Nobue starts working at a restaurant

「Nobue starts working at a restaurant」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Nobue starts working at a restaurant」(2011/12/16 (金) 01:05:19) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>(11:06-)<br /></strong>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Welcome!<br /> Well, thank you very much!<br /> Please take your time!</font></p> <p>Senior:<br /><font color="#33CCCC">Um, you are not allowed to smoke during work, sorry.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Huh?<br /> Oh, that's right...</font></p> <p>Senior:<br /><font color="#33CCCC">No problem.</font></p> <p>Ana's mommy:<br /><font color="#993366">You don't have to rush, dear.</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">Ah...mommy...!</font></p> <p>Ana's mommy:<br /><font color="#993366">It's good for you, Ana.<br /> Eat it all.</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">Boo...</font></p> <p>Customer:<br /> Excuse me.</p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Yes.</font></p> <p>Customer:<br /> I'd like to order another one of these.</p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Okay.</font></p> <p>Ana's mommy:<br /><font color="#993366">What terrible manners you have...<br /> We are not leaving until you finish it all.</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">Huh?<br /> Yes, I know...<br /> ...I ate it!<br /> Come on!<br /> Let's go!</font></p> <p>Senior:<br /><font color="#33CCCC">Thank you very much!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Ah, do you want to break?</font></p> <p>Senior:<br /><font color="#33CCCC">Oh, I'm okay.<br /> Hey, did you notice that last customer?<br /> She was a cute little  foreign girl with blonde hair.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Oh?<br /> I didn't notice her at all.<br /> Anyway, there's a cute little foreign girl that comes to my house all the time.</font></p> <p>Senior:<br /><font color="#33CCCC">Cigarette!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Hm?<br /> Ha...</font></p> <hr /><hr /></div>




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