The Core Fighter's Escape

「The Core Fighter's Escape」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The Core Fighter's Escape」(2011/12/17 (土) 10:42:03) の最新版変更点



Narrator: It is the year 0079 of the Universal Century. A half century has passed since Earth began moving its burgeoning population into gigantic orbiting space colonies. A new home for mankind. Where people are born and raised... and die. Nine months ago, the cluster of colonies furthest from the earth called Side 3 proclaimed itself the Principality of Zeon and launched a war of independence against the Earth Federation. Initial fighting lasted over one month and saw both sides lose half their respective populations. People were horrified by the indescribable atrocities that had been committed in the name of independence. Eight months had passed since the rebellion began. They were at a stalemate. [Footage of Colony being attacked, fight between Zeon and Federation forces, colony crashing into Earth] ------------- The Core Fighter's Escape ------------- [On White Base in the civilian area...] Ryu: Sayla, how are the patients? Sayla: They seem to be doing well Ryu. Ryu: Room 107, everything looks stable. Mirai: Roger. Sayla: It's gonna be okay everybody, this is almost over so just relax. Hayato: Haro, you're gonna have to calm down. Here, that's better. Fraw Bow, everything's okay over here. Fraw: Great, I guess that's it then. If you need anything at all, I want you to ask okay? [On the bridge.] Injured Guy: See, if you look here the one valve is shot, so... Crew Member: I see. That explains why the output is down 8 percent. Mirai: Marker, can you calculate it at a 12 percent loss on output for me please? Marker: You got it. Looks like it won't work, we won't make it into orbit. Amuro: We can connect it to this circuit, right? Omur: Sure. Amuro: Will the catapult have enough strength? Omur: Let me see, it should be fine. The catapult was designed for the Gunperry, it'll handle a Core Fighter, see? Amuro: That's terrific, thanks. Bright: Lieutenant, first and foremost, we're soldiers, we have a duty to protect innocent civilians. Reed: We'll be saving their lives too, if we let those evacuees off White Base they'll be in less danger. It'll allow us to orbit and begin to re-group ourselves. Bright: We're in Zeon territory, and these are old folks and young children. Fraw: Sir, are we landing the evacuees? Kai: No, our Mr. Bright prefers to keep us on the run. Bright: You know I didn't say that Kai. Kai: Ouch. Too harsh. But hey, what about food? There's ratoins going to 100 people who don't even fight you know. Bright: Kai! Reed: It's just as this young man says Bright. [Meanwhile...] Civilian Leader: We were forced against our will to leave and become space immigrants. By a stroke of luck we managed to come back to the earth we thought we'd never see again. We can't miss out, we're almost there. I want to walk on ground again, don't you feel the same? Well listen, I have an idea that might work. [On the Bridge.] Bright: You're suggesting we use the power directly from White Base in order to launch the Core Fighter? Amuro: Yeah, it's probably our best solution. The trajectory will get the plane directly to the target. Mirai: Actually, it does seem quite possible. Amuro, you've done the calculations? Amuro: Yeah, we can attach the main engine's steam valve to the center catapult, what do you think? Bright: But... Hm? [An alarm goes off.] Ryu: Fraw Bow, Hayato, the evacuees are upset about something, come right away! Kai: We'll never get to anywhere if we just sit around playing a waiting game with the enemy. Let's try Amuro's idea. Bright: Well first we have to see if it's even possible to modify the catapult. Also, we need someone who can withstand the force of the launch without the risk of blacking out. Amuro: Well I suggested it, if the plan doesn't succeed, there'll just be one casualty. Kai: Well, well, you'll be our martyr. Amuro: Don't worry, I'm not saying I think this plan is gonna fail Kai. Mr. Bright, please approve the catapult modification. Bright: Done. Do you approve of this sir, Lt. Reed? Reed: Yes I do. The most important thing to do is contact HQ and get reinforcements. [At the enemy base...] Garma: Have you inputted the data on the Mobile Suit? Technician: Yes, all the data we were able to come up with sir. Garma: That's amazing. Technician: I know. Garma: Even if we can only estimate its capabilities based on what we see, this proves that their new Mobile Suit is a whole class above our own. If only