
Teacher: In order to solve this problem, we must establish the concept that X square equals large X.
Now pay attention because this is important.
Before we [attend] more complex quadratic equations we have to start thinking of large X values...

Watari: We've brought the FBI to Japan four day ago.
They are fully operational as requested. They are now gathering [internal] of the police.

L: And this is the complete list?

Watari: Yes.

L: There are 141 people in the police force who have access to classified information regarding the investigation.

I'm sure somewhere in this list of the police officers and the people closest to them, we will find our suspect.

Ryuk: Light, you got a second.

Light: I've already told you, Ryuk.
You can't talk to me in public.
How many times do I have to tell you?

Ryuk: In that case I'll talk, you just listen.
If you don't want to hear me, you can plug up your ears or something.

First of all, I don't have anything against you.
I actually think the notebook couldn't be picked up by a better person.
I'm here because I have to stick around till the death note is finished or I see you die whichever comes first.
But make no mistake, Light. I'm not on your side or L's side.

Light: Yeah. Well, I knew that much already.

Ryuk: You'll never hear me say anything about whether what you're doing is right or wrong.
I'm not here to support. You aren't given my opinion and I'm just a spectator.
But as your roommate I might have a few things to say now and then.

Light: What's this about, Ryuk?
Why are you telling me all this stuff now anyway?
It's really not like you.

Ryuk: It's just not I'm an ally of yous or Kira's if you prefer, the only reason I'm going to tell you this is because personally it is starting to creep me out.

Light: Get to the point already.

Ryuk: Hahaha. You are being followed by another human.
He's watching you right now.

It's really starting to get on my nerves.
I realise that there's no way he can't see me, but because I'm always following behind you wherever you go, I feel like I'm constantly been watched.

Light: That's a problem. I'll have to get rid of him as soon as possible.



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最終更新:2008年10月01日 23:07


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