涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 I boy meets girl〜SOS団結成 atwikiの英語スクリプトにニコニコ動画の日本語訳と 台詞の開始時点の分:秒、単語の意味などを追加したものです。 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 ISBN4-04-429201-9 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4044292019/ p.5-p.66 ニコニコ動画 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm568908 日本アニメの英語版で勉強! まとめwiki - 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 I http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/20.html サンタクロースっていつまで信じてた? http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/25.html 国語辞典 英和辞典 和英辞典 - goo 辞書 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ 発音の音声ファイルつきWeb辞書です。 0:03 (Kyon): OK. Asking somebody how long they believed in Santa Claus is so stupid. サンタクロースを何時まで信じていたかなんてことは You can't even consider the topic suitable for idle conversation. 他愛の無い世間話にもならないくらいの どうでもいい話だが even (動) 平らにする; 同じにする, 均一化する (副) …でさえ; さらに; それどころか (形) 平らな; 同じ高さの; 同じの, 均一の; 規則正しい; 偶数の consider:(動) よく考える, 熟慮する; 思考する, 〜とみなす; 考慮する suitable:(形) 適当な idle (形) 怠けた; むだな; 空いている; 根拠のない; 価値のない; 重要でない (動) 怠ける; 無駄に過ごす; 空回りする(エンジンや機械が) conversation:(名) 会話; 非公式会談; 雑談, 懇談 0:11 Kyon: But if you still wanna know それでも俺が how long いつまで I believed in some old fat guy who wears a funky red suit, ファンキーな赤服を着た肥満爺さんを信じていたかというと still (副) まだ; それでもなお; しかし; いまだに (動) 静かにさせる (名) 静けさ; スチール写真; 蒸留器; 蒸留酒製造所 (形) 静止した; 静かな; 風のない I can tell you this. 確信を持って言えるが 0:17 (Kyon): I've never believed in him, ever. 最初から信じてなどいなかった never:(副) 決して; いまだに; 全く ever:(副) いつか; かつて; どんなときも; 今だかつて 0:20 (Kyon): The Santa that showed up in my kindergarten Christmas festival, 幼稚園のクリスマス祭に現れたサンタは I knew he was fake. 偽物だと理解してたし 0:23 (Kyon): And I never saw Mommy kissing Santa or anything, お袋がサンタにキスするのを目撃した訳でもないが but I have to say that even as a little kid, I knew better than to believe in some old man that would only work one day a year. 年に一日しか働かないジジイの存在を子供心に疑っていた 0:34 (Kyon): Now having said that, はてさて it wasn't until I got older that I realized aliens, 相当後になってから宇宙人や realize:(動) 悟る; 実現する; 現実化する time-travelers, 未来人や ghosts, 幽霊や monsters, 妖怪や espers, 超能力者や evil syndicates 悪の組織 syndicate (名) シンジケート, 共同で販売する企業のグループ; 新聞雑誌連盟; 組織暴力団 (動) シンジケート組織にする; シンジケート組織になる; 配給する; 写真などを多数の新聞社や雑誌社に同時に売ること and the anime/manga/fantasy freak heroes that fight the said evil syndicates, と戦うアニメ・特撮・漫画的ヒーローも freak (形) 珍しい; 異常な (名) 気まぐれ; 異常; 奇形; 変人(俗語); ヒッピー; 薬物常用者; ホモ(俗語) (動) 脅える; 興奮する; 麻薬を常用する; まだらにする 00:46 Kyon: were also fake. 虚像なのだと気付いた also:(副) …もまた; その上 0:48 Kyon: OK. いや I guess I always knew those things were bogus. 本当は気付いていたのだろう bogus:(形) 偽の, 偽造の, いんちきの I just didn't wanna admit it. ただ気付きたくなかったのだ admit:(動) 認める; 入れる; 入場を認める All I've wanted was for alien, 俺は心の底から宇宙人や time-traveler, 未来人や ghost, 幽霊や monster, 妖怪や esper, 超能力者や evil syndicate 悪の組織や or the hero that fought them to just appear and say, "Hey". ヒーローの声掛けを望んでいたのだ fight->fought:(動) 戦う; 殴り合いをする; 闘う; けんかする Unfortunately reality is a hard road, indeed. しかし現実ってのは意外と厳しい unfortunately:(副) 不運にも indeed (間) まさか; 本当(驚きや皮肉や不信感などの表現につかう) (副) 実に; なるほど; 本当に 1:03 Kyon: Yep, you've got to admit it. The laws of physics definitely put a damper on things. 世界の物理法則がよく出来ている事に感心しつつ definitely:(副) 明確に; きっと; 確かに damper:(名) 節気弁; 弱音器; 制振器 I even stopped watching TV shows about aliens and ghosts and stuffs. 俺はUFO特番や心霊特集を観なくなっていた 1:11 Kyon: Aliens, 宇宙人 time-travelers, 未来人 espers, 超能力者 'course they don't exist. ・・・そんなのいる訳ねぇ! But a little part of me wishes that they did. でもちょっといて欲しい みたいな I guess I've grown up and realized that I can think about those things and still accept reality. 現実を受け入れた思考をする程度は俺も成長したのさ 1:24 Kyon: But by the time I got out of junior high, 中学を卒業する頃には 1:26 Kyon: I pretty much overgrew that kind of stuff. 俺はもう夢を見るのを卒業して And I guess I got used to the idea of living in an ordinary world. この世の普通さにも慣れていた 1:31 Kyon: And just like that, 俺は大した感慨もなく I was in high school. 高校生になり And that's when I met her. そいつと出会った 1:39 Haruhi: I'm Haruhi Suzumiya, from East junior high. 東中出身 涼宮ハルヒ 1:42 Haruhi: First off, I'm not interested in ordinary people. ただの人間には興味ありません But if any of you were aliens, この中に宇宙人 time-travelers or espers, 未来人、異世界人、超能力者がいたら please come see me. あたしのところに来なさい 1:50 Haruhi: That is all. 以上! 1:55 (Kyon): Is that supposed to be funny? これ 笑うとこ? supposed to:should probably, must, needs to supposed:(形) 想像上の; 仮定した suppose:(動) 思う; 仮定する; 信じる; 推察する; 考察する 1:59 Kyon: There stood before me this amazingly beautiful girl. えらい美人がそこにいた stand->stood amazingly:(副) 驚くほど 2:12 Teacher(Okabe?): ok. next. Taniguchi: My name is Taniguchi, I'm from east junior high. I'd like to write a fun ? radio shows. 