we understood the weapons and internal workings as well. Considering your opponent Char, you actually fared very well over the past few days. Char: Believe me Garma, it was tougher than you think. Garma: I understand. Char: We shouldn't give them too much time to recover, should we? Garma: No. [On White Base.] Bright: Can you complete this job in 15 minutes? Electrician: Sir, it's a cinch. All we have to do is attach a steam valve from the main engine and we're set. Bright:[To Amuro] Hurry up, but eat something first. Something light. Amuro: Right, I'm eating now. Injured Guy: Alright listen. Amuro: Yeah? Injured Guy: The first 30 seconds will be tough. Hayato: Captain! The evacuees are rebelling sir! Bright: Huh? Reed: What's that? Ryu: The old folks went nuts back there and took some of the children hostage. They're demanding that White Base land now. Injured Guy: Hey, don't eat anymore food okay, you'll throw up. Amuro: Right. Sayla: There's more. Fraw Bow offered herself as a hostage just so she could watch over the children. We're at a standoff. Injured Guy: What's your hours logged on the Core Fighter? Kid? Amuro: Uh... 18 hours in simulation and 35 hours in training, and 2 hours in combat. Injured Guy: These days you rookies get a little bit of training and they send you off to fight. I guess we've got no choice, do we. Amuro: Sir. Hayato: Aren't you worried? Amuro: About what? Hayato: Amuro, you heard Fraw's been taken hostage, can't you even show a little concern for her? Amuro: Hayato, take a look around the room. Bright and Sayla and everyone else that is here, I figure we leave it in their hand and the problem will be solved. Hey, we all have to do what we can you know. Sayla: Amuro's right you know. Amuro: I'm going to the hangar, bye. Bright: Good luck. Kai: Hey, you better watch for enemy fire, it'd be a real shame to get hit the moment you fly out of White Base. Heh. Amuro: I've had enough. Just who do you think you are anyway?! Kai: Aw... don't throw a hissy fit, kid. But let's face it, the odds aren't good. Sayla: Stop it Kai. Kai: Hey, I'm just a nobody right? Don't get yourself riled up over anything I have to say. Amuro: Oh yeah!? Listen Kai, you're a full grown adult. So why do you have to be so mean to everybody all the time? Kai: [laughs] [White Base gets ready.] Zeon Pilot: Captain, it seems the Trojan Horse is adjusting its position. I believe it's ascending now sir. Captain: Inform the base. Zeon Pilot: Sir. Informer: Chief Garma, we have some important information gathered from the Luna Patrol. The Trojan Horse is on the move now. Garma: What's that? Quickly now, send the data here. Informer: Yes sir, on its way. The calculations are based on laser analysis. Garma: Char, what do you think? Perhaps the Federation ship's trying to break away into satellite orbit. Char: No, the ship's not fast enough for that. Or maybe they're... Get Dren for me right now! Prepare the Consign for launch! Garma: But what is this all about Char? Char: It's very likely that they're trying to figure out a way to contact the Federation forces. [On White Base.] Mirai: Beginning countdown. Alright Amuro? 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0! [They launch it.] Amuro: Ah! Erh.... [Amuro passes out.] Marker: Core Fighter in orbital trajectory. Computer Operator: An object's been launched from the Trojan Horse. Char: On orbital trajectory? Computer Operator: Yes. Char: It's an attempt to shoot clear over us and then contact the Federation. Garma: The radar's of no use above the base because of Minofsky particle interference. What should we do? Char: We go after it. Can we intercept the ship? Computer Operator: If we launch in 1 minute we can intercept in 2 minutes 50 seconds. Char: Right. Garma: Char. Heh, he hasn't changed at all. You, contact the Gau attack carrier, inform them to cover Commander Char. [They launch in the Consign. On White Base...] Fraw: I have tried my best to explain the situation to you, but... Civilian Leader: First of all, we want to assure you that we don't want to hurt anybody here, we just want to hear the truth about what's happening. Bright: So then, you don't need to take any hostages, do you? Now then, holster your sidearms. Put them away. Ryu: Right. [They do.] Old Woman: My grandson... I haven't seen him at all since I left earth. Old Man: I want to see the town I grew up in and the river nearby. Woman: Please, I was separated from my husband, I have to see him. Bright: Listen, no one said we wouldn't be landing on the earth. Civilian Leader: