夏の終わり 雨 喪失

「夏の終わり 雨 喪失」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

夏の終わり 雨 喪失」(2011/12/23 (金) 23:40:29) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Phew...<br /> This one's no good, either.<br /> Ah! Huh...<br /> This is hopeless.<br /> The North Wing is entirely uninhabitable.<br /> Reki's room is here, and Hikari and Nemu are in the east wing, I think.<br /> Ah.<br /><br /> Huh? Kuu!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /> Good morning!<br /> Hey! What are you doing over there?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I was going to ask the same of you since it's so early.<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'm so glad.<br /> It's a perfect size for you, Rakka.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Are you sure?<br /> You don't wanna keep it?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Mm. It's way too big for me, and winter will be coming soon.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Winter? But it's been so warm until just a few days ago.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Winter seems to come here very suddenly.<br /> That's why everybody gets a cold in their first year.<br /> So you should be careful, Rakka.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Sure, thanks for the help.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You can tell when it's coming.<br /> Just take a deep breath, [and] if you feel a sting in your nose, that's the beginning of winter.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, you are so full of knowledge, Kuu.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">So what's this?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /> I thought it might be about time for me to find a new room.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">This is a room for everybody, it's so comfortable in here, that I might grow lazy if I stay any longer.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">How grown-up!<br /> You're now a full-fledged Haibane.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Thanks to the help of a good senior.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Found a good room yet?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ahh, No.<br /> They are all pretty much just full of dust, so every room that I see, I can't tell if they're good or not.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I gotta go now!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh? But it's almost time for breakfast.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yeah, but I've got a lot of things to do today.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Aah... Kuu?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She did?<br /> What's with her?<br /> I specially made hotcakes just because Kuu said she wanted some.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Well, she said she had something to do.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hmm, maybe I should wait to make them for her?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Let's just make them now.<br /> I'm sure she'll be back when she smells them.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yeah, I guess you're right.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey you guys! I did it!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's great!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She really did fix it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I guess now someone here can wake up on time.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hmm...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">We have to celebrate!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Good idea!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yahoo!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey! Come on over here!<br /> Everybody wants to congratulate you on your achievement!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey! The triumphant hero returns!<br /> Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Now what's with all the long faces?<br /> Aren't you excited and thrilled?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Um, well, it's... We're just wondering how long it's going to keep ringing.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh? Oh, well, the ringing will stop if I kill the breaker, but then the clock will die as well.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What? Then it's useless.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You idiot! Go kill it now!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /> You just told me to come and now you're telling me to go?<br /> It'll do a great job waking you up with bells ringing so loud and long.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">We'll never sleep.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, yeah, yeah.<br /> Man, it was just a test, just a test.<br /> I was still gonna work some more on it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She just had to do this on Sunday.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'm tired.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Um, why don't I go help her?<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Wait a sec.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It stopped.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, well, that's it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Sorry about this.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">For what?<br /> It would've been a failure if the bell hadn't rung, but it rang too much, so I call it a great success.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ahhhhh...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Anyway, thanks for coming up, Rakka.<br /> But there's nothing I really need help with.<br /> And I wouldn't want you to get your clothes dirty.<br /> That's Kuu's, isn't it?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, Mm-hm.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">If she gave it to you, then she finally gave up, I guess.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What do you mean?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Well, that's the first thing she got after arriving here.<br /> She always hated being treated like a kid.<br /> And wanted to have clothes that were the same size as ours, but she could never fit into them.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Is it okay? Should I keep it?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She no longer has to pretend to be what she isn't anymore.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu used to wanna copy everything [that] we did.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Really?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">She tried to ride Reki's scooter and ended up crashing into the utility pole.<br /> She got dizzy wearing Hikari's glasses and fell down the stairs.<br /> Kuu's just a little kid getting into trouble all the time.<br /> But maybe she's grown up in her own way.