Diethard And Jeremiah ~ Lelouch Promises To Deliver The Impossible

「Diethard And Jeremiah ~ Lelouch Promises To Deliver The Impossible」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Diethard And Jeremiah ~ Lelouch Promises To Deliver The Impossible」(2011/12/17 (土) 16:55:55) の最新版変更点



<p>:You handled His Highness's memorial programme very well.<br />  A little too weepy for my tastes, but...</p> <p>:Yes, well, the masses tend to like tear-jerkers, Your Excellency.</p> <p>:Spoken like a true TV man.<br />  Still, I have to acknowledge the finesse you've shown.<br />  You did well in the short time you had.<br />  One would almost think you were expecting His Highness to meet his untimely end.</p> <p>:It's quite common for memorial programs to be set in advance for important people.</p> <p>:Does that include me as well?</p> <p>:Recent events may have bumped you up the list a bit, Your Excellency.</p> <p>:I wasn't deemed important enough till now, is that it?<br />  How forthright of you.</p> <p>:I'm afraid so, sir.</p> <p>:Ever thought of enlisting?<br />  The army could use more men like you.</p> <p>:I don't think it would be a very good fit.<br />  Not really my cup of tea.</p> <p>:You prefer the civil sector, I take it?<br />  No matter.<br />  I have another favor to ask of you.<br />  Tomorrow night, Suzaku Kururugi will be transferred to his court martial.</p> <p>:We should line the road with good, patriotic Britannians.</p> <p>:Excellent.<br />  You catch on quickly, don't you?<br />  Be sure the rabble can see his face.</p> <p>:Lord Jeremire, there are those among the Elevens who see Private Kururugi as a hero.<br />  Some might very well make an attempt to free him.</p> <p>:I'll be there personally aboard my Sutherland.<br />  If anyone even thinks of causing trouble, they'll be executed on the spot.</p>




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