My child, heed my words.
The story I'm about to tell you is a very important one.
It entails a long long journey undertaken by the parent and passed onto the child, continuing from generation to generation without end.

I'm starving......

Child ①:
Man, am I hungry!

Child ②:
Yah, you've already told us that !

Child ③:
Why are you walking so slow?

Hey, you guys!
Do you kids have any idea how much ramens cost xxxx these days?
I'm absolutely starving right now, and I would like nothing more than to have some delicious ramen in my belly.
Unfortunately, I don't have any money, what I do have is a fun little puppet show that you can pay me for before you go home. OK kiddies?

What do you think? Didn't I tell you?
Isn't that great? Worth a couple of bucks?

Child ①:
What's with that filthy little doll!

Child ②:
Don't you do anything else?

Child ③:
This thing's stupid!

Aren't you kids just the best.
Seriously, you guys can pay me whatever you think it's with.

Child ①:
I'm sorry, but that puppet is totally nasty.

Child ②:
Why would any body pay money to look at that dumb thing.
Are you out of your mind, Mister.?

Run you guys!

Oh! That's just great!
Get back here!


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最終更新:2007年12月25日 01:07


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