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I guess I have to grow up to.<br /> One, two! Hmm...<br /> Ah!<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">This is where I am.<br /> And it's over here.<br /> Well, I think this is it.<br /> Ah! Wow!<br /> For some reason, this room feels familiar.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's because... this is the room where you were born.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I was born... in here?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">The cocoon room.<br /> We found your gigantic cocoon, exactly where you're standing right now.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yes, I seem to remember a little.<br /> I remember... something.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I remembered mine a bit too.<br /> It felt right.<br /> So I made it into my own room.<br /> How about this one?<br /> Do you like it?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Mm-hm.<br /> Oh yeah, where have you been all this time?<br /> Reki was very mad because you asked her to make hotcakes and then you didn't show up.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hehehe.<br /> I asked her to pack up a breakfast for me.<br /> And for you, too.<br /> Here.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh, thank you.<br /> That's right, I almost forgot I missed breakfast too.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You know, Reki was very mad.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hahahaha.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Inside my mind, there's a beautiful cup.<br /> A very beautiful clear cup.<br /> And tiny drops kept falling into it.<br /> Drip... drip... drip.<br /> Slowly but steadily, every day.<br /> And today, I felt that the cup have finally become completely full.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">And that's because... you gave me some of those drops.<br /> Rakka, thank you.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It's getting stormy.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hm, seems like we're gonna have some rain, too bad it's on Sunday.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yes.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">So, you're moving into a new room?<br /> Kuu told me.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki... Did she say anything else?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Mmm, not really.<br /> Oh yeah, was it you who cleaned up the kitchen for me today?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No? Who was it, then?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu?<br /> Hmm, but I didn't find any broken plates in there.<br /> Huh, I'll go make some tea.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah, Reki!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What's wrong?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uhm, it's nothing.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Everybody feels depressed when the weather's like this.<br /> Or they become obsessed with the idea that something bad is going to happen.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'm not sure...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You can keep this room for a while longer if you're not ready to move out yet.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No, it's not that.<br /> Listen, why is this town surrounded by walls?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Why is it?<br /> I don't know for sure, it's probably because this is a protected place.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Protected? Protected from what?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">From everything that's not good.<br /> Or maybe it protects us from everything we're not supposed to know.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's not...<br /> Ah!<br /> A power failure?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It struck somewhere nearby.<br /> Stay put.<br /> There's a flashlight somewhere in here.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh.<br /> Huh?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka, where are you going?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">In the western woods...<br /> The birds.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Mmm, they must've been surprised as well.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It seems like they were trying to tell me something.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Why don't you go back and dry yourself?<br /> You'll catch a cold.<br /> I'll go check on the kids.<br /> Stay in your room.<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh boy, some were crying, the others were excited, it was a big mess.<br /> Hm?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hey, where's Kana and Kuu?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana went to check the generator in the basement.<br /> Kuu is...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Not here.<br /> And she is usually the first one to come down when things get like this<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I thought she might have gone into town, but...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I hope she found some shelter from the rain.<br /> She must be miserable if she's on the road.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'll go look for her.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Look for her where?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What's up with Rakka?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">No idea.<br /> She's been as gloomy as today's weather since morning.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I kind of know just how Rakka feels.<br /> If you look at today's sky, it makes you feel restless.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Yeah, it's nasty weather, all right.<br /> But it's always like this when summer turns into winter.<br /> It's only natural to feel a little worried when the seasons start to change.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's right.<br /> That must be it.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'll go out look for Rakka.<br /> Tell Kana to stay here when she gets back.<br /> Things could get way out of hand if everyone goes off on their own.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">All right.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, damn, and I just got dry.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's it!<br /> We should get the bath ready.<br /> In case Kuu comes home soaking wet.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka!<br /> Phew<br /> This umbrella is no use.<br /> We better get a raincoat.<br /> Glad I caught you.<br /> If you'd gone out into this rain, we would've had two sick people.<br /> Don't worry, I'm sure she must have found shelter somewhere.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Maybe Kuu didn't go into town.