Let's go now... Come on, let's go!

「Let's go now... Come on, let's go!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Let's go now... Come on, let's go!」(2011/12/17 (土) 08:40:54) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p>Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">Let's go now... Come on, let's go!</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">Uh.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">If don't hurry up, it's gonna be too dark to go.</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">Where are we suppose to go again?</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">Mom asked me to go the grocery for her, remember?<br /> And you promised you'll help me carry the bags for me, Yuichi.</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">No way.<br /> It's too cold.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">You can't break a pinky-swear.<br /> If you break it, you're gonna have to swallow a thousand hundred needles.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">Don't you wanna come with me?</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">I think I'll wait out here.<br /> I'll probably just get lost inside.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">You wouldn't get lost because I'll be with you silly-head.</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">I know you'll be with me.<br /> That's what makes me nervous.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br /><font color="#0000FF">Then I guess I'll go myself.<br /> Wait right here for me, okay?<br /> Promise me you'll stay here.</font><br /><br /> Ayu:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Uguu!</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">What's wrong?<br /> What are you crying for?<br /> Um, just calm down.<br /> What's your name?</font><br /><br /> Ayu:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Uguu...</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">My name's Yuichi Aizawa.</font><br /><br /> Ayu:<br /><font color="#FF0000">I-I'm Ayu...</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">And your last name?</font><br /><br /> Ayu:<br /><font color="#FF0000">A-Ayu...</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">So your last name is Ayu too?<br /> Hm?</font><br /><br /> Man:<br /> What do they do there?<br /><br /> Woman:<br /> [ ] kinda poor girl [ ]?<br /><br /> Man:<br /> Unbelievable, where's this kid's parents?<br /><br /> Yuichi:<br /><font color="#993300">Um... Nothing to see here.<br /> Let's go some place else.<br /> Come with me, Ayu Ayu.</font><br /><br /> Ayu:<br /><font color="#FF0000">That isn't my name!<br /></font></p> </div>




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