Looking for a part-time job

「Looking for a part-time job」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Looking for a part-time job」(2011/12/16 (金) 01:00:53) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>(03:28-)<br /></strong>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Oh, brother, isn't there one good job out there...?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Nobue!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Yeah?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">There's nothing if you're under twelve!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Big surprise...<br /> ...You guys have it good, you know...?<br /> You just have to go to school and play.<br /> Well, I have to be responsible.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Who are you calling lazy?!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">No one used the word "lazy"...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Hey, you there.<br /> Go get me a pot of tea, would you?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Okay.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">She actually went...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">What I need is a<sub><font color="#000000">1</font></sub>totally flexible job that pays twenty thousand yen an hour.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Oh, here's one.<br /> It's in a hostess bar.</font></p> <p><font color="#FF00FF"><em>Should be easy.<br /> 'Cause all you have to do is talk to men.</em></font></p> <p><font color="#FF00FF">...Maybe not...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Do you wanna live to see<sub><font color="#000000">2</font></sub>seventh grade?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Russian pu...</font></p> <div> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br /> Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">It's for you.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Oh...thank you.<br /><sub><font color="#000000">3</font></sub>Weekend shifts available...<br /> I don't wanna work then...</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Wow, I didn't realize working was that bad!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">I<sub><font color="#000000">4</font></sub>wouldn't mind a part time job.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Okay, then, what kind of part time job would you like, Matsuri?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Hm...I'm not fast.<br /> So I'm the kind of person who do best with a slower-paced kind of job.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Ooh, slow, huh?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966"><sub><font color="#000000">5</font></sub>We have baked...sweet potatoes...for sale.<br /> Thank you for all of your support, potato lovers.<br /> Please note we're driving slowly today.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Suits her!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">I don't think so...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">What about you, Chika?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Huh?<br /> Let me see...<br /> I could just<sub><font color="#000000">6</font></sub>pass out tissues.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Just?!  Just?!<br /> What a<sub><font color="#000000">7</font></sub>snob!<br /> You don't know just how hard it is to pass out tissues!<br /> Why don't you give it a try and see just how difficult it is!</font></p> <p><em><strong>Action!</strong></em></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">I won't<sub><font color="#000000">8</font></sub>read your palm...</font></p> <p><em><strong>Cut!</strong></em></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Owie...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">Why are you guys being such big idiots?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000">It's Miu's fault!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">You're both<sub><font color="#000000">9</font></sub>guilty!</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Ana, so what kind of part-time job would you like to do?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">Well, actually I had a part-time job just the other day, helping my dad!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Really?<br /> Doing what?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">I was a<sub><font color="#000000">10</font></sub>ball boy at the club!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br /><font color="#339966">Wow!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000">It may look simple, but it actually<sub><font color="#000000">11</font></sub>takes quite some skill!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">That just seems so English...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Yeah...<br /> A ball boy, huh...?<br /> I guess the ball boy<sub><font color="#000000">12</font></sub>is no match for the wild beast...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br /><font color="#993300">What goes on in the head of yours...?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF0000"><font color="#000000"><sub>13</sub></font>Who knows...?</font></p> <hr /><p><font color="#000000">  1.<font color="#000000">totally flexible job that pays twenty thousand yen at an hour</font>:出勤自由で時給2万円くらいとれるバイト(flexible:柔軟性のある、柔軟な、自由自在な)<br />   2.seventh grade:中学1年生<br />   3.Weekend shifts available:土日出勤(weekend:週末、shift:シフト、available:〔人が〕手が空いている、〔物が〕利用できる)<br />   4.<font color="#000000">wouldn't mind~:~を気にしない、~しても構わない<br /></font>  5.We have baked...sweet potatoes...for sale.:焼き芋販売中(sweet potate:サツマイモ、for sale:売るための)<br />   6.pass out~:~を配る<br />   7.snob:お高くとまった人、てんぐ、偉そうな人<br />   8.read one's palm:手相を見る<br />   9.guilty:有罪の、犯罪的な、罪を犯した<br /> 10.ball boy:球拾い<br /> 11.take skill:熟練を必要とする<br /> 12.be no match for~:~にかなわない<br /> 13.Who knows...?:誰にも分からない。/知らないよ。(<span class="label">直訳:</span>誰が知っているものか。)</font></p> <hr /></div> </div>




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