
The date was August 10 in the year of 2010 of the Imperial Calendar,the Holy Britannia Empire had just declared war upon Japan.
The Far East island nation had held first to its neutrality.
And now Britannia rules as the world's only superpower.
Rights to Japan’s underground resources became a hotly disputed issue straining the already deep rooted diplomatic tensions between the two sides.
In the deciding battle for the main land Britannian forces introduced in combat the  humanoid autonomous armored knight known as the Knightmare Frame.
The enemy’s forces were far greater than anticipated and the Knightmares obliterated the Japanese line of defense in the main land with little effort.
Japan became a dominion of the Empire.
The country was stripped of its freedom, its rights, and its name.
Area eleven;  defeated and once proud nation of Japan was rechristened with a mere number.



Lelouch :I swear ... I swear, Suzaku, so help me.
              I'll one day obliterate Britannia!


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最終更新:2008年09月27日 00:15


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