2:13 Kyon: I bet everyone thought she was kidding. 誰もが冗談だと思っただろう But だが it wasn't a joke. それはギャグでも And it wasn't anything to laugh about. 笑い所でもなかった Haruhi is always dead serious. ハルヒはいつも 大マジなのだ dead (副) 全く, 完全に; 突然; 正確に; (俗語)非常に, とても(例えば 『バハマでの休日はとてもすばらしかった』) (名) 死者; 死; 死のような静けさ (形) 死んだ; 枯れた; 作動しない; 生命のない; 完全接地している; 動かない; 組まれた And that's how we first met. こうして俺達は出会っちまった Looking back, しみじみと思う looked back:後ろをふり返る, 振り返る; 思い出す; しりごみする I wanna believe that it was just a coincidence. 偶然だと信じたいと coincidence:(名) 同時発生; 一致; chance occurrence, unforeseen event; occurrence of two or more events at the same time; condition of occupying the same place at the same time -------------------------------------------------------------- 2:30-4:00 OP -------------------------------------------------------------- アンタ宇宙人なの? http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/26.html 4:01 (Kyon): As long as Haruhi Suzumiya is sitting quietly, 涼宮ハルヒは黙ってじっと座っている限りでは as long as:…である間は; …である限りは she is just like any other extremely beautiful high school girl. いち美少女高校生にしか見えなかった extremely:(副) 極端に; 過激に 4:08 (Kyon): And my seat just happens to be in front of her. たまたま席がまん前だったので happened to:起こった, 偶然に発生した I mean, can you blame me for wanting to exploit the seating arrangement blame (動) 咎める; 負わせる (名) 責任; 非難 exploit (名) 英雄的行為; 偉業 (動) 利用する, 私利のために使う; 操作する; 最大限に使う(”個人の技術や才能を最大限に使う”として); 宣伝する seating:(名) 着席; 座席 arrangement:(名) 配列; 整理; 準備; 取り決め so I could, um, get to know her better? お近づきになっとくのもいいかな、と一瞬血迷った俺を誰が責められよう?S 4:17 Hey, なあ that stuff you were saying when you were introducing yourself, 自己紹介で言った事 were you serious about all that? 全部本気だったのか? 4:23 Haruhi: What about the stuff I was saying? アタシが言った事って? 4:25 Kyon: Well, you know, about aliens and stuff. いや、だから宇宙人がどうとか 4:27 Haruhi: Why? Are you an alien or something? あんた、宇宙人なの? 4:29 Kyon: Oh no, but I just... ・・・・・・違うけどさ 4:30 Haruhi: Oh no but you just what? 違うけど何なの? 4:32 Kyon: Well, I ... just forget it. いや何でもない 4:34 Haruhi: Then why are we even talking right now? だったら話しかけないで You're wasting my time. 時間の無駄だから 4:43 (Kyon): Later on, あとで聞くに I found that quite a few of my new classmates were from the same junior high as Haruhi. クラスメートの何人かは中学が同じだったそうな 4:49 Taniguchi: Look if you've got the hots for her, もしアイツに気があるんだったら take my advice. 悪い事は言わん Forget it. やめとけ After being in the same classes as her for three years, 中学で涼宮と三年間同じクラスだったから I know her pretty well. よく知っているんだがなあ pretty well:かなりよく; ほとんど pretty (形) きれいな; 快い; すばらしい; 美しい (副) かなり; とても (動) きれいにする Let's just say she is what she might call beyond eccentric. アイツの奇人ぶりは常軌を逸してる beyond (前) 向こうに; …よりも過ぎて; 範囲を超えて (副) 向こうに; ほかに (名) 来世; あの世 eccentric (名) 奇妙な, 風変わりな (名) 奇人, 変人 (形) 一風変わった, 奇妙な 5:01 Kunikida: Like her introduction? あの自己紹介? 5:02 Taniguchi: Yep, in junior high I can't remember a day when she wasn't doing something completely wacky. 中学時代にも訳の分からん事を散々やり倒していたからなあ wacky:(形) 風変わりな; 気違いじみた(俗語) Never hear the quad scribble incident? "校庭落書き事件"を聞いた事は? 5:09 Kyon: No, what's that? 5:11(p.17) Taniguchi: You know that thing that draws lines on the athletic fields? 石灰で白線引く道具があるだろ? athletic:(形) 運動選手の; 競技の; 運動能力のある Ah, what do you call that thing again? アレ何つーんだっけ・・・まあいいや Whatever. Well, she used that thing to draw this big mysterious symbol on the school quad. それで校庭にでかでかと結滞な絵文字を描きやがった事がある She snuck into the school ground at night and drew it. しかも夜中の学校に忍び込んで 5:22(p.18) Kunikida: Yeah, I remember reading about that. 聞いた事あるな I think it was on a local section of the daily newspaper. 地元新聞の日刊に載ってたと思う It sort of looked like a botchy version of a Nazca drawing, didn't it? 出来損ないのナスカの地上絵みたいなヤツ botchy:(形) つぎはぎした; へたな; ぶざまな 5:31 Kyon: So you're telling me she did this all by herself? その犯人がアイツだったって訳か 5:33 Taniguchi: No doubt. As she totally admitted doing it. 本人がそう言ったんだから間違いない Oh yeah, and then one morning I get to the class early, 朝 教室に行ったら all the desks were shoved out into the hall. 机が全部廊下に出されてた事もあったな Then there was a time she painted a star on the roof. 校舎の屋上に星マークをペンキで描いたり And this other time when she plastered talismans all over the campus. 学校中に変なお札をベタベタ張りまくられた事もあった 5:45 (Kyon): What the hell is she doing? 何やってんだアイツ? 5:47 Taniguchi: You know, like the ones used to re-animate corpses. キョンシーが顔に貼っ付けてるようなヤツな I have no idea why. 意味分かんねーよ But all the same, man, she is pretty popular with the guys. でもなあ・・・アイツ モテるんだよなあ popular:(形) 人気のある; 大衆向けの; 民衆の She's not too hard to look at, you know. 何せツラがいいしさ And she is freaking good at sports. かまけにスポーツ万能で And on top of that, she gets good grades. 