Tooth and Claw ~ "I wanna fight"

「Tooth and Claw ~ "I wanna fight"」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Tooth and Claw ~ "I wanna fight"」(2011/12/16 (金) 21:44:49) の最新版変更点



<p>Tsume:<br /> What is it?<br /><br /> Man:<br /> It's a dog.<br /> But I don't think it's gonna make it.<br /> Maybe it's worth something.<br /> Maybe we can eat it.<br /> I've never seen a dog this big. The sucker's huge.<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> That is not a dog.<br /> Pull it out.<br /><br /> Man:<br /> Okay...<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> How interesting...<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> That was quite a stunt.<br /><br /> Kiba:<br /> I was protecting myself, that's all.<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> Don't be so quick to kill.<br /><br /> Kiba:<br /> What's wrong with killing?<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> I don't know what mountain you came down from, but you're in the city now.<br /> There are rules.<br /><br /> Kiba:<br /> Rules?<br /> Is running around this city with a pack of idiots one of the rules?<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> I'm only using 'em.<br /><br /> Kiba:<br /> Your rules stink like this city.<br /> What's the point of living if it means throwing away your pride?<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> You've got a big mouth for someone half dead.<br /><br /> Gehl:<br /> Are you okay, Tsume?<br /> Hey, you're bleeding.<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> Don't touch me!<br /> And stay out of my business.<br /><br /> Gehl:<br /> I wanted to thank you.<br /> You saved my life back there.<br /> I always thought maybe you didn't care if one of your friends got killed.<br /> I guess I thought maybe I'd never be one of your friends.<br /><br /> Tsume:<br /> We're not friends.<br /> It's just... I'm not like you people.<br /><br /> Cher?:<br /> I've never seen this expression on her face before.<br /> Has the solution been altered?<br /><br /> Researcher A:<br /> No, it's the same as always.<br /><br /> Researcher B:<br /> Do you think she's awakened?<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> According to the data we found, the first thing Cheza showed a response to was blood, wasn't it?<br /><br /> Researcher B:<br /> Wolf's blood, you mean?<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> Yes. The smell of wolf's blood.<br /><br /> Researcher A:<br /> But, what evidence is there that...<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> None.<br /> Many things exist that can't be explained by scientific proof simply due to a lack of evidence.<br /> Cheza herself is the crowning achievement of an alchemy that cannot be proved.<br /> The Flower Maiden and the wolves are being drawn to one another.<br /> Like an ancient scholar's fairy tale.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> Quent Yaiden.<br /> So tell me, what bring the sheriff of Kyrios to our humble city?<br /> That's some heavy artillery you've got there.<br /> But I doubt you came all this way for the hunting.<br /><br /> Quent:<br /> What did you do with it?<br /> Where's the animal I put down?<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> Dead, apparently.<br /> The carcass will be disposed of here.<br /><br /> Quent:<br /> That's impossible!<br /> There's not a chance in Hell that thing is dead!<br /> I have to see it with my own eyes.<br /> Don't you get it, it's a wolf!<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> You think it's a wolf?<br /><br /> Quent:<br /> It may look like a dog, but it's not.<br /> It's a wolf!<br /> You don't honestly believe that we wiped those things from the face of the planet, do you, detective?<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> The last appearance of a wolf was over 200 years ago.<br /> Just how do you suppose they survived all this time?<br /> The mountains and forests have been stripped bare.<br /> There's nowhere on Earth they could live or hide.<br /><br /> Quent:<br /> There's all around us!<br /> They've just put us all under some kind of spell!<br /> These wolves exist and we have to destroy them all!<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> I figured this kind of thing might be under your jurisdiction.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> So it's alive?<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> Just barely.<br /> But it's only a matter of time.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> That sounds like the two of us.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> We're not over yet.<br /> All we have to do is keep trying.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> I'm not so sure.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> Hey, what are you doing?<br /> What department are you with?<br /><br /> Hige:<br /> Oh, sorry.<br /> I was looking for cleaning supplies, I guess I must have got lost.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> The cleaning crew, huh?<br /> Just go out that door, supplies are on the right.<br /><br /> Hige:<br /> Oh, are they?<br /> Thanks.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> So, do you think it's really a wolf?<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> I don't know.<br /> I've never seen a real one before.<br /> But if it is a wolf, it may be what's causing the sudden reaction in Cheza.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> Oh please.<br /> Not Cheza again.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> What's that mean?<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> It's because of her you and I broke up.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> Stop acting like an idiot, Hubb, and bring this up to the lab.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> I'll have someone do it later.<br /> Dogs and I don't get along all that well.<br /> I'm kind of allergic to them.<br /><br /> Cher:<br /> This is the reason you and I would never work.<br /><br /> Hubb:<br /> I don't know, maybe it is just a matter of time.<br /><br /> Gehl:<br /> I'm coming with you guys.<br /> I wanna fight.<br /> I can help you.<br /> Just tell me what to do.</p>




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