Maison de Yashiki bids you welcome!

「Maison de Yashiki bids you welcome!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Maison de Yashiki bids you welcome!」(2011/12/23 (金) 08:58:32) の最新版変更点



<p>Kogenta the Mist:<br /><font color="#666699"> We're sorry.<br />  When we heard a Japanese person was coming, I guess we got a little too enthusiastic.</font></p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br /><font color="#FF6600"> And you were wearing the hachimaki headband of a ninja!</font></p> <p>Yokozuna:<br /><font color="#999999"> We wanted a real live Japanese person to see our moves!</font></p> <p>Gennojo the missionary:<br /><font color="#800080"> So then... What'd you think of our ninpo?</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#800000">I heard that everyone in Japan has a black belt. Is that right?</font></p> <p>Dragon Chang:<br />  <font color="#808000">Once you reach the upper ninja ranks, you get to marry a geisha girl, right?</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#3366FF">Geez... Who taught you this crap...?</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br /><font color="#666699"> Oh, female ninja.<br />  Maison de Yashiki bids you welcome!</font></p> <p>Yokozuna:<br />  <font color="#999999">You are living there, aren't you?</font></p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br />  <font color="#FF6600">I'm Crimson Ukon, room 3.<br />  But my real name is Macleod.</font></p> <p>Gennojo the Missionary:<br />  <font color="#800080">I'm Gennojo the Missionary, also room 3.</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#800000">Sanji the Monkey. I'm in room 3.</font></p> <p>Jiraiya of Hida:<br />  <font color="#008080">Jiraiya of Hida. Room 3 as well!</font></p> <p>Dragon Chung:<br />  <font color="#808000">Dragon Chung! I'm in room 3, too!</font></p> <p>Tanabe:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">You mean you all live in room 3?</font></p> <p>site foreman:<br />  <font color="#808080">Hey!!!<br />  You guys snuck in here again, didn't you!?</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br /><font color="#666699"> We're sorry!</font></p> <p>(Jiraiya of Hida):<br />  <font color="#008080">Thanks for the work the other day!</font></p> <p>Gennojo the missionary:<br />  <font color="#800080">You feel free to call on us again, anytime!</font></p> <p>site foreman:<br />  <font color="#808080">I have all the people I need!</font></p> <p>Sanji the Monkey:<br />  <font color="#800000">Oh, you do, huh? Sorry!</font></p> <p>Dragon Chung:<br />  <font color="#808000">Sorry to bother you!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Crimson Ukon:<br />  <font color="#FF6600">We helped out on a construction job there a while ago.</font></p> <p>Jiraiya of Hida:<br />  <font color="#008080">We can use ninpo techniques, right?<br />  That's why they came to us for help.</font></p> <p>Tanabe:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Uh-huh...</font></p> <p>shopkeeper of a laundry:<br />  <font color="#003300" style="background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Hey, you! You better do something about your dry-cleaning bill!</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br />  <font color="#666699">We're sorry, mom, really!<br />  We'll pay you next month for sure!</font></p> <p>shopkeeper of a laundry:<br />  <font color="#003300">Yeah until you pay up, you're not getting back the clothes you left here.</font></p> <p>Kogenta the Mist:<br /><font color="#666699"> I have a heart!<br />  I have a job interview tomorrow.</font></p> <p>shopkeeper of a laundry:<br />  <font color="#003300">You'll just get turned down again.<br />  Suit or no suit it, it'll all end the same damn way.<br />  So you can just go there dressed like that!</font></p> <p>officer:<br />  <font color="#808080">So, playing ninja again, are we?<br />  Why don't you go and get jobs, you losers!?</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>enthusiastic: 夢中で<br /> missionary: 宣教師<br /> bid someone welcome : (古)(人)を歓迎する<br /> pay up:借金を全額払う<br /> have a heart : 思いやりがある、情け深い心を持つ</p> <p> </p>




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