成績も優秀なんだ good grade:good mark on an examination She is a super weirdo. ちょとばかし変人でも weirdo:(名) 奇人, 変人; 危なっかしい人(攻撃的な俗語) But if she's standing there quietly, 黙って立ってから you'll never know. んな事分かんねーし 6:05 Kunikida: Something tells me you have more to say about her? それにも何かエピソードがあるの? 6:07 Taniguchi: For a while, 一時期は she was going out with one joker after another. とっかえひっかえってヤツだったなあ I think the longest any one guy lasted was about a week. 俺の知る限り一番長く続いて一週間 And the guy that had the shortest relationship with her, 最短では he asked her out, she said OK and ended five minutes later. 告白されてOKした5分後に破局してたなんてのもあったらしい 6:19 Haruhi: I don't have any time to deal with ordinary humans. 普通の人間の相手をしてる暇は無いの! deal with:扱う; 論じる; …と取り引きする 6:21 Taniguchi: Why the hell did you say OK? じゃあOKすんなっつーの Um? I mean that's what I heard, 聞いた話だって! really. マジで! I don't know why but she never turns a guy down when he steps out to ask her out. 何でか知らないが コクられて断るって事をしないんだよ アイツは And so, だからな before you get any bright ideas, buddy, お前が変な気を起こす前に take my advice. 言っておいてやる Forget it. やめとけ 6:37 Kyon: Forget it? What's to forget when I haven't even thought about it? やめとくも何も そんな気は無いんだが・・・ 奇矯な振る舞い1,2,3 http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/27.html 6:43 Taniguchi: If you were me, 俺だったら そうだなあ there's only one girl in this class to go after. このクラスでのイチオシは And that's her. アイツだな 6:48 Taniguchi: Ryoko Asakura. 朝倉涼子 And I'm telling you she is in the top 3 一年の女の中でもベスト3には確実に入るね on the freshman hottie list. hottie physically attractive person (Slang); hot water bottle (British Slang) ***6:54 Kyon: So, what are you telling us? You've already checked out all the freshman girls? 一年の女子全員をチェックでもしたのか? 6:57 Taniguchi: Yeah, おうよ! I ranked them all from A to D AからDまでランク付けして and I even went so far as to memorize the full names of all the A-list girls, buddy. その内Aランクの女はフルネームで覚えたぜ 7:04 Kunikida: Really? So what ranking did Asakura get? 朝倉さんがそのAな訳? 7:06 Taniguchi: She gets AA+. AA+だな On top of being gorgeous. I bet her personality is wonderful. アレはきっと性格までいいに違いない 7:17 Kyon: Now all this was happening when Haruhi Suzumiya was still acting sort of normal. この時期 ハルヒもまだ大人しく For that whole month, even I was feeling pretty good. 俺にとっても心休まる月だった However, しかし it should be noted that bits and pieces of Haruhi eccentricities were ハルヒの奇矯な振舞いは already starting to make themselves known. 徐々に片鱗を見せていた -------------------------------------------------------------- 7:31 Kyon: Haruhi eccentricity #1. 片鱗その1 A different hairstyle everyday. 髪型が毎日変わる! Monday, 月 Tuesday, 火 Wednesday, 水 Thursday, 木 Friday. 金 As the days passed, 曜日が進むごとに the number of places she'd tie up her hair increased. 髪を結ぶ箇所が増えている On Monday, 月曜日に she resets her hair and adds a tie up point each day until Friday. リセットされた後は金曜日まで一つずつ Wonder what her hair looks like on Sunday, 日曜日はどんな頭になってるんだ? think I'd like to see that. 見てみたい気もする -------------------------------------------------------------- 7:52 Kyon: Haruhi eccentricity #2. 片鱗その2 Our P.E. class is separated into boys' and girls'. 体育の授業は男女別に行われる physical education:体育 When changing the uniforms, 着替えは girls use the odd number classrooms 女が奇数クラス and boys use the even number's. 男が偶数クラスに移動してする事になっているのだが It didn't matter that guys were standing around. まだ男子が残っているにも関わらず She just was changing out of her school uniform. やおらセーラー服を脱ぎだしやがった! 8:13 Kyon: To Haruhi, guys were pretty much the same as a bag of potatoes. どうやら男子生徒の事はジャガイモくらいにしか思ってないらしい -------------------------------------------------------------- 8:18 Kyon: Eccentricity #3. 片鱗その3 It was rather irritating that Haruhi joined every team, and every extra curricular club the school had offered. 呆れる事にハルヒはこの学校に存在するあらゆるクラブに仮入部していたのだった rather:(副) いくぶん; かなり; むしろ irritating:(形) 刺激する; 腹立たしい; 炎症を起こした(医学) curricular:(形) 教育課程の Every single one of the sports clubs lobbied for her to join the respective teams. 運動部からは例外なく熱心に入部を勧められ And she turned every one of them down. その全てを断って She changed clubs on a daily basis depending on her mood. 毎日参加する部活動を気紛れに変えた挙句 In the end though, 結局 she didn't remain a member of a single one of the clubs. どこにも入部する事は無かった I mean, what the hell did she wanna do, anyway? 何がしたいんだろうなあ コイツはよぉ? -------------------------------------------------------------- 今日は水曜日か・・・ http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/28.html 8:46 Kyon: And before I knew it, そんな事をしながら It was the day after the golden week vacation. ゴールデンウィークが明けた一日目 8:48 Taniguchi: Kyon, what's up? what's up:どうしてる, 何か変わったことある, ご機嫌いかが 8:50 Kyon: Hey. And by the way, "Kyon", that's my nickname. ちなみにキョンってのは俺のあだ名だ by the way:ところで; 途中で And I really wish people would stop calling me that already. いい加減に止めてもらいたいのだが・・・ 9:01 Kyon: Oh, I guess today is Wednesday, isn't it? ああ 今日は水曜日か And with that thought, などと考えつつ something must have snapped inside me. 