How long will it be? Tell me exactly! How long will it be until we're able to walk on the ground? Bright: Huh? Old Man: I feel badly that you have to deal with this sir, but we had to talk to you. We had legitimate concerns that weren't being taken seriously. Bright: We're trying to do our best under the circumstances sir. Mirai: Attention Bright. Bright, it's urgent! Bright! Bright: What is it? Mirai: Please come quickly, right away! Amuro, we've lost radio contact. Amuro, this is White Base, do you read me? Come in please! Come in! Amuro! Kai: Maybe he was shot down? Mirai: This is no joke you hear, so shut up? Marker: Enemy detected. Enemy air craft approaching Core Fighter. They'll intersect in one minute. Reed: You think it's Char? Mirai: It can't be. Amuro, Amuro, answer me, Amuro?! Come in Amuro, please! Amuro, this is White Base, do you read me? [The Consign approaches the Core Fighter.] Char: How much longer? Dren: We should see it in 30 seconds. [On White Base.] Mirai: Amuro! Bright: Did the enemy spot him? Mirai: There's no answer. Bright: Amuro needs support, Kai! Kai: Missiles on stand by and ready to fire! Whenever you say! Bright: Mirai, he'll have to lower his trajectory. Full speed ahead to catch the Core Fighter. Mirai: Yes sir. Engine room, we're gonna need maximum output from you immediately. Reed: Can't use the radar at all? Marker: The radar tracking system's only at 30% accuracy due to the high density of Minofsky particles. Kai: I think I got him, well Bright? Reed: Fire! It'll throw off the enemy. Bright: Fire! Launch missiles! [They do.] Dren: Missiles sir! Char: They're just aimless shots from the Trojan Horse to scare us. Keep moving in on the enemy fighter plane Dren. Just ignore the missiles. Dren: Sir. Sayla: Amuro, you've got to wake up, can you hear me? Amuro, please answer us! Amuro! [Amuro wakes up.] Amuro: Where am I? Sayla: Can you hear me Amuro? Amuro: Sayla... Sayla: There's an enemy intercepter heading your way. [They fire at him.] Amuro: Ah! Sayla: You've got to remain calm. Char: Dren! The sights on these Vulcan cannons aren't aligned properly. [On White Base.] Bright: Amuro! You must not allow yourself to be shot down! Keep your eye on the enemy's position! Amuro: Keep moving... Wait a minute... That vehicle... it's mainly designed to be a re-entry capsule. It's not meant for air combat. That is as far as you go Char. [He hits it.] Dren: A direct hit! Char: Don't worry Dren, I'll get us out of this. Go into a dive now. Amuro: Huh? [A group of Dopps close in.] Amuro: Come in please, I can use some help from White Base. Reed: Why don't we just launch those missiles? Oscar: The Dopps are positioned directly in the path between us and the Core Fighter sir. So if we fire our missiles, we'll probably hit the Core Fighter too. Reed: Yeah, I suppose. [The Dopps shoot at the Core Fighter.] Amuro: Mr. Bright, I have 6 Fighters on my tail now. Bright: Sayla, bring Amuro back to White Base immediately. All personnel stand by for attack! Sayla: Amuro, listen to me. Return to White Base. Just stay calm and fly as low as you can. Amuro: But Sayla... Sayla: These are orders from Mr. Bright and Lt. Reed. Kai: Heh heh heh, I just knew it wouldn't work. [Bright punches him in the face.] Kai: Oh, that was nice! What did I ever do to deserve that!? Bright: Kai, you show that attitude once more, I'll open the hatch and toss you out of the ship! Kai: I gotcha, Mr. Bright. Oscar: The Core Fighter, it's returning. Char: It seems to have given up. Dopp unit, don't lose that fighter! Dren, can we pursue? Dren: Yes, just a little further. Char: Alright, let's go. Dren: The Gau carrier seems to be ascending sir. Char: Have them launch more Dopps now. I prefer to end this thing in the air Dren. Dren: Right. [The Core Fighter nears White Base.] Amuro: I made it... White Base! Oscar: Core Fighter entering our defense zone. Bright: All battle stations, fire upon my command! Convert Core Fighter into Gundam. Sayla: Amuro, are you there? I know it's hard, but you'll have to fight an airial battle in the Gundam. Amuro: Huh? Airial battle? But Gundam's build specifically for land combat Sayla! Sayla: Don't worry, you can spend up to a minute in free fall. You can do it. Amuro: You're asking too much! I don't have the kind of skill to take some fight in midair. Sayla: Don't you want to survive? Listen, you're approaching the deck now, try to stay alert. Amuro: I can't do it again, I just can't! [White Base fires at the Dopps.] Bright: On my command, fire! Bright: Lower the landing