

15日目・興宮警察署」(2011/12/23 (金) 18:30:33) の最新版変更点



<p>Oishi:<br />   <font color="#808080">The double homicide of the two school girls transpired in the Hinamizawa origin of Shishibone city. The suspect is Keiichi Maebara. After calling classmates Rena Ryuugu and Mion Sonozaki to his house, Maebara beat them to death with a bat. After fleeing the scene, the suspect was found collapsed in a phone booth. The suspect was spotted by a local patrol officer. He died twenty four hours later in a nearby hospital. The autopsy reveal the cause of death was due to lack of blood. By slitting his own throat with his own finger nails, the suspect consequently bled to death.There were no (narcotics) found in his body.The searcher of the suspect's bed room (turned of) a note that appears to have been written by the suspect. The note was taped to the back of a clock hanging on the wall of the suspect's bedroom. The note appears to be torn from a college ruled spiral on notebook. It appears that the note was originally written on one sheet of paper. Although one of us found, the middle section had been torn out. Possibly we move in the part of a note that someone didn't want to let. In addition from a large amount of tape left on a clock, they can be assumed that something else besides the memo was also taped there. Here's the content of the memo as we found it. <br /> My name is Keiichi Maebara. I'm in danger of being killed. I don't really know why, and I don't even know who do it. The only thing I do know is that that has something to do with the curse of Oyashiro. Rena and Mion are involved in the murders. There's also four or five more adults involved. And one of them owns a white van. Here's the second half.<br /> I still don't quite understand...just outta things got to this point.If you're reading this, then chances are...I'm probably dead. Whoever finds this note, please uncover the truth. That's all I ask. Keiichi Maebara.<br /><br /></font></p>




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