魔が差してしまったんだろう I can't think of any other reason why. それ以外に思い当たる節がない 9:09 So, do you change your hairstyle everyday to ward off aliens and invaders? 曜日で髪型を変えるのは宇宙人対策か? ward off:避ける I was talking to Haruhi Suzumiya. 涼宮ハルヒに話し掛けていた! 9:16 Haruhi: So when did you notice? いつ気付いたの? 9:18 Kyon: Umm, a while ago. んー・・・ちょっと前 9:19 Haruhi: Oh, I see. あっそ Actually I have this theory that each day of the week has its own image with アタシ思うんだけど曜日によって感じるイメージって a specific color that only goes with that day. それぞれ異なる気がするのよね And by color I'd say that 色で言うと・・・ 9:29 (Kyon): It felt almost like we're having a real conversation for the first time. はじめて会話が成立したような気がする Haruhi: Monday is yellow, 月曜が黄色で and Tuesday is red, 火曜が赤 Wednesday isdefinitely blue, 水曜が青で and Thursday is green, 木曜が緑 Friday is gold, 金曜が金色で and Saturday is brown, 土曜日が茶色 and the color for Sunday is white. 日曜は白よね 9:39 Kyon: Hey, I kinda understand what she is talking about. なんとなく分かるような気もするが So if you turn them into numbers, っつー事は数字にしたら Monday'd be zero 月曜が0で and Sunday'd be six, 日曜が6 right? なのか 9:46 Haruhi: Right. 9:48 Kyon: I kinda feel that Monday is more like a one. 俺は月曜は1って感じがするけどなあ? 9:51 Haruhi: I don't think anybody was asking for your opinion! アンタの意見なんて誰も聞いてない! 9:53 Kyon: Oh, Is that so? そうかい 10:09 Haruhi: Have I met you somewhere before like maybe in the past, or something like that? アタシ あんたとどこかで会った事がある? ずっと前に 10:13 Kyon: Not likely. いや? 10:16 (Kyon): Usually an event is triggered by something that is considered trivial. "切欠"なんてのは大抵どうって事ないモノなんだろうれども Well, this must've been my trigger. まさしくこれが"切欠"になったんだろうな I was surprised that Haruhi even replied with a half-decent answer. しかしハルヒがまともな返事をした事は驚きだ I totally thought she'd say something like "Shut up, loser! Who cares!" てっきり「うるさいバカ、どうでもいいでしょ!」と言われるものと思っていたからな I mean you get the picture? 分かるだろ? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 長かった髪をバッサリ http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/29.html 10:33 (Kyon): And so, だから when Haruhi came to the class the next day with her long hair all chopped off. ハルヒが翌日 長かった髪をバッサリ切って登場した時には I was rather disturbed by it. 結構 俺は動揺した disturbed:(形) 精神障害の; 乱れた; 不安な I mean cutting it short like that the day after I made my comment. それにしたって 俺が指摘した次の日に短くするってのも It's a little rash, don't you think? 短絡的すぎないかい? 10:46 Haruhi: Not really. 別に not really:まさか, 正確ではない, 必然的でない -------------------------------------------------------------- 10:49 Kyon: Ever since that day, あれ以来 talking to Haruhi right before homeroom started was becoming a sort of ritual. HR前の僅かな時間にハルヒと話すのが日課になりつつあった Is it true you've dumped every guy you've ever dated? 付き合う男 全部振ったって本当か? dumped:(形) 荒果てた 10:58 Haruhi: And just what gives you the right to ask me a question like that? なんでアンタにそんな事言われなくちゃいけないのよ? I don't know about anything you heard. 何を聞いたか知らないけど まぁいいわ Whatever you wanna believe it, 多分 it's probably true. 全部本当だから 11:06 Kyon: Well, with all that dating, wasn't there at least one guy you were even a little serious about? 一人くらいまともに付き合おうとか思う奴がいなかったのか? 11:11 Haruhi: Absolutely not. 全然ダメ absolutely:(副) 独立的に; 無制限に; 無関係に; 無条件に; 明確に; 完全に They all took themselves way too seriously. どいつもこいつもアホらしい程マトモな奴だったわ themselves:(代) 彼ら自身 Not even one of those dorks was an alien, time-traveler or even an esper. 宇宙人でも未来人でも超能力者でもないし not even one:一つさえ...ない, 一つさえとることができない dork:(名) 馬鹿, 愚か者, 地味な人, 三枚目 11:18 Kyon: That's what people are normally. そりゃ 普通そうだろ 11:20 Haruhi: OK, so what's with most of them asking me out over the phone? あと 告白のほとんどが電話だったのは何なのアレ!? I mean, shouldn't important stuff like that be done by face-to-face, not phone-to-phone. そういう大事な事は面と向かって言いなさいよ! 11:27 Kyon: Yeah, I mean for ....... まあ そうかなあ? 俺ならどっかに呼び出して言うかな (Kyon): I would just agree with her for now. 一応同意しておこう 11:31 Haruhi: Yeah, none of that's important anyway! そんな事はどうでもいいの! 11:33 Kyon: So, what is? どっちなんだよ 11:34 Haruhi: Here's a problem. 問題はね So far, the way looks as if all the men in the entire universe are pathetic. くだらない男しかこの世に存在しないのかどうなのって事よ universe:(名) 宇宙; 天地万物; 全世界; 全人類 pathetic:(形) 哀れな; 酷い, 残酷な; 痛ましい I mean also the junior high that was one thing that irritated me the most. ホント 中学時代はずっとイライラしっぱなしだった irritated:(形) いらいらした; 炎症を起こした(医学) irritate:(動) いらいらさせる; 刺激する(医学) 11:43 Kyon: All right then, じゃ so what kind of guys would you really be into then, どんな男なら良かったんだ an alien or something? やっぱり宇宙人か? 