hook! The Core Fighter is approaching now. Amuro: Approach alignment looks good. I'm coming in. [The Core Fighter comes in and converts to Gundam.] Amuro: Control conversion complete. But you know Sayla, I don't know if... Sayla: I know. Nobody here feels any more confident than you do. Listen Amuro, you have some real talent, never give up. The hatch will open now. [Gundam fires at multiple Dopps from White Base's hatch.] Dopp Pilot: A mobile suit! An enemy Mobile Suit has emerged sir! Char: I'll get my Zaku. I'd would like you to move the Consign above the enemy Dren. Dren: Sir. [Char heads out in his Zaku. On White Base.] Oscar: A Zaku is descending. Looks like Char. Reed: What's that? Amuro: It's Char. [Amuro fires at Char but misses. He launches.] Amuro: Let's go! 1 minute 20 seconds before I hit the ground. All right, can I get him before that? [Gundam shoots more Dopps.] Amuro: Here you go. Where is he?! [Char fires at him from above then kicks gundam.] Char: You shouldn't call it a free fall, it's not free at all. I can hardly move in here. [On White Base.] Kai: Ugh, Gundam's in the way again. Huh? What the heck are you people doing in here? Hey now, wait just a minute, this is... Bright: What's wrong? You people are... Civilian Leader: So, looks to me like we're not gonna land after all. Old Man: I beg you, please get us to Earth now please. Bright: Yes, I understand. Now you gotta go back to your rooms, we're doing all we can. Kai: Quickly please. [The civilians sit down.] Ryu: Hey, what's going on? Civilian Leader: That's it. We won't move. We're not going anywhere until you put us down on Earth. [Amuro continues to battle Char.] Amuro: Beam energy's all used up! Sayla: No Amuro! You've got to pull back! The armor might not hold up if you're hit again! Amuro: I don't believe that! Bright: We'll give you missile cover. Get out of there now! Sayla: Be careful Amuro. Amuro: Alright, on my way. [They shoot at Char, enabling Gundam to escape.] Char: Huh? That Trojan Horse... Garma: Char, do you read me? Char: Yes Garma. Garma: I need to talk to you about the Mobile Suit Char. We're going to have to re-assess it and come up with a better strategy. Char: What do you mean Garma? Garma: We have some data. Not a lot, but I've made some discoveries. The Mobile Suit is unusual. It has a typical fighter at it's Core, but it is also modular and can be converted into various forms. Char: What!? You're saying that what I've been dealing with is... just one mere aspect of a multi-purpose Federation Mobile Suit? With that much power, it... how are we even supposed to fight a weapon like that, huh Garma? Garma: Retreat. We'll talk it over. Char: Yes, I'll retreat. [Amuro comes on the Bridge.] Kai: Don't mind them, welcome back. Bright: You did well Amuro. Mirai: Hey, thirsty? Amuro: Yeah. Civilian Leader: I'm aware that you've well, you've all been fighting very hard since we left. We all know about the hardships you've had to endure. Please everyone, we're not selfish and we don't want to pressure you. We just want to walk on the Earth again. Amuro: I understand, sir. Civilian Leader: Please get us to Earth Mr. Bright. Bright: We're almost there, back in Federation controlled territory. Why can't you wait a bit longer and guarantee your safety? Civilian Leader: And what guarantee is that? Will we live til then? Mother: Please, save my son and drop us off on Earth! Civilian Leader: Why can't you just find a safe place and drop us off Mr. Bright? Amuro: What's wrong with you? You sound like a bunch of spoiled brats! Bald Man: How could you know how important this is? Amuro: Who is it you think we're fighting for? Who? We are fighting for all of you! Risking all our lives to give you a chance. You people... you make me want to quit! Mirai: Amuro, I've got something for you to drink over here. Please send Fraw Bow and the kids to the bridge as a favor to us sir. Civilian Leader: We're counting on you, young lady. [They leave. The kids and Fraw arrive.] Letz: Hey, hi Amuro! Amuro: Hey! Fraw: I was so worried about you. Bright: Can we fly over it? We'll use the mountains as a shield, then head out toward the open sea. Reed: I suppose we'll have to. ---------------- Preview: So that White Base is able to drop off the civilians, a cease fire is declared. But preperations for the next attack continue. What did the mother and child witness on their homeland, planet Earth? Mobile Suit Gundam. Next Episode: Winds of War Who will survive? ----------------




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