Rise Up, Oh Dregs of Mankind - part2

「Rise Up, Oh Dregs of Mankind - part2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rise Up, Oh Dregs of Mankind - part2」(2011/12/08 (木) 20:43:35) の最新版変更点



<p>Lee:<br />  It's been quite a crazy week for you, huh.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Lee, did you know those three were Paper Masters?<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  Well, you know, I'm from Honkon.<br />  I still hear a lot about what goes on out there.<br />  That includes the Paper Sisters.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  The Paper Sisters?<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  Yep.<br />  That's what everyone back home call them.<br />  The Paper Sisters.<br />  <br /> Waitress:<br />  Thank you for waiting.<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  You would've been in a bad situation if they had not been with you.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  I am in a bad situation.<br />  They just ran from the scene and left me to be interrogated by the police.<br />  What's so funny?<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  I'm just impressed.<br />  Only you could talk your way out of that mess.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Don't patronize me.<br />  Those three, they're going back to Honkon.<br />  I don't need any bodyguards.<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  You sure?<br />  I think it's (     ) people like that around.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Why?<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  In the four years I've been your editor, I've never seen you so animated.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  I don't think you're reading me right.<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  What do you mean?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  This is frustration you're seeing.<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  That would explain me excessive aggression.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Listen to me!<br /><br />  Cheese cake!<br />  Right here!<br /><br /> Lee:<br />  My!<br />  How energetic...!</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Maggie:<br />  I'm honor to welcome you home.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Hi.<br />  Why are you still here?<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  I'll take your bag.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  What's with your outfit?<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  I made it out of paper.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  You really cleaned up...<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  A new TV!<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />   Oh, yeah.<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  Yes, ma'am.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Hold on.<br />  Put that in the closet or on the...<br />  ...Wasn't there a coat rack?<br />  And a ficus?<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  Yes, there was.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Now there isn't.<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  No, there is not.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  What did you do with them?<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  I threw them out.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  You threw them where?<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  In the dumpster.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  You threw them away?!<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  Was that bad?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Of course it was!<br /><br />  My sofa...My table...<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  I kinda threw them out also.<br /><br />  B..But I...organized the books.<br />  See?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Bring it back.<br />  Go find everything and bring it back right now!<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  Yes, ma'am!</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Michelle:<br />  I'm sorry Maggie has displeased you.<br />  She is the type of girl who's never cleaned her room before.<br />  So she wasn't sure how to do it properly.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  What have the three of you been doing all day?<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  As a token of our apology, allow me to serve you dinner.</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Nenene:<br />  You did all of this?<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  Well, I took the liberty of putting this together for you.<br />  Please enjoy!<br />  How is it?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  It's not bad!<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  If you at least consider allowing us to remain in your service.<br />  We would be supremely honored.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Well, I promise that I'll think about it.<br />  What's that?<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  You can reimburse me later.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  I thought you cooked all this!<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  Oh, no!<br />  Many have often told me that I'm a terrible terrible cook.<br />  Besides, cooking is such a bother.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  You don't get to be pompous, if you didn't actually do anything!<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  I told you it was just a token.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Of nothing!</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Michelle:<br />  Token or not, you still manage to eat the entire thing.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  It would be a waste, if I let any get thrown away.<br />  God, I'm full...<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  Oh, no!<br />  Where ever did I put little Anita's Pure Diary?!<br />  The innocent and sweet child Anita's innermost feelings are recorded in it!!<br />  And I will be in such trouble if someone happens to read it!!<br /><br /> (Greensleeves)<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  April the 1st, Sunny.<br />  Listen, listen.<br />  Or rather, read, read.<br />  Today, my heart is going thumpity thump.<br />  Because I have gotten to meet a really famous writer.<br />  Nenene, her name could make a crying child's heart filled with joy.<br />  Oh, she's so pretty and cool, and just one look at her made my cheeks blush.<br />  Am I being too bold?<br />  I am sorry.<br />  April 4th, Sunny.<br />  We ended up coming all the way to Japan to follow Nenene.<br />  Thank you, God, for this twist of fate.<br />  We are now all ( staying in ) her apartment and I wish I could be with her forever and ever...<br />  I'm so in love with her.<br />  I feel shy saying so, but if she would only ask, I would let her...<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  No!<br />  It's not me!<br />  Stop reading!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  I didn't want to hear anymore this awful tripe, either.<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  I worked so hard producing them.<br />  Well, that didn't work, but don't worry!<br />  Opperation "sweet and sour" cajoling has only just begun!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Enough.<br />  I heard enough.<br />  I want you gone.<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  But please, give us one more chance!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  No, just get out.<br />  I want you gone, now!<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  I'm... I'm home.<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Get out.</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Anita:<br />  This is all your fault, Michelle.<br />  You should've just let Maggie cook.<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  But I'm not cut out for physical labor.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Oh, please.<br />  What about the diary?<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  That would've been too embarrassing.<br />  No way!<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  You're so stupid!<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  I'm sorry.<br /><br /> Maggie:<br />  It's cold.</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Nenene:<br />  That's much better.<br /><br /> (Greensleeves)</p> <p>Nenene:<br />  Fine then!</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> <p>Michelle:<br />  All right.<br />  Tomorrow morning, we'll all go huddle near her front door to evoke her sympathy.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Give it up already.<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  Don't say that.<br />  Here.<br />  We'll use these for tears.<br />  No matter how cruel and cold hearted she is,...<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Hey!<br />  <br /> Michelle:<br />  Miss.Sumiregawa!<br />  Wow!<br />  Fancy meeting you here!<br />  We were just in the middle of admiring the beautiful Japanese cherry blossoms!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  I guess that it's alright.<br />  Let's just pretend you actually do to me.<br />  Why don't you come back inside?<br /><br /> Michelle:<br />  Miss.Sumiregawa!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  However, there are some conditions.<br />  You do all the household chores.<br />  You pay for your own food.<br />  You don't disturb my work.<br />  And finally, you call me Big Sister Nenene.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Big Sister Ne-na? Ne-ne-ne-na?<br />  It's hard to say!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Shut up!<br />  Keep trying.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Just Nenene?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Fine.<br />  I suppose I can live with a compromise.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Then you can call me Anita. Right?<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Humph!<br />  I think I'll just keep calling you little brat.<br /><br /> Anita:<br />  Why?!<br />  That's so not fair!<br /><br /> Nenene:<br />  Come on!<br />  If we keep making noise, we'll become a public nuisance!<br />  Let's just go home!<br /><br /> Three Sisters:<br />  All right!</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p align="center"> </p> <p align="center">- END -</p> <p> </p>
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