
QQ009」(2007/09/30 (日) 02:00:20) の最新版変更点



*#009 Brought to Bay / James M'Govan (1878)&br()追いつめられて / ジェームズ・マガヴァン +A friendly lift +Left her home +M'Sweeny among body-snatchers +Mistaken identity +A poacher's grudge +Trapped at last +Spirit Nelly's mission +Playing on a piano case +Sparrow's fight to be honest +Poor Peep, the cracksman's dog +A man-coquette +Billy and me +M'Sweeny and his ghost +Traced by a book +A woman's revenge +Wee Punch, the dog-detective +The ghost of the ring +The story of a bullet +Card-sharpers sharped +A mother's love +The magic portmanteaus +Ragamuffin Joe +Tracking a child-stealer +M'Sweeny among smugglers +A drunkard's last bout +Bessie, the orange girl +Garrotted to order +The romance of a watch +M'Sweeny and two tigresses +A drunken thief James M'Govan は Waters のものと同じく刑事の回想録。したがってM'Govanは主役の刑事の名前であり、作者のペンネームでもある。本名 William Crawford Honeyman. しかしまぁ M'Govan もの以外に特に記録が見当たらない。[[ここ>http://www.geocities.com/jessnevins/vicm.html]] に多少解説がある。 日本語訳はもちろんなし。 どうも当時はかなりの人気があったらしく、EQの「クイーンの定員」の註には全部で6冊の単行本が出たとの記述がある。でも調査した範囲ではもう少し多い。 "Brought to Bay; or Experience of a City Detective" (1878) "Strange Clues; or Chronicles of a City Detective" (1881) "Hunted Down; or Recollections of a City Detective" (1882) "One of the Force; or Trials of a City Detective"(1883) "Traced and Tracked; or Memoirs of a City Detective" (1884) "Solved Mysteries; or Revelations of a City Detective" (1888) "Criminals Caught; or Records of a City Detective" (1921) "The Invisible Pickpocket; or Records of a City Detective" (1922) (年度は結構いい加減かも。) 出版年が 1878-88年の10年間と 1921-22年の2期に分かれているが、作者が1919年に亡くなったらしく、それを契機にもう一度盛り上がったのだろう。1920年代には19世紀の本も別の出版社から再販されている。なお Criminals Caught の内容は、それ以前に刊行されたものの採録がほとんどであり、作者の死後に編纂された傑作集と思われる。一方 The Invisible Pickpocket には収録作の重複はない。Criminals Caught が好評だったので、単行本未収録の短編を集めてもう一度作ったのだろう。One of the Force は内容未確認だが、これだけ出版元がNewYorkなので英国版を元に独自に編纂したものと思われる。と、いうわけで、実質6冊、という見方もできますね。 [[ここ>http://www.bibliomania.com/0/5/243/856/18618/1/frameset.html]]では "Hunted Down" に収録されている The veiled portrait が読めます。これ以外ではオンラインで読めるものは見つかりませんでした。 それにしてもM'Govanという名前の表記はあまり見かけた記憶がない。"マガヴァン"は光文社文庫版『クイーンの定員』での表記だが、EQの連載では"マクゴヴァン"としている。ためしに McGovan で検索すると... でてきた。 なんとUKで2003年に[[復刻>http://www.amazon.com/Mcgovan-Casebook-Experiences-Detective-Victorian/dp/184183050X]]されている。これはちょっと読みたい気もするが...正直原書に挑戦してまで読みたいかと言われれば微妙。とりあえず紹介のみ。直接確認したわけではないが、Strange Clues, Traced and Tracked, The Invisible Pickpocket からの再録らしい。 んー、ところでなんで「追いつめられて」という邦題が付いたのでしょうか?まさか邦訳されたことがある? せっかくなので、収録作一覧を。(Brought to Bay は上述の通り。) ・Hunted Down +Hunted down +A thief trapping a thief +Hunting down a lobby stripper +The veiled portrait +M'Sweeny and the lost poodle +The power of kindness +Repaying a child stripper +A friend in need +A romance of the North Bridge +The Ruffian at bay +The curse of sin +A fight against forgery +M'Sweeny at a wake +A false will +The song of the shirt +Diamond cut diamond +A spot of blood +The Horse Wynd fire +A poor girl's trials +A railway leap +A street waif's honesty +A child's power +Buried alive +Run to earth +A sacred trust +Loaded with a legacy +Blind Martha, the message girl ・Strange Clues +Copital! +A