Track the tracer virus!

「Track the tracer virus!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Track the tracer virus!」(2011/12/17 (土) 14:03:53) の最新版変更点



<p>Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">Pazu, Borma! Track the tracer virus!<br /> Batou, you are on backup!</font><br /><br /> Batou:<br /><font color="#808000">Huh, music to my ears.</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">Togusa, look alive!<br /> Chief, the scene is secure.<br /> One female hostage needs immediate medical attention for severe wounds.<br /> One male, early 30's, [confirm / confirmed] dead from head trauma.<br /> Batou and the others are pursuing the perp.<br /></font><br /> Aramaki:<br /><font color="#808080">Good. Bring the Minister and the others out. Extremely careful.<br /> I have four vans and [a] tent corridor waiting for you at the entrance.<br /> Move them under at B6 guard protocol.</font><br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">Roger.</font><br /><br /> Togusa:<br /><font color="#339966">Can you walk,Minister?</font><br /><br /> Minister:<br /> Uh, yes, we owe you our lives, thank you.</p> <p><br /><br /> Borma:<br /> Major, the target is a cyborg.<br /> I'm searching records but there's no [matching on / match on him] yet. (?)<br /><br /> Motoko:<br /><font color="#993366">Don't kill him until you find out what he was waiting for.</font><br /><br /> Batou:<br /><font color="#808000">Borma, I'm almost at your location!</font><br /><br /> Borma:<br /> Roger. Don't run out into traffic.<br /><br /> Batou:<br /><font color="#808000">[I / I'll] look before crossing, mom!<br /> Tachikoma, where the hell are you !?</font></p> <p><font color="#808000"><font color="#000000">Terrorist:</font><br /><font color="#000000">Shit!<br /> Daah!</font></font><font color="#000000"><br /></font><br /> Batou:<br /><font color="#808000">Damn it! What took you so long!?<br /> Ready to give up now?</font><br /><br /><font color="#808000">Huh?<br /> I think he broke.</font></p>




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