Look, it's a fox!

「Look, it's a fox!」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Look, it's a fox!」(2009/07/09 (木) 16:39:44) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p>Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">I guess this hill hasn't really changed at all, has it?</font><br /><br /> Yuichi:<br />      <font color="#993300">No.<br /></font><br /> Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">Is something the matter?<br /></font><br /> Yuichi:<br />      <font color="#993300">The longer we're out here the more I realise I don't remember.<br />      I feel I had a lot of experiences in this town, but I can't ((     ) me what call it they were.)?<br />      I can't even figure out wether I liked this place or not.<br />      Maybe it's just 'cause... I was so young? <br />      But I keep thinking something familiar is (going) catch my eye. <br /></font>     <br /> Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">I'm sure (it a   ) coming back to eventually, just be patient.<br />      You know... I really do love this town.<br />      I really hope someday you'll come to love it as much as I do.<br /><br />      Look, it's a fox!<br /><br />      Come over here, Mr.Fox!<br />      It's OK! We won't hurt you.</font></p> <p>Yuichi:<br />      <font color="#993300">Don't do that!<br />      It's going to bite you.<br />      I guess you still love animals as much as you used to.<br /></font><br /> Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">Don't be scared.<br />      (Who is the little boo)?<br />      You are...<br /></font><br /> Yuichi:<br />      <font color="#993300">It's a wild animal Nayuki.<br />      You can't really expect it to come when you call it.</font><br /><br /> Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">That might be true of regular foxes, but the foxes on this hill are completely different.<br />      There's even an old legend and it tells how special they are.<br /></font><br /> Yuichi:<br />    <font color="#993300">  Can you tell me how the legend goes?<br /></font><br /> Nayuki:<br />      <font color="#0000FF">Of caurse, uh...<br />      Uh... Le't see... You know what, I can't remember.</font></p> </div>




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