harvest mystery +The square-toed bluchers +Little Liz's locket +A cracksman's ruse +A waif of the gutter +A silver-plated button +Bonnie Bell, the machinist +Spirit rappers +Unclaimed money +Larks! +The blood-stone ring +The wife-killer +Self executioners +Aileen O'Reilly's task +Needle Nip's strange record +A spider's web +An unburied burglar +Caught in a grey coat +The cam'-staned door step +The missing tools +An old score +An expensive prescription +Dead beat, an incident of the bank failure +A splutter of ink +A woman's love +Born to crime +A house with crimson blinds +The diamond-ringed apprentice +The umbrella mender's quest ・Traced and Tracked +A pedestrian's plot +Billy's bite +The murdered tailor's watch +The street porter's son +A bit of tobacco pipe +The broken cairngorm +The romance of a real Cremona +The spider and the spider-killer +The spoilt photograph +The stolen dowry +M'Sweeny and the magic jewels +Benjie Blunt's clever alibi +Jim Hutson's knife +The herring scales +One less to eat +The captain's chronometer +The torn tartan shawl +A lift on the road +The organ-grinder's money-bag +The Berwick burr +The wrong umbrella +A white savage +The broken missionary +A murderer's mistake +A house-breaker's wife +M'Sweeny and the chimney-sweep +The family Bible +Conscience money +A wolf in sheep's clothing ・Solved Mysteries +Jemmy Twitcher's patent suicide +Meg and Jess +A lithographer's temptation +The burglar's ghost +The marked cash-bag +M'Sweeny and the sheep stealers +The eight o'clock bell +A midnight assassin +The tea-pot knob +The machinist's engagement ring +M'Sweeny as a burglar +Billy's father +The shuttered shop +The simple Highlandman +M'Sweeny and the shebeener +The borrowed funeral hat +The invisible sheep-worrier +The lime-stained umbrella +The drover's bank-notes +Poisoned sugar +M'Sweeny and the lost lever +The lost receipt +A small bread-stealer +The anchor ear-rings +The missing bookfolder +A dog-stealer's prize +The turner's hide +M'Sweeny and his valentine +A box of treasure +The policeman's boots +The stopped watch ・Criminals Caught +The simple Highlandman +The marked cash bag +A wolf in sheep's clothing +The eight o'clock bell +The Berwick burr +Poisoned sugar +One less to eat +An old score +The stolen dowry +Spirit Nelly's mission +A man coquette +The umbrella mender's quest +Bonnie Bell, the machinist +A drunkard's last bout +Bessie, the orange girl +The romance of a watch +A drunken thief +A poor girl's trials +Traced by a book +Blind Martha, the message girl +The curse of sin +Repaying a child stripper +A harvest mystery +Billy's father ・The Invisible Pickpocket +M'Sweeny and the dodging debtor +Jimsie, the horse detective +The invisible pickpocket +M'Sweeny and the footpad +The mysterious G +Running down a bicycle thief +Shot in the dark +Devilclaws +The mysterious human leg +M'Sweeny and the prize-fighter +A pedler's revenge +M'Sweeny and the jealous husband +A feeble old lady +Checkmating a monster +Poisoning a witness +The chronicle of a chair +A trail of blood +The amateur burglars +Lost in a madhouse +A servant's heavy trunk [[QQ008]] ← [[QQリスト]] → [[QQ010]] #comment
