The servarance video from Yanagi room.

「The servarance video from Yanagi room.」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The servarance video from Yanagi room.」(2011/12/17 (土) 14:20:47) の最新版変更点



<p>Old man:<br /> How are the grandchildren?<br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Well,what do you think?</font><br /><br /> Old man:<br /> You are still impatient as always.<br /> The report has no impact on the military's budget. It's really nothing that would interests you.<br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Who said that? Bureaucrats or politicians?</font><br /><br /> Old man:<br /> Any military men who could be hurt by it shouldn't know anything about it.<br /> Don't poke it if you don't know what it is. Those are your words.<br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">You haven't chenged I see.</font><br /><br /> Old man:<br /> There's a new place near here that has surperb shrimp.<br /> You care to join me?<br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">In another time. Thanks.</font><br /><br /> Ishikawa:<br /> The Major is waiting for you.<br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Hm.</font><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">What did you find out?</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">The servarance video from Yanagi room.<br /> And some footage taken by security cameras inside the restaurant that's bothering me.<br /></font><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Hmm</font><br /><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">This man shold've benn equipped with a spinal colom unit made by the North American Neutron Company,but the smashed components don't piece back togerther to fit anything manufactured by that farm.<br /><br /> This next footage shows the Minister and a geisha going into the restroom.</font><br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">With a geisha?</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">Well, yeah. Apparently he occationaly likes to swap bodies with them when he's drunk.<br /><br /> There's NAIPA official who was killed.</font><br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">He's fooling around with him too?</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">That I can't tell you. There was no camera inside the restroom.<br /> Here comes the secretary, who's obiviously become a bit worried.<br /><br /> Right here. That's when she was attacked.</font><br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Hmm</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">But this doesn't fit with the statements second NAIPA official.Because according to the account he gave, he wittness the official who was killed get attacked first and then secretaly.<br /> The head of  Support Association wasn't entirely doplasturte(?) to remember much.<br /> However,he told the police he was fairly certainly heard the secretaly screaming first.</font><br /><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">What was it that woman witnessed?</font></p>




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