Zero Tries To Invite Suzaku To Join

「Zero Tries To Invite Suzaku To Join」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Zero Tries To Invite Suzaku To Join」(2011/12/17 (土) 16:57:52) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p>:It looks like they treated you rather roughly.<br />  Now you know what they're really like, Private Kururugi.<br />  Britannia is rotten.<br />  If you wish to bring change to this world, then join me.</p> <p>:So, is it true?<br />  Are you really the one who killed Prince Clovis?</p> <p>:This is war.<br />  Why wouldn't I kill an enemy commander?</p> <p>:And the gas?<br />  Those were civilians out there.</p> <p>: A bluff to help things along.<br />  The result, not a single death.</p> <p>:The result?<br />  That's all that matters to you, I suppose.</p> <p>:Come join me.<br />  The Britannia you serve is a worthless dominion.</p> <p>:Maybe that's true, but...<br />  But this nation, it can be changed for the better, and from within.</p> <p>:Changed?<br />  And any ends gained through contemptible means aren't worth anything.</p> <p>:Wait.<br />  Where are you going?</p> <p>:My court martial begins in an hour.</p> <p>:Are you mad?<br />  The only reason they're giving you a trial is to find you guilty.<br />  The judge, the prosecution, and defence.</p> <p>:Rules are rule.<br />  And if I don't go, they start to cracking down on Elevens and honorary Britannians.</p> <p>:But you'll die.</p> <p>:I don't mind.</p> <p>:Don't be an idiot.</p> <p>:An old friend of mine always used to tell me that.<br />  He's say I was a fool.<br />  It's my weakness, I guess.<br />  I'd try to bring you in, but you'd just end up killing me.<br />  And If I'm going to die, it'll be in the service of the people.<br />  Even so, I thank you... for saving me.</p> <p>:You fool.</p> </div>
<div id="body"> <p>引越しを行いました</p> <p>左メニューバーのリンクから、新サイトへお越しください</p> </div>




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