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#009 Brought to Bay / James M'Govan (1878)
追いつめられて / ジェームズ・マガヴァン

  1. A friendly lift
  2. Left her home
  3. M'Sweeny among body-snatchers
  4. Mistaken identity
  5. A poacher's grudge
  6. Trapped at last
  7. Spirit Nelly's mission
  8. Playing on a piano case
  9. Sparrow's fight to be honest
  10. Poor Peep, the cracksman's dog
  11. A man-coquette
  12. Billy and me
  13. M'Sweeny and his ghost
  14. Traced by a book
  15. A woman's revenge
  16. Wee Punch, the dog-detective
  17. The ghost of the ring
  18. The story of a bullet
  19. Card-sharpers sharped
  20. A mother's love
  21. The magic portmanteaus
  22. Ragamuffin Joe
  23. Tracking a child-stealer
  24. M'Sweeny among smugglers
  25. A drunkard's last bout
  26. Bessie, the orange girl
  27. Garrotted to order
  28. The romance of a watch
  29. M'Sweeny and two tigresses
  30. A drunken thief

James M'Govan は Waters のものと同じく刑事の回想録。したがってM'Govanは主役の刑事の名前であり、作者のペンネームでもある。本名 William Crawford Honeyman. しかしまぁ M'Govan もの以外に特に記録が見当たらない。ここ に多少解説がある。


"Brought to Bay; or Experience of a City Detective" (1878)
"Strange Clues; or Chronicles of a City Detective" (1881)
"Hunted Down; or Recollections of a City Detective" (1882)
"One of the Force; or Trials of a City Detective"(1883)
"Traced and Tracked; or Memoirs of a City Detective" (1884)
"Solved Mysteries; or Revelations of a City Detective" (1888)
"Criminals Caught; or Records of a City Detective" (1921)
"The Invisible Pickpocket; or Records of a City Detective" (1922)

出版年が 1878-88年の10年間と 1921-22年の2期に分かれているが、作者が1919年に亡くなったらしく、それを契機にもう一度盛り上がったのだろう。1920年代には19世紀の本も別の出版社から再販されている。なお Criminals Caught の内容は、それ以前に刊行されたものの採録がほとんどであり、作者の死後に編纂された傑作集と思われる。一方 The Invisible Pickpocket には収録作の重複はない。Criminals Caught が好評だったので、単行本未収録の短編を集めてもう一度作ったのだろう。One of the Force は内容未確認だが、これだけ出版元がNewYorkなので英国版を元に独自に編纂したものと思われる。と、いうわけで、実質6冊、という見方もできますね。

ここでは "Hunted Down" に収録されている The veiled portrait が読めます。これ以外ではオンラインで読めるものは見つかりませんでした。

それにしてもM'Govanという名前の表記はあまり見かけた記憶がない。"マガヴァン"は光文社文庫版『クイーンの定員』での表記だが、EQの連載では"マクゴヴァン"としている。ためしに McGovan で検索すると... でてきた。

なんとUKで2003年に復刻されている。これはちょっと読みたい気もするが...正直原書に挑戦してまで読みたいかと言われれば微妙。とりあえず紹介のみ。直接確認したわけではないが、Strange Clues, Traced and Tracked, The Invisible Pickpocket からの再録らしい。


せっかくなので、収録作一覧を。(Brought to Bay は上述の通り。)

