
デスノート > 第3話「取引」Dealings > Part2 辞職

Sayu: I knew I can count on you, Light.
Light: Hey, so do you think you're ready to try a few on your own now?
Sayu: Huh? Yeah. I guess so.
Oh, sounds like Dad's home.

Sachiko: Welcome home, dear.
Souichiro: Thank you.
Sayu: He's really early today.
Light: Hey, why don't you at least try the last problem by yourself?
Sayu: I will, but maybe after dinner.
Light: Yeah, all right.

Ryuk: Helping your sister with her homework, you sure are relaxed.
Light: Of course. If the police try to come after me, I'm pretty confident that I've got something that gives me advantage.
Hey, glad you can join us for dinner.
You're hungry, dad?
Souichiro: Yeah. It's been a long day.
So, Light, tell me how your study's going.
Light: Hm? Everything is Okay, I guess.
Sayu: Whatever. He's at the top of his class.
[My dear] brother is genius.
Sachiko: That's my son we're all proud of you, Light.
Light: Something is okay, Dad? You look tired.
Souichiro: Yeah. I'm not able to say much about it, but this case I'm working on now is really tough.

Ryuk: I see. Well, well. Dad is a policeman.
And that must be the reason why you're so confident?
Light: That's right. It's easy for me to hack into Dad's computer LAN the home network so I can copy the files and e-mails even without leaving trace.
This way I can keep track of their investigation.
Here we go.

Light: Well, this is not interesting. Looks like the police are already beginning to suspect a student.
Ryuk: Hyuk, hyuk. I guess that means you are in trouble.
Light: If the cause of the death was written within the 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.
If the cause of the death is not specified, the person will simply die of heart attack.
After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
That sounds right to you, Ryuk?
Ryuk: So, what's your point?
Light: In other words, if I write the heart attack as the cause of death, then I should be able to write down all the details including time of death after all, shouldn't I?
Looks like I will be able to provide you more entertainment now.

Victims: Ooooh!

Officer: Inmate one four eight, what's wrong?
Step out of it!

Souichiro: What? I don't believe this. Another 23 victims yesterday? Are these confirmed?
Man: Y-yes.
Souichiro: The day before there were another 23 victims.
He's killing one of every hour on the hour.
Man: Considering that this new pattern has been going on for two weekdays, it does punch some holes in the theory that the suspect is a student.
Man: May be not.
Anybody can skip two days a school.
L: You're missing the point.
Man: Huh?
L: It does appear less likely that Kira is a student, but it's not the message he's sending by doing this.
Ask yourself. Why every hour and why all these victims in prison were where they should be discovered immediately.
Why not other criminals like before?
I believe that Kira is telling us that not only can he kill from some distance, but he can also determine the time of death.
L: But something is not right.
As soon as we began to suspect that Kira might be a student, the pacing of the killing has changed.
Was it a contradictory theory? Coincidence? No. Too convenient.
This can only mean that Kira has access to police information.
It's obvious now. This is a direct challenge to me.

Light: I'll say L is probably starting to sweat a little by now.
We'd really make this job difficult as I was deliberately left about fifty criminal alive for the time like this.
Ryuk: Ah?
Light: If L is as good as they say, by now he should be starting to suspect someone with connections to the police.

L: So Kira has found a way to obtain information from the task force headquarters.
This is one fact that cannot be ignored.
And what does he get out all of this?
What is he hoping to achieve in the end?

Ryuk: There's one thing I don't get.
Showing them you have a connection to the police makes it easier for them to find you than when they just suspected you a student.
Light: Well, my real ending is to get close to L.
So I can eliminate him.
Ryuk: How are you gonna do that?
Light: You still don't understand human beings.
In this world very few people who actually trust each other.
Then it's no difference for the police, you know.
What's especially important is that L and the investigators don't trust each other at all.
Think about it. Could you trust them whose name and face you don't even know?
What L discovered is that I've somehow got confidential information,
he'll be obligated to start investigating the police to find the sauce of the leak.
When that happens it'll be a matter of time before the police start resenting L.
On the surface it will appear that L's investigation team is working together to try to catch me.
But in reality, L will investigate the police and they will be investigating L.
I'm not the one who is going to find L.
I can let the police do that for me.
And when they do that's when I'll eliminate him.

Souichiro: What's this about?
Man: [Without due] repect, chief, we are resigning.
We demand that you assign us to a different case.
Otherwise, you can have badges right here now.
Souichiro: Why? You are good cops.
Man: Isn't it clear?
It's because we'll die or live, sir.
Man: If what L says is true, Kira has an esp-like power that somehow allows him to kill people indirectly from anywhere.
Man: But if I were Kira, sir, I probably wanna trying to get rid of the peole who are trying to catch me.
[But faced that] he knows he will be sentenced to death [of his card].
[We all sat here and watched] when L decided to pull that media stunt and challenge Kira to kill him.
But although very impressive at the time, but again L never had to show his face or reveal his name for that matter.
I'm sure you recall L's last request?
He asked us to take a closer look at how these victims' identities were made public.
And specifically to determine whether photos of the victims were available to the public prior to their deaths.
When it turned out he was right.
Every single one of those victims' names and photos were broadcasted to Japanese public and they died.
Unlike someone we know, we are out there investigsting this case wearing police IDs with our names and photos on them.
Anybody with a computer can find out who we are.
We don't hide our faces when we are out in the open.

Man: Sir, the truth is, we could be killed by Kira at any time.
Man: For these reasons, we refuse to continue working this case.
Excuse us, chief.

Souichiro: Hey, stop. All of you. Hold it right there.

  • 訳があるとすごく助かります、ありがとうございます! -- 勉強中 (2009-05-17 23:09:17)
  • 連投申し訳ないです、Man: [Without due] repect, chief, we are resigning. の括弧の部分が"With all due respect"=失礼ですが、お言葉ですが ではと気付きコメントさせて頂きました。 -- 勉強中 (2009-05-17 23:13:32)
  • このwiki全体が半年前ぐらいに引っ越しまして、引越し先で更新されてます。 -- 名無しさん (2009-05-19 02:01:33)
  • 引越先はこちら>http://www1.atwiki.com/animetranscripts/pages/26.htmlです。完成度もかなり上がっています。 -- 名無しさん (2009-05-19 16:19:12)


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