11:47 Haruhi: Yeah! Anything like an alien, 宇宙人 or something else along those lines. もしくはそれに準じる何かね Anyway, とにかく as long as the person isn't an ordinary human, 普通の人間でなければ I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. 男だろうが女だろうが 11:54 Kyon: Hang on a sec. What's wrong with being human? what's wrong:どうした I mean why do they have to be an alien? どうしてそんなに人間以外の存在に拘るんだ? 11:59 Haruhi: Because that way, life's more interesting! そっちの方が面白いじゃないの! ------------------------------------------------------------ ハルヒのスポークスマン http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/30.html 12:13 Taniguchi: Hey, Kyon! おい キョン! You need to tell me what kind of magic spell you were using. お前どんな魔法を使ったんだ!? 12:16 Kyon: What are you talking about? 何の話だ? 12:18 Taniguchi: I have never seen Suzumiya talk that long before. 俺 涼宮があんなに長い間喋ってるの初めて見るぞ And I'm not exaggerating, man. exaggerate:(動) 誇張する; きわだたせる; 誇大に考える; 悪化させる What the hell did you say to her? お前何言ったんだ!? 12:24 Kyon: Huh? Wonder what I could've said to her. さて何だろう? I think it was all pretty random stuff. 適当な事しか聞いていないような気がするんだが 12:29 Taniguchi: This is a phenomenon. 驚天動地だ! phenomenon:(名) 現象; 驚異, 驚き 12:30 Kunikida: Kyon's always gone after the strange ones. The weirder the better. 昔からキョンは変な女が好きだからねえ 12:34 Kyon: A little louder, please. So everyone can hear you. 誤解を招く様な事を言うな 12:37 Asakura: I wanna know how you did it. アタシも聞きたいな? No matter how much I try to talk to her I can't get Haruhi to answer any of my questions. アタシがいくら話し掛けても何も答えてくれない涼宮さんが What did you do to get her to open up? どうしたら話すようになるのか open up:戸を開ける; 開ける; 切り開く Do you have any tips for me? コツでもあるの? 12:47 Kyon: No idea. 分からん 12:49 Asakura: Hmm. ふうん Still, でも I think it's a good thing. 安心した I've been sort of worried about her always being completely alone in our class. 涼宮さん いつまでもクラスで孤立したままじゃ困るもんね I think it is really great that she's made at least one friend here. 一人でも友達が出来たのは良い事よね 12:58 Kyon: A friend, huh? 友達ねえ? 13:00 Asakura: Well, just keep doing whatever you're doing 'cause maybe she'll warm up to the rest of us. その調子で涼宮さんをクラスで溶け込めるようにしてあげてね? I mean since we are all in the same class, 折角一緒のクラスになったんだから we'll be really for the best if everyone get along. みんなで仲良くして行きたいじゃない? And that's why I'm counting on you. よろしくね? count on:頼る, 当てにする 13:09 Kyon: Easy for you to say. と言われてもな 13:11 Asakura: In fact, in fact:実際は; 実は; それどころか from now on, これから from now on:今から if there is anything we need to say to her, 何か伝える事があったら we'll just talk to you, and you can tell her for us. 貴方から伝えてもらうようにするから 13:16 Kyon: Mmm. Hey! Hang on a sec! だが待てよ What do you think I am? Am I supposed to be your spokesperson or something? 俺はアイツのスポークスマンでも何でもないぞ ***13:22 Asakura: Pretty please? お願い! ***13:31 Taniguchi: Kyon, キョン we're buddies, huh? We are pals, 俺達友達 right? だよな? 13:35 Kyon: Everyone's turned into an idiot. 馬鹿ばっかりだ -------------------------------------------------------- ないんだったら自分で作ればいいのよ! http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/31.html 13:37 Kyon: Apparently, apparently:(副) 見たところでは; 明白に we were changing seats. 席替えだそうだ I picked a number out of the cookie tin that gave me the seat next to the window second from the back. ゴーグルの缶に入れられた籤を引いた俺は 窓際後方二番目という And awesome seat if I may say so. 中々のポジションを獲得した! Farewell, Haruhi. Forever! さらばハルヒ ふぉーえばー 13:50 (Kyon): Coincidence? 偶然だよな? Hey! Are you heard that you checked out all the clubs of this school. 全部のクラブに入ってみたってのは本当なのか? Give me your heads up if you know about any interesting ones, ok? どこか面白そうな部があったら教えてくれよ 13:59 Haruhi: Absolutely none. 無い 全然 Kyon: An instant reply. 即答しやがった instant:(形) 即座の; 緊急の; インスタントの; 今現在の 14:02 Haruhi: Absolutely none. 全然ない! Kyon: It seems that she likes to use the word "absolutely" a lot. どうやらコイツの口癖は"全然"のようだ ***14:06 Haruhi: I thought thing would get a little better when I got into high school. 高校に入れば少しはマシかと思ったけど But it's the same here as I've been throughout all these mandatory school years. これじゃ義務教育時代と何も変わらないわね Maybe I'm just in a wrong school. 入る学校 間違えたかしら? 14:15 Kyon: I sort of wonder what her criteria are. 何を基準に学校選びをしているのだろう criterion:(名) 基準, 標準 14:18(p.41) Haruhi: There was a club called "The Mystery Research Club." ミステリ研究会ってのがあったのよ mystery:(名) ミステリー, 神秘; 謎, 怪奇, 奇怪, 不思議; 推理小説 research (名) 探索; 調査; 研究; 研究能力 (動) 研究する 14:21 Kyon: Yeah? へえ How was that? どうだった? 14:22 Haruhi: It was hilarious. 笑わせるわ hilarious:(形) とてもおかしい; 陽気な They told me they had never had anything like even remotely call a case. 