  • Hunted Down
  1. Hunted down
  2. A thief trapping a thief
  3. Hunting down a lobby stripper
  4. The veiled portrait
  5. M'Sweeny and the lost poodle
  6. The power of kindness
  7. Repaying a child stripper
  8. A friend in need
  9. A romance of the North Bridge
  10. The Ruffian at bay
  11. The curse of sin
  12. A fight against forgery
  13. M'Sweeny at a wake
  14. A false will
  15. The song of the shirt
  16. Diamond cut diamond
  17. A spot of blood
  18. The Horse Wynd fire
  19. A poor girl's trials
  20. A railway leap
  21. A street waif's honesty
  22. A child's power
  23. Buried alive
  24. Run to earth
  25. A sacred trust
  26. Loaded with a legacy
  27. Blind Martha, the message girl
  • Strange Clues
  1. Copital!
  2. A harvest mystery
  3. The square-toed bluchers
  4. Little Liz's locket
  5. A cracksman's ruse
  6. A waif of the gutter
  7. A silver-plated button
  8. Bonnie Bell, the machinist
  9. Spirit rappers
  10. Unclaimed money
  11. Larks!
  12. The blood-stone ring
  13. The wife-killer
  14. Self executioners
  15. Aileen O'Reilly's task
  16. Needle Nip's strange record
  17. A spider's web
  18. An unburied burglar
  19. Caught in a grey coat
  20. The cam'-staned door step
  21. The missing tools
  22. An old score
  23. An expensive prescription
  24. Dead beat, an incident of the bank failure
  25. A splutter of ink
  26. A woman's love
  27. Born to crime
  28. A house with crimson blinds
  29. The diamond-ringed apprentice
  30. The umbrella mender's quest
  • Traced and Tracked
  1. A pedestrian's plot
  2. Billy's bite
  3. The murdered tailor's watch
  4. The street porter's son
  5. A bit of tobacco pipe
  6. The broken cairngorm
  7. The romance of a real Cremona
  8. The spider and the spider-killer
  9. The spoilt photograph
  10. The stolen dowry
  11. M'Sweeny and the magic jewels
  12. Benjie Blunt's clever alibi
  13. Jim Hutson's knife
  14. The herring scales
  15. One less to eat
  16. The captain's chronometer
  17. The torn tartan shawl
  18. A lift on the road
  19. The organ-grinder's money-bag
  20. The Berwick burr
  21. The wrong umbrella
  22. A white savage
  23. The broken missionary
  24. A murderer's mistake
  25. A house-breaker's wife
  26. M'Sweeny and the chimney-sweep
  27. The family Bible
  28. Conscience money
  29. A wolf in sheep's clothing
  • Solved Mysteries
  1. Jemmy Twitcher's patent suicide
  2. Meg and Jess
  3. A lithographer's temptation
  4. The burglar's ghost
  5. The marked cash-bag
  6. M'Sweeny and the sheep stealers
  7. The eight o'clock bell
  8. A midnight assassin
  9. The tea-pot knob
  10. The machinist's engagement ring
  11. M'Sweeny as a burglar
  12. Billy's father
  13. The shuttered shop
  14. The simple Highlandman
  15. M'Sweeny and the shebeener
  16. The borrowed funeral hat
  17. The invisible sheep-worrier
  18. The lime-stained umbrella
  19. The drover's bank-notes
  20. Poisoned sugar
  21. M'Sweeny and the lost lever
  22. The lost receipt
  23. A small bread-stealer
  24. The anchor ear-rings
  25. The missing bookfolder
  26. A dog-stealer's prize
  27. The turner's hide
  28. M'Sweeny and his valentine
  29. A box of treasure
  30. The policeman's boots
  31. The stopped watch
  • Criminals Caught
  1. The simple Highlandman
  2. The marked cash bag
  3. A wolf in sheep's clothing
  4. The eight o'clock bell
  5. The Berwick burr
  6. Poisoned sugar
  7. One less to eat
  8. An old score
  9. The stolen dowry
  10. Spirit Nelly's mission
  11. A man coquette
  12. The umbrella mender's quest
  13. Bonnie Bell, the machinist
  14. A drunkard's last bout
  15. Bessie, the orange girl
  16. The romance of a watch
  17. A drunken thief
  18. A poor girl's trials
  19. Traced by a book
  20. Blind Martha, the message girl
  21. The curse of sin
  22. Repaying a child stripper
  23. A harvest mystery
  24. Billy's father
  • The Invisible Pickpocket
  1. M'Sweeny and the dodging debtor
  2. Jimsie, the horse detective
  3. The invisible pickpocket
  4. M'Sweeny and the footpad
  5. The mysterious G
  6. Running down a bicycle thief
  7. Shot in the dark
  8. Devilclaws
  9. The mysterious human leg
  10. M'Sweeny and the prize-fighter
  11. A pedler's revenge
  12. M'Sweeny and the jealous husband
  13. A feeble old lady
  14. Checkmating a monster
  15. Poisoning a witness
  16. The chronicle of a chair
  17. A trail of blood
  18. The amateur burglars
  19. Lost in a madhouse
  20. A servant's heavy trunk


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