
Light: Death note. It's unlikely but if by chance this thing's for real, I have to test one more time.
In which case, it should probably be another criminal.
But...if he's too well-known, that'll be a problem.
If he dies, there's a good possibility that news of his death would be covered up.
I need to see results right away.

Sudo: Hey, Ryo, buddy.
Ryoji:Oh, what is it, Sudo?
Sudo: Didn't you want to lend twenty dollars?
Sudo: Mmm. Again? But I can't do that.

Light: Sudo. Maybe I should try killing him?
No. I should definitely avoid killing people I know.
And again, does it leave even a matter?
I mean, would anyone really care if that guy came to disappear one day?

Sudo: Sweet! Looks I would hang around after I get out of school.

Girl A: We have a speed-dating party tomorrow. You wanna come?
Girl B: Yeah. Of course. There's no one missing that.
Boy: Demons! Why, my mother is so useless. She's never here to pick me up on time.

Light: Once you actually start looking around, it makes you wonder if you'd be doing the society a favor by getting rid of all these people.

Shibuimaru: Hey, baby!
Where are you going?
Come have a little fun with us.
Boy: That's a Taku for you ......(?) I heard you a mile away.
Shibuimaru: What's a little lady? The name is Taku Shibuimaru.
What do you say to come and go with us, little lady.
Girl: Please. I don't want any trouble.
Boy: Did you hear that? She doesn't want trouble.
Shibuimaru: Very cute!
Girl: Ah...No...
Shibuimaru: Let's go, boy, stupid....
Girl: No. Stop. Please. Help me.
Shibuimaru: Ahh.

Light: Now. Look what happens.

Boy: Takuo, look out!

Light: That settles it. The Death Note is for real.
Boy: Oh my! Takuo!
Boy: He just came out of nowhere.



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最終更新:2008年10月23日 22:23


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