綿流し編 3日目・帰路

「綿流し編 3日目・帰路」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

綿流し編 3日目・帰路」(2011/12/23 (金) 20:54:52) の最新版変更点



<p>Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   Huh? Your parents have gone and left you all alone today, Keiichi?</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">   Yeah. Can you believe they left a growing boy like me all by himself?<br />    They can be so evil sometimes.</font><br /><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   All right. Quit complaining.<br />    Well. See you guys tomorrow.<br /></font><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   Are you going to work again?</font><br /><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   Yep. They keep warning me to come in early so I can get used to that long hours.</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">   I bet being a waitress can be really tough sometimes.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   Huh? I didn't know that you were a waitress, Mion.</font><br /><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   I'm not a waitress.<br />    I work at a toy store my uncle owns and he asked me to help him out sometimes.<br />    I got nothing to do with food service.<br />    That's Shion's thing.</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">   Oh, right. Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   I don't get it. Who's Shion?</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">   Oh, don't you know?<br />    That's Mion's twin sister.<br />    But the only thing similar about them [must be way their look./is the way they look.]</font><br /><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   It's true.<br />    We're maybe identical twins, but everything else about us is completely different.<br />    I'm the sweet caring one who looks out for everyone's feelings.<br />    But Shion's the mean nasty one.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   Wow, I never knew that you had a younger sister much as a twin.<br />    How come I never see her when I go to your house?<br /></font><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   You see. That's because I'm the only one who lives with grandma.<br />    Shion lives always in Okinomiya house.<br />    So, we don't get to see each other that much as my guesses and consequences we are not really all that close.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   I'd like to meet her some day.<br />    Hey. Which restaurant does she work at?</font><br /><br /> Mion:<br /><font color="#008080">   Huh? Let's see. It's a...<br />    Hey, I have gotta go.<br />    I'm not gonna be late for work.<br />    All right, you guys. Have fun. See you tomorrow...</font><br /><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">   Oh,look at the girl.</font><br /><br /> Rena:<br /><font color="#FF6600">   She's strange... but  in a good way.<br />    You know a kinda cute way.<br />    I don't know why though, I don't know why.<br /></font></p>




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