FLCL > Fooly Cooly part2

「FLCL/Fooly Cooly part2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

FLCL/Fooly Cooly part2」(2011/12/11 (日) 22:24:14) の最新版変更点



<div>(Naota's house)</div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Owwwwww!! ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> That doesn't look like a normal bump.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> I can't go to the hospital like this.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Heeh-heeh-huh. oh. oww... ow.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Guess I just need to hold it.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Huh! what do i do at school tomorrow?!</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Oww! ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>(School)</div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Did you hear, she was around yesterday.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> For real?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Yeah, isn't it awesome?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Ninamori :<br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> That really looks bizarre...</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> You're hiding something, huh? Come on.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Don't be such a brat. waah!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Naota! naota! 'd you hear?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> What?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> The vespa woman!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Vespa? A wasp woman?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> She has a guitar.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> And a cool bicycle bike.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> Not exactly.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Some girl of the other class had her super spicy curry bread stolen!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Ninamori :<br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> Super spicy?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> And, and...</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> When she stings, she leaves a demon mark that show</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> she's been doing naughty things and it never goes away!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Ninamori :<br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> What naughty things?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Aah... well...</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> Like something really perverted.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Ehh? Perverted?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Ninamori :<br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> So. what's that mark?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> It's the mark of the deeemooon!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> Really? Lemme see!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> There's nothing to see, cut it out.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Masashi :<br /><span style="color:rgb(75,0,130);"> Did you see her, naota? did she sting ya?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Pervert! he's a pervert!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> What're you talking about?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Gaku :<br /><span style="color:rgb(85,107,47);"> Perveeert!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Ninamori :<br /><span style="color:rgb(128,128,0);"> Let's see, what's...</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Nothing amazing happens here.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Everything is ordinary. So it's not a punishment, like when I go see Samejima Mamimi.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> It's just something i always do. It's ordinary.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> After school, I decided to go the hospital. I didn't wanna think about "Vespa Woman".</span></div> <p> </p> <div>(After school)</div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Hmmmm... yeah, this is just right.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Has a good feel, too. so, what happened yesterday, after i left?</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Did something happen? heeey, something did happen, right? like, something weird...</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> I don't know what you're talking about.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> What's that? a pimple? looks kind of sick.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Putrefied. You're not hiding something, are you? aah! ah.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>(Hospital)</div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Hmmmmm... Flictonic cliple weber symptom.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Aah...? Fl?... Cl?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Adolescence psychological skin hardening syndrome.</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> It's a common disease, where children grow horns from trying too hard.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> That's a lie. I never heard that before.</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Yeah. a lie. so, what is the truth... Underneath the band-aid?</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Waahh!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Aaaaaaah!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Waah! What're you doing in the hospital?!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Stay right there... I'm gonna make you feel all better!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Naota :<br /><span style="color:rgb(0,128,128);"> Waoh!</span></div> <p> </p> <div>Haruko :<br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> It's my special treat!</span><br /><span style="color:rgb(199,21,133);"> Huh? where'd he go? heeey.... heeeeey... Taro-kun....</span></div> <p> </p> <hr />




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