*#009 Brought to Bay / James M'Govan (1878)&br()追いつめられて / ジェームズ・マガヴァン +A friendly lift +Left her home +M'Sweeny among body-snatchers +Mistaken identity +A poacher's grudge +Trapped at last +Spirit Nelly's mission +Playing on a piano case +Sparrow's fight to be honest +Poor Peep, the cracksman's dog +A man-coquette +Billy and me +M'Sweeny and his ghost +Traced by a book +A woman's revenge +Wee Punch, the dog-detective +The ghost of the ring +The story of a bullet +Card-sharpers sharped +A mother's love +The magic portmanteaus +Ragamuffin Joe +Tracking a child-stealer +M'Sweeny among smugglers +A drunkard's last bout +Bessie, the orange girl +Garrotted to order +The romance of a watch +M'Sweeny and two tigresses +A drunken thief James M'Govan は Waters のものと同じく刑事の回想録。したがってM'Govanは主役の刑事の名前であり、作者のペンネームでもある。本名 William Crawford Honeyman. しかしまぁ M'Govan もの以外に特に記録が見当たらない。[[ここ>http://www.geocities.com/jessnevins/vicm.html]] に多少解説がある。 日本語訳はもちろんなし。 どうも当時はかなりの人気があったらしく、EQの「クイーンの定員」の註には全部で6冊の単行本が出たとの記述がある。でも調査した範囲ではもう少し多い。 "Brought to Bay; or Experience of a City Detective" (1878) "Strange Clues; or Chronicles of a City Detective" (1881) "Hunted Down; or Recollections of a City Detective" (1882) "One of the Force; or Trials of a City Detective"(1883) "Traced and Tracked; or Memoirs of a City Detective" (1884) "Solved Mysteries; or Revelations of a City Detective" (1888) "Criminals Caught; or Records of a City Detective" (1921) "The Invisible Pickpocket; or Records of a City Detective" (1922) (年度は結構いい加減かも。) 出版年が 1878-88年の10年間と 1921-22年の2期に分かれているが、作者が1919年に亡くなったらしく、それを契機にもう一度盛り上がったのだろう。1920年代には19世紀の本も別の出版社から再販されている。なお Criminals Caught の内容は、それ以前に刊行されたものの採録がほとんどであり、作者の死後に編纂された傑作集と思われる。一方 The Invisible Pickpocket には収録作の重複はない。Criminals Caught が好評だったので、単行本未収録の短編を集めてもう一度作ったのだろう。One of the Force は内容未確認だが、これだけ出版元がNewYorkなので英国版を元に独自に編纂したものと思われる。と、いうわけで、実質6冊、という見方もできますね。 [[ここ>http://www.bibliomania.com/0/5/243/856/18618/1/frameset.html]]では "Hunted Down" に収録されている The veiled portrait が読めます。これ以外ではオンラインで読めるものは見つかりませんでした。 それにしてもM'Govanという名前の表記はあまり見かけた記憶がない。"マガヴァン"は光文社文庫版『クイーンの定員』での表記だが、EQの連載では"マクゴヴァン"としている。ためしに McGovan で検索すると... でてきた。 なんとUKで2003年に[[復刻>http://www.amazon.com/Mcgovan-Casebook-Experiences-Detective-Victorian/dp/184183050X]]されている。これはちょっと読みたい気もするが...正直原書に挑戦してまで読みたいかと言われれば微妙。とりあえず紹介のみ。直接確認したわけではないが、Strange Clues, Traced and Tracked, The Invisible Pickpocket からの再録らしい。 んー、ところでなんで「追いつめられて」という邦題が付いたのでしょうか?まさか邦訳されたことがある? せっかくなので、収録作一覧を。(Brought to Bay は上述の通り。) ・Hunted Down +Hunted down +A thief trapping a thief +Hunting down a lobby stripper +The veiled portrait +M'Sweeny and the lost poodle +The power of kindness +Repaying a child stripper +A friend in need +A romance of the North Bridge +The Ruffian at bay +The curse of sin +A fight against forgery +M'Sweeny at a wake +A false will +The song of the shirt +Diamond cut diamond +A spot of blood +The Horse Wynd fire +A poor girl's trials +A railway leap +A street waif's honesty +A child's power +Buried alive +Run to earth +A sacred trust +Loaded with a legacy +Blind Martha, the message girl ・Strange Clues +Copital! +A harvest mystery +The