バーラル @ ウィキ



Cでグラフ!」(2010/12/14 (火) 22:07:13) の最新版変更点



#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> /* 任意の関数のグラフ */ double fun(double x) { double y; y = sin(x); return y; } int main(void){ double x, y; double xfrom, xto; int xsteps; double yfrom, yto; int xidx, yidx; printf("*********\n"); printf("y=sin(x)\nx[rad]\n"); printf("*********\n"); printf("x: from to steps> "); scanf( "%lf %lf %d", &xfrom, &xto, &xsteps ); printf("y: from to > "); scanf( "%lf %lf", &yfrom, &yto ); for(xidx=0;xidx<=xsteps;xidx++){ x = xfrom + (xto-xfrom)/xsteps*xidx; y = fun(x); printf("%8.3lf: ",x); if ((y<yfrom)||(y>yto)){ printf( "\n" ); }else{ yidx = (y-yfrom)*50/(yto-yfrom)+0.5; while(yidx--){printf( " " );} printf("*\n"); } } return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> /* 任意の関数のグラフ */ double fun(double x) { double y; y = sin(x); return y; } int main(void){ double x, y; double xfrom, xto; int xsteps; double yfrom, yto; int xidx, yidx; printf("*********\n"); printf("y=sin(x)\nx[rad]\n"); printf("*********\n"); printf("x: from to steps> "); scanf( "%lf %lf %d", &xfrom, &xto, &xsteps ); printf("y: from to > "); scanf( "%lf %lf", &yfrom, &yto ); for(xidx=0;xidx<=xsteps;xidx++){ x = xfrom + (xto-xfrom)/xsteps*xidx; y = fun(x); printf("%8.3lf: ",x); if ((y<yfrom)||(y>yto)){ printf( "\n" ); }else{ yidx = (y-yfrom)*50/(yto-yfrom)+0.5; while(yidx--){printf( " " );} printf("*\n"); } } return 0; } ----