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Hm?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">This morning, she asked you to pack her lunch, right?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Oh, yeah.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">And she had a water bottle.<br /> To me, it looked like she was getting ready to go.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">To go?<br /> To go where?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Probably... The western woods.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">It can't be.<br /> She wouldn't have done that.<br /> The walls are most powerful in the western woods.<br /> Kuu knows how dangerous it is to go.<br /> There's no way...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu's gone to the western woods?<br /> I really wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but the generator's fuse blew so I was trying to use the one in the clock tower.<br /> And I heard you say...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Well, we were just saying she might have.<br /> Because she's late to come back here.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But if she really did go there, that means that...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana!<br /> We don't know anything for sure.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What's that?<br /> What do you mean?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka, I know you've never been to the western woods.<br /> So, what makes you think she went there?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">When the rain got started, the birds went crazy in the western woods.<br /> As if trying to tell me something.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That was because of the rain.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">But then I saw a light there for a moment.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Like lightning?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh-uh.<br /> It was coming out of the woods and heading towards the sky.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You saw it?!<br /> Are you sure?!<br /> You really saw it?!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I think.<br /> But it was quickly hidden by the clouds.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You're lying!!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Uh... Kana.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I refuse to believe that happened!<br /> It just can't!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I didn't want to believe it either, but it seems that Kuu might have really left all of us.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">The time when a Haibane goes outside the walls, on the Day of Flight.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki told us to wait here.<br /> What's wrong, Kana?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu's in the western woods.<br /> We still might be able to catch up with her.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What do you mean?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Her Day of Flight has come.<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I'm going!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You can't.<br /> It's too dangerous after sunset.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">All the more reason why we can't leave Kuu by herself!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">A guiding hand is given to a Haibane on the Day of Flight.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">You might know things that we don't.<br /> But I ain't see it, it's nothing but a myth.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana, even if you go, there's nothing you can do.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">I know that!<br /> I... I just wanna see her one more time.<br /> Just see her face.<br /> Don't you even care that you're never gonna get to say good-bye to her?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Reki, is it true about Kuu?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF00FF">[Hikari]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">If there's still time, I want to see her, too.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">We all want to see her.<br /> But I think if you go into those woods without knowing where you are, you'll never come out again.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">We need to have a point of reference.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What's that?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kana, the bell on the clock tower.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">What?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Start the bell!<br /> The tower's generator works, right?<br /> Then you can keep the bell ringing, can't you?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">That's right!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Rakka.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Please, Reki.<br /> I know that I'll regret it forever if I don't do anything right now.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#800080">[Nemu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">So, bring three more raincoats, or four more?<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">All right then.<br /> We all go together.<br /> But promise me you will not go near the walls, no matter what.<br /></blockquote> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">The legend goes that there are an ancient ruins in the heart of the woods, and that a Charcoal Feather is lead there on his or her Day of Flight.<br /> The Day of Flight is the time when the Haibane leaves the nest to go beyond the wall.<br /> There was no way of telling when that day will come or to whom.<br /> He or she just disappears one day without warning.<br /> No one knows why such things happen.<br /> A Charcoal Feather who is about to leave the nest, never speaks of it to others.<br /> Besides, we haven't had any days of flight for the past few years, mainly because for a long time there weren't any new cocoons appearing.<br /> So nobody has left the nest for quite a while.<br /> Perhaps we were all forgetting, or hoping that we could forget, that there may come a day when we have to say good-bye to one of us, like today.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#33CCCC">[Kana]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Ah...<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#339966">[Kuu]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">And that's because... you gave me some of those drops.<br /> Rakka, thank you.<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#FF0000">[Rakka]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Kuu!!<br /></blockquote> <p><font color="#0000FF">[Reki]</font></p> <blockquote style="border:medium none;">Everybody, in the end, everybody leaves me.<br /></blockquote> <p> </p> </div>




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