傷痕 病 冬の到来

「傷痕 病 冬の到来」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

傷痕 病 冬の到来」(2011/12/23 (金) 23:40:57) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka, if you keep crying like that, Kuu can't go on her journey without worrying about you.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yes.<br /> But...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka, we'll be seeing her again.<br /> We have to believe that.<br /> Kuu just went ahead of us.<br /> You shoudn't need feeling sad for her.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Let's go.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I wonder if Kuu can hear the bells.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'm sure she can.<br /> May the bell be a guide through her Day of Flight.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I have to find a bed.<br /> Winter is here, Kuu.<br /> I can't...<br /> I shouldn't cry...<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Good morning, Kuu.<br /> It's already been a month since you left.<br /> Winter has finally come to this little town.<br /> But thanks to your advice, I didn't catch a cold.<br /> How are you doing, Kuu?<br /> So what's it like where you are now?<br /> What do you do there?<br /> I hope people there are as nice as those in the town of Glie.<br /> In case you're wondering, everybody here at Old Home is doing fine.<br /> And I'm...<br /> Sorry, but I can't congratulate you like everybody else.<br /> I wanted to be with you much longer.<br /> I wanted to go shopping with you, and eat with you, and talk about a lot of things with you.<br /> There were a lot more things that I wanted you to teach me.<br /><br /><br /><br /> Pea soup, please.<br /></blockquote> <p>[Cafe Master]</p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey, I see a lot of you these days.<br /> Is that all you want?<br /> You know, I haven't seen that kid around. Know him?<br /> The boy he's just a little shorter than you.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu.<br /></blockquote> <p>[Cafe Master]</p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, that's it.<br /> I didn't remember his name.<br /> Oh, she is a girl. Now, I feel bad.<br /> I kept calling her "boy." Tell her I'm sorry.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu isn't here anymore.<br /></blockquote> <p>[Cafe Master]</p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /> Then, she is disappeared?<br /> Well, I guess that's how it always ends up with all you Haibane.<br /> I understand.<br /> So this is to go, isn't it?<br /> Oh, don't worry, it's on me.<br /> Save that for when you come here to have a big full-course dinner.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But I...<br /></blockquote> <p>[Cafe Master]</p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Here you go. Have some more coffee.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">For the people of this town, Kuu's disappearance is not a big deal.<br /> Life goes on.<br /> Soon, they'll probably forget that she was even here.<br /> Kuu.<br /> Don't you care about that?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF6600">[Hyohko]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF6600">[Hyohko]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You live in that run-down house in the south district, don't you?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's called Old Home.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF6600">[Hyohko]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, sorry.<br /> But you guys call our place "Waste Factory", so that seems only fair to me.<br /> Get it, I'm from the east district.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You're Hiyoko.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF6600">[Hyohko]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Not Hiyoko. It's Hyohko. It means "ice lake!"<br /> Hiyoko means baby chicken! It doesn't matter.<br /> So listen.<br /> Do you remember the scene that a light came out of the Western Woods, you know, about a month ago, when the storm came?<br /> My friend told me something. The light only shows up when a Haibane is gone.<br /> When I supposed to go beyond the walls.<br /> But everybody's still around at our factory...<br /> So we thought maybe it was someone from your run-down...<br /> Oops.<br /> Sorry, I meant to say Old Home.<br /> Mmm... So, tell me, was it Reki?<br /><br /> Phew.<br /> That's good. I was worried.<br /> Oh, um, don't tell anybody that I asked especially...huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What do you mean saying "that's good"?<br /> Just lost a close friend.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF6600">[Hyohko]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey, wait!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Overcooked!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's cooked fine.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No, it's not.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Where's Rakka?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I went to get her, but she wasn't there.<br /> She doesn't eat with us much any more, does she?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Maybe she's on a diet.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I was only joking.<br /> I heared that she like to go into town more often to eat these days.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Alone?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Maybe she wants to be left alone.<br /> She was the most depressed out of all of us when Kuu left.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Did you know?<br /> Rakka's been cleaning up Kuu's room all this time.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, so Rakka did it, too?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana, you went to Kuu's room, too?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Just one time.<br /> I've accepted it.<br /> I know Kuu isn't with us anymore.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I wonder if Rakka just can't accept it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You know, I thought maybe we should leave her alone until she's ready to let it go.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But she has to find closure to this event sometime.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I wish there were something we could do to help.<br /> I know!<br /> Let's do this!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What am I going to do?<br /> There's more of it. I didn't have this morning.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Good morning!<br /> Rise and shine!<br /> Are you wake?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Mm-hmm.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's good.<br /> I was thinking It's been a while since everyone ate together, so...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah, okay, hold on.<br /> I'll join you when I get dressed.<br /> You go ahead.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Fine. We'll be waiting.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Looks too difficult for me.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Come on, help us.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Help you sew?<br /> You're kidding, right?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">We all have to!<br /> Even the kids need to have them.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But Kana can't sew.<br /> Whenever she starts out making a glove and winds up looking like a sock.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I just don't like doing stupid work like that.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Your Clock Master would be in tears if he heard what you've just said.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I don't mind machines at all, they're all built rock-solid.<br /> But with cloth...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh...um, good morning.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey, good morning, Rakka.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Um, what happened to your dress?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, it got dirty. So I washed it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Here, take a look at this.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What is it?