square-toed bluchers +Little Liz's locket +A cracksman's ruse +A waif of the gutter +A silver-plated button +Bonnie Bell, the machinist +Spirit rappers +Unclaimed money +Larks! +The blood-stone ring +The wife-killer +Self executioners +Aileen O'Reilly's task +Needle Nip's strange record +A spider's web +An unburied burglar +Caught in a grey coat +The cam'-staned door step +The missing tools +An old score +An expensive prescription +Dead beat, an incident of the bank failure +A splutter of ink +A woman's love +Born to crime +A house with crimson blinds +The diamond-ringed apprentice +The umbrella mender's quest ・Traced and Tracked +A pedestrian's plot +Billy's bite +The murdered tailor's watch +The street porter's son +A bit of tobacco pipe +The broken cairngorm +The romance of a real Cremona +The spider and the spider-killer +The spoilt photograph +The stolen dowry +M'Sweeny and the magic jewels +Benjie Blunt's clever alibi +Jim Hutson's knife +The herring scales +One less to eat +The captain's chronometer +The torn tartan shawl +A lift on the road +The organ-grinder's money-bag +The Berwick burr +The wrong umbrella +A white savage +The broken missionary +A murderer's mistake +A house-breaker's wife +M'Sweeny and the chimney-sweep +The family Bible +Conscience money +A wolf in sheep's clothing ・Solved Mysteries +Jemmy Twitcher's patent suicide +Meg and Jess +A lithographer's temptation +The burglar's ghost +The marked cash-bag +M'Sweeny and the sheep stealers +The eight o'clock bell +A midnight assassin +The tea-pot knob +The machinist's engagement ring +M'Sweeny as a burglar +Billy's father +The shuttered shop +The simple Highlandman +M'Sweeny and the shebeener +The borrowed funeral hat +The invisible sheep-worrier +The lime-stained umbrella +The drover's bank-notes +Poisoned sugar +M'Sweeny and the lost lever +The lost receipt +A small bread-stealer +The anchor ear-rings +The missing bookfolder +A dog-stealer's prize +The turner's hide +M'Sweeny and his valentine +A box of treasure +The policeman's boots +The stopped watch ・Criminals Caught +The simple Highlandman +The marked cash bag +A wolf in sheep's clothing +The eight o'clock bell +The Berwick burr +Poisoned sugar +One less to eat +An old score +The stolen dowry +Spirit Nelly's mission +A man coquette +The umbrella mender's quest +Bonnie Bell, the machinist +A drunkard's last bout +Bessie, the orange girl +The romance of a watch +A drunken thief +A poor girl's trials +Traced by a book +Blind Martha, the message girl +The curse of sin +Repaying a child stripper +A harvest mystery +Billy's father ・The Invisible Pickpocket +M'Sweeny and the dodging debtor +Jimsie, the horse detective +The invisible pickpocket +M'Sweeny and the footpad +The mysterious G +Running down a bicycle thief +Shot in the dark +Devilclaws +The mysterious human leg +M'Sweeny and the prize-fighter +A pedler's revenge +M'Sweeny and the jealous husband +A feeble old lady +Checkmating a monster +Poisoning a witness +The chronicle of a chair +A trail of blood +The amateur burglars +Lost in a madhouse +A servant's heavy trunk [[QQ008]] ← [[QQリスト]] → [[QQ010]] #mailform

