Matsuri is back from her country

「Matsuri is back from her country」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Matsuri is back from her country」(2011/12/16 (金) 21:12:29) の最新版変更点



<p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Excuse me!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Oh, Hi Matsuri! How was the country?</font></p> <p><font color="#800000"> ...It looks like you had fun!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">I had a great time!<br />  My Grandpa cut me a slice of water melon that was this big!</font><br />  <font color="#339966">And then I went and ate so much of it that I couldn't even finish my dinner.</font><br />  <font color="#339966">So my mom got mad at me!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Huh... Hey, I can see you, you know?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">You have a keen eye, Nobue...</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Miu! What on earth are you doing!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Let's experiment!<br />  What do you think would happen if I take Nobue's smokes away!?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Nothing.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Then hand them over.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">There you go.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">And... Rolling!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">'Kay, give them back.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Matsuri! Catch!<br />  We're doing an experiment, so don't give them back to her.</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Um, Okay.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Hey there, Matsuri.</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Um... What is it?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">How was your report card?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Oh, well I, I got another 4, Nobue.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Wow! That's great! Good work, Matsuri.<br />  It must be because you've been studying every day.<br />  Hard work does pay off.<br />  Smart girl!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Yeah, but I also got another 2.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Really?<br />  Knowing you, Matsuri, the next time you'll get all 4s!<br />  Oh, and can I have those cigarettes?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Uh-huh.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Ah, thank you.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">You sure know how to manipulate her...</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>manipulate: 操作する、操る</p> <p> </p>
<p>引越し先で待っています。</p> <br /><p> </p>




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