It's so cool...

「It's so cool...」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

It's so cool...」(2011/12/16 (金) 20:42:49) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">...It's so cool.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Yeah, air-conditioning is awesome.<br />  Almost as awesome as beer, 13 Tokyo-Dome-sized glasses of beer.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">I can't even imagine having to live my life without the joy of an air-conditioner.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">I wonder how the dinosaurs were able to live!?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">...Huh?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Huh!?</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF0000">...Air-conditioning is the best invention ever!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Totally.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Stop slacking off!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Hey! What are you doing, Miu!?</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF0000">Stop it! It's too hot!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Welcome to the desert!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">...What?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Hey!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">A drop of water equals a drop of blood!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">One drop of liquor is equal to one drop of blood.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Water...!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Cut it out, Miu.<br />  If you need a drink, you can just say so, okay?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">You can't drink that 'cuz there's poison in it!<br />  Chop.</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF00FF">I-I need water...!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Well, you're the one who spilled it!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">[Why? Can / Why can't] you play along?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Huh? ...Oh!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">There is an oasis! I can see an oasis!<br />  ...We have been on a long 40-day journey.<br />  We've come through a sandstorm, we've lost our camels and water.<br />  And worst of all, we haven't been able to watch our favorite TV shows...!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Oh, that's really terrible, Miu.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Our friends have been kicking the bucket one by one...</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF00FF">And, Ana finally melted.</font></p> <p><font color="#FF00FF"> After all that, we can finally see an oasis!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Oh, yeah. So, where is it, boss?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Over there!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Yeah, I see it now. Just a little further. Come on, we can do it.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Don't worry about me... You go on...</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Um... Nope.<br />  No way. I can't do that Miu.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Leave the rest to me, Chika.<br />  The real enemy is right over there.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">You mean in the oasis?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">I'm afraid it's your real father!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">So what?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Why won't you play along?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">You just changed the plot in the middle of the story!</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>slack off: だらだらする、怠ける(slack: 緩む)<br /> oasis[oue'isis]: オアシス<br /> kick(ing) the bucket: 死ぬ<br /> (バケツの上に乗ってロープを首にかけてからバケツを蹴ると…(<a href="">→英辞郎</a>)。ただし、この表現は「(人が)死ぬ」こと全般に使われ、自殺に限らないようだ)</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> </div>




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