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">They're wing covers because it'll get cold soon.<br /> So I thought it would be nice if we made everyone's with the same design.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka, are you good at sewing?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Me?<br /> Well, not really. I haven't had much experience.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">All right!<br /> Welcome to the club.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana! Really...<br /> It's OK. I'll teach you how.<br /> It's easy, watch.<br /> Just spread your wings.<br /> Then I'll take your measurements now.<br /> What happened to your feathers?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh, it's nothing.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">They look frayed.<br /> Are you taking care of them?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Well, not really.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">See, it shows.<br /> That's not good.<br /> You're a girl, you should know better.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka. What's this?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh, well, my sofa is really hard.<br /> So I might have hurt them in my sleep.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, yeah, you don't have a bed yet?<br /> I guess moving is a hard work.<br /> Why don't you just put this on there?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Because it won't fit through the door.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, I know.<br /> How about if we take the bed that's in Kuu's room?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey, that's a great idea.<br /> I'll help you if you wanna move it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But It's Kuu's...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I think Kuu would be very happy knowing you would have it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Maybe she would, but I don't know.<br /> But...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What happened? It seems like I said something wrong to her?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No, it's not your fault at all, Hikari.<br /> I better go upstairs and talk to her.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'll come with you!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No, leave it to me.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's all right.<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka. Rakka.<br /> I'm coming in.<br /> What have you done?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Stay away!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's all right.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It keeps spreading.<br /> I'm scared.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's gonna be all right.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Am I... sick?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You're not sick.<br /> So, please, don't worry.<br /> Rakka, you have nothing to be blamed for.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It stings.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It stings because you cut off your feathers.<br /> Just rinse them with cold water when you wake up tomorrow morning.<br /> That should make the black seem less noticeable.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's medicine, isn't it?<br /> So I am sick. I was right?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">This is just a dye collected from an elderly tree.<br /> The legend says it can blind the eyes of evil.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">An elderly tree?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">A Snow Scale tree, I guess.<br /> They grow only near the walls and are named elderly trees because their trunks are very much twisted.<br /> But you stay away from the walls no matter what, OK?<br /> It's dangerous.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki, why do you have such a special medicine?<br /> How do you know about these things?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">This town exists for the Haibane.<br /> The walls are there to protect us.<br /> A good Haibane lives here happily and goes beyond the walls when their time comes.<br /> But once in a while, a Haibane is born who cannot be blessed by the town.<br /> A Charcoal Feather who cannot remember anything about their dream in the cocoon...<br /> The Day of Flight never comes to him or her.<br /> For such an unblessed Haibane, the town becomes a cage which offers no escape.<br /> This Haibane is declared to be Sin-Bound.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">So am I...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No, absolutely not.<br /> I'm the one who first found your cocoon, and I'm the one who rinsed the blood out of your wings.<br /> Your feathers were beautiful charcoal-gray when you were born.<br /> You're a good Charcoal Feather.<br /> You're not like I am.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki...<br /> You don't have it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">The wings that broke out from my back had black, spotted feathers.<br /> I was Sin-Bound from the very beginning.<br /> I could hardly remember the dream I had in the cocoon.<br /> Because of the black feathers, everkybody was afraid of me.<br /> I was an outcast. Even Nemu avoided me when I was a new born.<br /> If it weren't for Kuramori who protected me, I would've been all alone to this day.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuramori?<br /> She's beautiful.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yeah...<br /> She was like a mother to the kids and a good mentor to Nemu and myself.<br /> In despite her delicate health, she helped me by going to the heart of the forest to collect the medicine from the elderly tree.<br /> She's the one who decorated the guestroom as it is now...<br /> so she, Nemu, and I could live there together.<br /> Kuramori wasn't afraid at all to be near me.<br /> She was always there by my side.<br /> Not out of pity.<br /> She was just there for me when I needed her.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She was a good person.<br /> But Reki, I think you're a good Haibane, too.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Whatever you might think, I'm a still sinner.<br /> Five years ago, Kuramori left us.<br /> I didn't know anything about the Day of Flight...<br /> so I thought that she had abandoned me.<br /> I was so depressed that Nemu became concerned for me...<br /> so she did some research at the library on the old legend.<br /> She told me about the Day of Flight.<br /> But I didn't believe it.<br /> I had become too emotionally blinded.<br /> I hated a lot of things and I think I said many terrible things to Nemu.<br /> I ran away from Old Home but I kept repeating the same mistakes at the place I ran away to.<br /> In the end, I was caught by the community watch and eventually punished by the Haibane Renmei, as well.<br /> But you, Rakka, haven't done anything to be punished for.<br /> You've done nothing at all.<br /> So, I know, in my heart, this must be some kind of a mistake.<br /> It'll be gone in no time.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki, you don't remember your dream in the cocoon?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Not completely.<br /> Have been drawing pictures and pictures of it, trying to remember.<br /> Since I came here, I've been haunted by nightmares.<br /> In my dreams, it's a very cold night, and there's a red moon in the sky.<br /> I'm all alone. Just walking on a stone-laden path.<br /> Then something happens there.<br /> I can't remember what it was, but it's something very horrible.<br /> Every time it happens, I scream myself awake.<br /> Always the same dream.<br /> I don't understand at all.<br /> Why are there good Haibane and cursed ones?<br /> Why was I born Sin-Bound?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Until now, I had thought that this town was a paradise to live in...<br /> Yet, despite everyone's caring and compassion at hearts and willingness to do their best for each other, sad things still happened.<br /> Some suffer from the curses given to them.<br /> What are the Haibane?</blockquote> </div> <p> </p>




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