.


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