今まで一回も事件らしい事件に出くわさなかったって言うんだもの remotely:(副) 遠く離れて, 遠くに; 間接的に; ほんの少し And the members were a bunch of mystery-novel otakus, 部員もただのミステリ小説オタクで definitely not master detectives. 名探偵みたいなのもいないし definitely not:絶対ない, あり得ない 14:31 Kyon: Well, that figures. そりゃそうだろ バーロー 14:33 Haruhi: Yeah. I had a high hopes for "The Supernatural Phenomenon Research Club", too. 超常現象研究会にもちょっと期待してたんだけど But that thing was just a bunch of cult freaks. ただのオカルトマニアの集まりでしかないのよ! What do you think of it? どう思う!? 14:40 Kyon: I don't think about it. どうも思わん 14:41 Haruhi: Ah, man! I'm so bored. あーもう つまんない! With all those clubs, これだけあれば you'd think there'd be a couple of really strange cool ones out there. 少しは変なクラブがあっても良さそうなのに 14:47 Kyon: Listen. You can't help it if there aren't any. 無い物はしょうがないだろ? Besides, us normal human types, 結局の所 we've gotta be happy with what we are given. 人間はそこにあるもので満足しなければならないのさ You know what I'm saying? 言うなれば You can look at this way. People who don't like what they've got is the same people who invent things and make discoveries and advance civilization. それを出来ない人間が発見やら発明やらをして文明を発達させてきたんだ They made airplanes 'cause they wanted to fly, 空を飛びたいと思ったから飛行機創ったし and made cars and trains because they wanted to go place to place. 楽に移動したいから車や列車を生み出したんだ It's as simple as that 簡単だろ? The only reason we've got all the things we have now でもそれは 一部の人間の才覚や発想によって初めて生じたモノであり is because a certain group of people got together and used their talent or imagination or genius or whatever to make it all possible. つまり 天才がそれを可能にした訳だ Ordinary people are probably better off living their ordinary little lives in an ordinary manner. 凡人たる我々は 人生を凡庸に過ごすのが一番であってだなあ 15:19 Haruhi: Shut up! うるさい! 15:24 Kyon: Perhaps, もしかしたら it was this conversation that sparked the idea. この会話がネタ振りだったのかもしれない ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15:30 Kyon: It happened suddenly. それは突然やって来た 15:37 Kyon: What's wrong with you? 何しやがる!! 15:38 Haruhi: I've got an idea! 気が付いた! 15:40 Kyon: About what? 何に!? 15:41 Haruhi: I can't believe I didn't realize it before. It's so obvious. なんでこんな簡単な事に気が付かなかったのかしら!? 15:44 Kyon: What is? 何が? 15:45 Haruhi: If it doesn't exist, ないんだったら I should just make it myself. 自分で作ればいいのよ! 15:48 Kyon: Make what yourself? だから何を? 15:49 Haruhi: Make a club! 部活よ! 15:54 Kyon: Ah. I hear you, 分かった but you've got to calm down, all right? まあ今は落ち着け Haruhi: What's with you? 何その反応!? This is what we're talking about. You should be happier about this development. もうちょっとアンタも喜びなさいよ この発見を! be happy:(動) うれしがる, 喜ぶ development:(名) 発達; 展開; 発育; 開発; 開拓地 16:00 Kyon: Well, we're in the middle of class. 今は授業中だ ------------------------------------------------------------ 16:23 Haruhi: You're gonna help! 協力しなさい gonna (going to):(俗語)するつもりである 16:14 (Kyon): I feel like I'm being bullied out my lunch money カツアゲされてるような気分だぜ Kyon: What do you need to help with? 何を協力するって? 16:17 Haruhi: Starting my new club! アタシの新クラブ作りよ! That's what! Kyon: First tell me why I'm the one who's gonna help you set up a club of your idea in the first place. 俺がお前の思い付きに協力する理由を述べて And you can let go of the tie now. あとネクタイを放せ 16:25 Haruhi: I'll find us a room and some members アタシは部室と部員を確保するから and I want you to personally handle アンタは all the paperwork that needs to be turned into the school. 学校に提出する書類を揃えなさい 16:30 (Kyon): She is not listening... 聞いちゃいねえ・・・ 16:31 Kyon: Why don't you tell me what kind of club it's gonna be? 何のクラブをつくるつもりなんだ? 16:34 Haruhi: Who cares about that, right now? どうでもいいじゃないの そんなの! We've got to go make the club first. とりあえず まず作るのよ! You got it? いい? Do all that stuff before school ends, today. 今日の放課後までに調べておいて I'll find a room for the club by then, アタシもそれまでに部室を探しておくから! okey-dokey? いいわね!? okey dokey:interj. okeydoke, all right; no problem; O.K. (Slang) 16:45 Kyon: Rules for the creation of a new extra curricular group. 課外部活動の新規発足についての規則 At least five members, 最低五名の部員 a teacher to supervise, 顧問教師 supervise:(動) 監督する a name, 部名 a name of person in charge, 責任者名 person in charge:(名) 主任, 担当者, 主任者, 主人, 係り, 主, 係 the purpose of the organization. 設立理由 purpose (名) 目的; 用途; 決意 (動) 意図する organization:(名) 組織化; 組織; 団体 There's nothing for me to do. 調べるまでもない It's all on the back of the student handbook. 生徒手帳の裏側に書いてある 17:01 Kyon: But I can bet money on this. 賭けてもいいが Haruhi's little scheme? ハルヒの考える内容が Nothing about it is gonna contribute to making school life more creative or more fun. "創造的かつ活力溢れる学校生活"を送るのに 相応しいものになる事はないだろう And that I'm positive. 文芸部室にて http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/32.html 17:12 Haruhi: This is going to be our new clubroom! これからこの部屋が 我々の部室よ! 