Shall we head to Nobue's restaurant?

「Shall we head to Nobue's restaurant?」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Shall we head to Nobue's restaurant?」(2011/12/16 (金) 01:07:02) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>(12:59-)<br /></strong>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">I know it was her!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">My big sister?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Wearing<sub><font color="#000000">1</font></sub>one of those frilly skirts?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">Mm-hm!<br /> Yeah, I couldn't believe it at first either!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Hmm...she told me she started her new job.<br /> But<sub><font color="#000000">2</font></sub>come to think of it, she didn't actually tell me where...<br /></font> <br /> Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">You really think it might be your sister?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">I'm not lying you guys?!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Should we go there...?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">But if we do that, your sister will probably<sub><font color="#000000">3</font></sub>get mad at us...</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Yep, so we'll just look through the window.<br /> But<sub><font color="#000000">4</font></sub>don't breathe a word of this to Miu.<br /> If she finds out, there will be trouble.<br /> ...Guess I was wrong.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">You called, huh?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">It's you!<br /> What were you doing in the closet, Miu?!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Playing<font color="#000000"><sub>5</sub></font>hide-and-seek.<br /> But I've got to tell anyone.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">You can't play it that way!<br /> Oh, what're we gonna do...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">So, shall we<font color="#000000"><sub>6</sub></font>head to Nobue's restaurant?<br /></font></p> <hr /><p><font color="#000000"><font color="#000000"> of those frilly skirts:よくあるフリフリスカート(one of those~:よくある~、frilly:フリルのついた)<br /> 2.come to think of it:考えてみると、そういえば<br /></font>3.get mad at ~:~に怒る[腹を立てる・かっかする・頭にくる・キレる・熱くなる]<br /> 4.not breathe a word of ~:~について一言も漏らさない<br /> 5.hide-and-seek:かくれんぼ<br /> 6.head to ~:~へ向かう</font></p> <hr /></div>




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