Let's follow the chieftain's lead!

「Let's follow the chieftain's lead!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Let's follow the chieftain's lead!」(2011/12/23 (金) 09:10:42) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p>Gennojo the Missionary:<br />  <font color="#800080">Chieftain, this way is no good...<br />  We'd better find another way to get there.</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">Yeaaaah!</font></p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br />  <font color="#FF6600">All right! Let's follow his lead!</font></p> <p>ninjas:<br />  <font color="#808000">Right!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>news on TV:<br />  <font color="#999999">The scene of the fire is...</font></p> <p>viewing audience:<br />  <font color="#808080">Oh wow!<br />  Looks like that hotel had second-rate firefighting equipment...</font></p> <p>fee:<br />  <font color="#008080">Huh?</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Forget it! The smoke's too thick! We'll never make it!</font></p> <p>Miss. Sullivan:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">But there's thick smoke everywhere!<br />  Where are we supposed to go now!?</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF00FF">What is it?</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Back to the kitchen!</font></p> <p>Miss. Sullivan:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Huh?!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br />  <font color="#FF6600">Sunoko!</font></p> <p>Jiraiya of Hida:<br />  <font color="#008080">Fusuma!</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#808000">Sudare!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Mr. Sullivan:<br />  <font color="#333399">My daughter, my daughter! She hasn't come down yet!</font></p> <p>Tanabe:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Or the ninjas!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>announcement from a fire department train:<br />  <font color="#999999">Clear the way, please!<br />  Everybody, please clear the way!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Jiraiya of Hida:<br />  <font color="#008080">Chieftain!</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">I'm all right... I just inhaled a little smoke, that's all...</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#993300">The way back is blocked with smoke, too, chieftain...</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">Is this... Is this the end for us...?</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Hot!</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">O-rin! Is that you?!</font></p> <p>O-rin:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Kogenta!?</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Huh?! Ninjas?! What are you doing here?!</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">Mr. Hachimaki! You saved my wife?</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">No... We have these to thank.<br />  A solution of calcium peroxide.<br />  Basically, if we add it to the fertilized water for the plants here, it's generates oxygen.<br />  We were lucky, they also had some ceramic pots laying around here, too.</font></p> <p>Dragon chung:<br />  <font color="#808000">Come to think of it, Tanabe said you were astronauts!</font></p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br />  <font color="#FF6600">Oh, I get it! Those things are kinda like homemade space suits.</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">If we just had back the way you came in, we should be able to get out of here.</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#993300">We can't go back... The way back is pretty much impossible to get through now.</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">What!?</font></p> <p>O-rin:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">So you're saying that there's nowhere to run?!<br />  What the hell did you come up here for, then!</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">No, we'll be fine!<br />  All is possible for a ninja!</font></p> <p>everybody:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Huh?</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>second-rate: 二級品の、二流の<br /> calcium peroxide: 過酸化カルシウム(→<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcium_peroxide">WikipediaEn</a>)<br /> should be able to : ~できる筈だ</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> </div>




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