17:15 Kyon: Hang on! ちょい待て I don't even know where we are, right now. そもそも何処だここ? 17:18 Haruhi: This is the cultural department. 文化部の部室棟よ The art club's got the art room, the wind ensemble has got the music room. 美術部や吹奏楽部なら美術室や音楽室がある Am I right? でしょ? Clubs that don't need specialized class rooms like that ended up in this wing of the cultural department. そういう特別教室を持たないクラブや 同好会が集まってるのが この部室棟 They call it the old building. 通称旧館 This room's for the literary club. この部屋は文芸部! 17:34 Kyon: So then, じゃあ it's a literary club's room. 文芸部なんだろ? 17:36 Haruhi: Yeah, I know, I know. But this past spring all the senior members left. でも 今年の春に三年生が卒業して So now the club's got no members. 部員ゼロ And if nobody else joins, 新たに誰かが入部しないと then that club is gonna be cut. 休部が決定していた唯一のクラブなのよ Oh, and this girl's a new freshman member. で この娘が一年生の新入部員 17:48 Kyon: So, the club hasn't been cut then. じゃあ 休部になってないじゃないか! 17:50 Haruhi: It's the same difference. 似たようなもんよ Besides, she's only one here. 一人しかいないんだから! 17:53 Kyon: But what are we gonna do with her? あの娘はどうするんだよ? 17:55 Haruhi: She told me that she wouldn't mind it. 別にいいって言ってたわよ 17:57 Kyon: You're sure about that? 本当かそりゃ? 17:58 Haruhi: When I saw her at lunch, I asked her if we could use the clubroom. 昼休みに会った時に「部室貸して」って言ったら She said "go ahead." 「どうぞ」って 18:01 Haruhi: She doesn't really care as long as she's got a place to read. 本さえ読めれば良いらしいわ I guess some folks are just strange like that, you know? 変わってると言えば 変わってるわね 18:09 (Kyon): Look who's talking. お前が言うな 18:12 Nagato: Yuki Nagato. 長門有希 18:15 Kyon: Miss Nagato, 長門さん was it? とやら You understand my colleague here wants to use this room for some other type of club? コイツはこの部屋を何だか分からん部の部室にしようとしてんだぞ? Are you ok with that? それでもいいのか? 18:22 Nagato: I'm fine. いい 18:23 Kyon: You are? Ok, but I'm pretty sure that we're gonna end up causing a lot of trouble, though. いやしかし 多分 物凄く迷惑をかけると思うぞ? ***18:27 Nagato: No problem. 別に 18:28 Kyon: But someday, そのうち you might get kicked out this room. 追い出されるかも知れんぞ? 18:31 Nagato: Go ahead. どうぞ 18:33 Haruhi: Well, there you have it. ま そういう事だから From now on, これから we're gonna meet here in this room right after school. 放課後 この部屋に集合ね! And You'd better show up, Mister. 絶対来なさいよ 'Cause if you don't, 来ないと it's the death penalty. 死刑だから! 18:42 Kyon: Understood. 分かったよ I don't wanna die. 死刑はイヤだからな ***18:46 Haruhi: We need to find club members. もっと部員が必要ね We're gonna need at least two more people. 最低あと二人 ****18:51 (Kyon): What, 何? that means you already have the literary club girl included in the head-count? あの文芸部の娘も頭数に入れるのか Does Haruhi think she comes with the room like some kind of accessory? 部室の付属物だとでも思ってるのか? accessory: (形) 付属の; 従犯の (名) 付属品; アクセサリー(ハンドバッグやスカーフなど); 共犯者(法律) ***18:58 Haruhi: Don't worry. 安心して I'll get them in no time. すぐに集めるから I've got a couple of leads on some random people I can bring in. 適当な人間の心当たりはあるの いわゆるひとつの萌え要素 http://www35.atwiki.jp/english_anime/pages/33.html 19:04 (Kyon): And so, で the next day. 次の日 19:06 Haruhi: I'll meet you there. 先に行ってて! 19:09 (Kyon): I guess I had no choice. 仕方ない I found myself shuffling over to the clubroom. 部室へと足を運んだ ----------------------------------------------------- 19:16 Kyon: So, what are you reading? 何 読んでんだ? Nagato: .... 9:20 Kyon: Is it interesting? 面白い? 19:24 Nagato: Unique. ユニーク 19:25 Kyon: So, what part's unique? どういうとこが? 19:28 Nagato: All of it. 全部 19:29 Kyon: Ah, you really like books. ・・・本が好きなんだなあ? 19:34 Nagato: A little. 割と 19:35 Kyon: I see. そうか・・・ 19:38 (Kyon): Can I go home now? 帰っていいかなあ 俺? 19:43 Haruhi: Sorry about that! いやーゴメンゴメン I'm a little late today 遅れちゃって 'cause it took me forever to catch her. 捕まえるのに手間取っちゃって! 19:47 (Kyon): It was another girl. またしても少女だった A really beautiful girl. しかもすんげー美少女だった! 19:50 Mikuru: Where is this? 何なんですかぁ? Where am I? ここ どこですか? Why did you bring me here? なんであたし 連れてこられたんですか? Who are you people anyway? Why are you locking the door? なんで 扉を閉めるんですか! What do you want from me.... 一体何を 20:00 Haruhi: Just be quiet. 黙りなさい Allow me to introduce Mikuru Asahina. 紹介するわ 朝比奈みくるちゃんよ 20:10 (Kyon): So much for introductions. 紹介終わりかよ・・・ 20:13 Kyon: Where did you kidnap her from? どこから拉致って来たんだ? 20:15 Haruhi: I didn't kidnap anyone. そんな事しないわ She came here on her own. 任意同行よ 20:18 Kyon: Same difference. 似たようなもんだ 20:19 Haruhi: I caught this one daydreaming her brains out in the juniors' classroom. 二年の教室でぼんやりしてるところを捕まえたの During recess, アタシ 休み時間には I make it a point to walk every inch of the main building. 校舎を隅々まで歩くようにしてるから I remember seeing her around a couple of times and well, here she is. 何回か見掛けて覚えてた訳 20:29 Kyon: So, that's why I haven't seen her during recess. 休み時間 教室にいないと思ったらそんな事していたのか Unbelievable. Uh, hang on a second. じゃ Did you say she was a junior? この人は上級生じゃないか? 20:36 Haruhi: Well, so what if she is! それがどうしたの? 20:38 Kyon: Yeah. Uh, it's Miss Asahina, wasn't it? ・・・えっと 朝比奈さんか Why pick her of all people then? 何でまた この人なんだ? 20:43 Haruhi: What are you blind? まあ  Just look at her! 見てご覧なさいよ! She's a total little cutie. 目茶苦茶かわいいでしょ? 20:49 Kyon: Great, now she sounds like a pervert. アブナイ誘拐犯のような事を言い出した! pervert (動) 踏み外させる; 曲解する; 悪用する (名) 変質者 20:52 Harushi: In this situation, moe is an important concept to keep in mind. アタシね 萌えって結構重要な事だと思うのよね 20:57 Kyon: Sorry, すまん what did you say? 何だって? 20:58 Haruhi: Moe! Moe! "萌え"よ 萌え! This girl's a prime example of moe. 所謂ひとつの萌え要素! It's a rule that in stories with strange things going on, 基本的にね 何かおかしな事件が起こるような物語には go on:進む; 続ける; …し続ける you need to have one moe character. Someone with glasses, or in a maid costume or anything fetishy is essential. 眼鏡っ娘とかメイドみたいな幻想的な萌えキャラが一人はいるものなのよ! 21:13 Haruhi: And that's just the beginning. それだけじゃないのよ! She's tiny but she's got bigger breasts than me! ちっこい癖に ホラ!アタシより胸でかいのよ! I mean, look at these things! ロリ顔で They're immense! 巨乳! This is another important aspect of moe. これも萌えの重要要素の一つなのよ! aspect:(名) 局面; 外観; 顔つき; 見解 21:25 Kyon: Indeed. ああそう 21:26 Haruhi: Man, these sucklers are huge! あー 本当に大きいわねえ・・・ It kinda pisses me off. 何か腹立ってきたわ I mean, she is so cute and boobies are ginormous compared to mine. こんな可愛らしい顔してアタシより大きいなんて! 21:33 Kyon: What are you an idiot? アホかお前 21:34 Haruhi: But they're totally huge! Really! でもめっちゃでかいのよ!マジよ! You wanna feel them for yourself? アンタも触ってみる? 21:39 Kyon: I think I'm gonna pass. 遠慮しとく So Haruhi, you brought this girl Miss Asahina all the way up here just because she just happened to be cute, tiny and extremely well-endowed. すると何か お前はこの朝比奈さんが可愛くて小柄で 胸が大きかったからという理由なだけで all the way:ずっと; はるばる; まったく well endowed:(形) 立派な体格の, 肉感的な容姿をもつ, ふっくらした容姿をもつ, セクシーな体つきの Is that what you're trying to tell me? ここに連れてきたのか? 21:49 Haruhi: That's right! そうよ 21:50 Kyon: She truly is an idiot. 真性のアホだ コイツ 21:51 Haruhi: I think that our club needs more than anything as a mascot. こういうマスコット的キャラも必要だと思って Mikuru, みくるちゃん are you a member of any other school clubs right now? あなた 他に何かクラブ活動してる? 21:58 Mikuru: Um, Calligraphy club. あの・・・書道部に・・・ calligraphy:(名) 能筆; 筆跡; 書道 22:00 Haruhi: Oh, you can quit that one. じゃあ そこ辞めて It'll just get in the way of our club's activities. 我が部の活動の邪魔だから 22:16 Mikuru: Ah. Well ok, ああ そっかあ I understand. 分かりました 22:20 Kyon: What did she understand? 何が分かったんだろう? 22:23 Mikuru: I'm going to quit the Calligraphy club and join this one. 書道部は辞めて こっちに入部します However I don't really know what the literary club does. でも文芸部って何をするところなのかよく知らなくて Could you at least tell me that? 22:29 Haruhi: We're not the literary club, Mikuru. 我が部は文芸部じゃないわよ 22:31 Mikuru: Huh? 22:32 Kyon: We're sort of borrowing this clubroom for now. ここの部室は一時的に借りているだけです A group you're about to join is something Suzumiya is gonna be starting up. 貴方が入らされようとしているのはそこの涼宮が作る So far she hasn't figured out the name and I have absolutely no idea what we're gonna be doing here anyway. 活動内容未定で名称不明の同好会ですよ Oh, by the way, ちなみに the girl sitting over there reading a book is a real literary club member. あっちに座って本を読んでいるのが本当の文芸部員です 22:47 Mikuru: Oh, 22:48 Haruhi: Ok, I've got it! 大丈夫! I just figure it out what we're gonna call ourselves. 名前ならたった今考えたから! 22:52 Kyon: Well, spit it out. 言ってみろ spit it out:包み隠さず言う May I have your attention please. 皆の衆 The name of the heretofore nameless start-up club has just been decided. お知らせしよう 新しく発足するクラブの名前は今ここに決定した! heretofore:(副) 今まで; 以前は 23:00 Kyon: And its name is ... 23:01(p.65) Haruhi: The SOS Brigade! SOS団! 23:05 Kyon: The Spreading Excitement All Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade. 世界を大いに盛り上げるための涼宮ハルヒの団 The SOS Brigade for short. 略してSOS団である Yeah, it's ok to laugh now. そこ 笑っていいぞ Actually, the name should be something like "Spreading Excitement All Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Organization." 本来なら 世界を大いに盛り上げるための 涼宮ハルヒの"同好会"とでもすべきなんだろうが But we don't have a right to form an organization yet, 何しろまだ 同好会の体すら立っていない上に and we still don't knowwhat the point of this club is. 何をする集団なのか分からないのである 23:27 Haruhi: Brigade'll have to do then, won't it. だったら"団"でいいじゃない! 23:30 Kyon: And with that baffling statement, 意味不明なハルヒの一言により baffling:(形) 困惑する statement:(名) 陳述, 申し立て, 言明; 声明, ステートメント; 表現方法; (コンピュータ) ステートメント, 文, 命令文 the name of this club was decided. めでたく そのように決まった Yeah, just do whatever you want. 好きにしろよ もう・・・ (p.66)