Hostility Passing By(すれ違いのホスティリティ)

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Hostility Passing By(すれ違いのホスティリティ)」(2011/12/11 (日) 22:09:13) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>(起立!礼!)</strong><br /> Teacher:<br />  In other words, in recent years the division of groups in the *genre, the *headhunting of their affiliated athletes, and the limiteless rise and fall of minor groups in fact *epitomize this country's society.<br />  During the Shouwa Era, it was two large groups *monopolized the trade and the business world.<br />  However, as this system *crumbled, an era of *liberalized deregulation was initiated.<br />  On the plus side, this brought about the birth and development of many new styles and ideas.<br />  On the minus sides, however, it produced a *proliferation of groups based on *simplistic ideas and a decline of business morals.<br />  Does anyone...have question...?<br />  If no one has any, then that is all.<br /><br /> Chidori:<br />  <font color="#0000FF">Rise!<br />  Bow!</font></p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><strong>*[語  句]</strong><br /> genre:ジャンル、分野<br /> headhunting:ヘッドハンティング<br /> epitomize:~の典型となる、よい例となる<br /> monopolize:~を独占する<br /> crumble:崩壊する、粉々に崩れる<br /> proliferation:まん延、拡散、増殖<br /> simplistic:単純化した</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><br /><strong>[すれ違いのホスティリティ]</strong><br /><strong><br /><br /> (コッペパンを要求する!)</strong><br /> Chidori:<br /><font color="#0000FF"> Here I come!<br />  Damn it!<br />  Ha?!<br />  I'm in a pinch!<br />  I won't give in!<br />  Almost there!<br />  Ma'am!<br />  Give me a coroquette sandwich and a custard pastry!</font><br /><br /> Ma'am:<br />  Yes, that's two hundred ninety yen.<br /><br /> Kyoko:<br />  <font color="#339966">You're so quick, Kaname.</font><br /><br /> Chidori:<br /><font color="#0000FF"> Well, I'm not getting stuck with leftover plain rolls.<br />  Hey, Sousuke!<br />  Are you here to get bread too?</font><br /><br /> Sousuke:<br />  I'm completely out of jerky and vegetables.<br />  Though...gauging from that crowd.<br /><br /> Chidori:<br />  What do you mean?<br />  It's not like you to give up.<br />  If you don't move, they're all gonna sell out!<br /><br /> Sousuke:<br />  Well, that's not good.<br /><br /> Chidori:<br />  And order in a loud commanding voice.<br />  Put some spirit into it!<br /><br /> Sousuke:<br />  Understood.<br />  Spirit.<br /><br />  I demand a plain roll!<br /><br /> Chidori:<br />  Why plain?!<br /><br /> Sousuke:<br />  So, please cooperate and bring out the plain rolls.<br />  Or else I'll shoot.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語  句]</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p><strong>(これは深刻な食糧問題だ。)</strong><br /> Mikihara:<br />  They say they're gonna need two weeks.<br /><br /> Chidori:<br />  Two all weeks...<br />  Are you sure?<br /><br /> Mikihara:<br />  They say their injuries are not very serious, but...<br /><br /> Hayashimizu:<br />  But the bakers that sustained these injuries intend to postpone their on-site sales in the meantime.<br />  Most likely it means an indirect protest.<br />  We have a serious food crisis on our hands.<br />  The one hundred twenty students who depend on the baked good sold on-site will starve.<br />  The result is all clear.<br />  Riots and pillaging, moral decay.<br />  The order within the school would surely plummet.<br />  Therefore, after consultation with the principal, it was decided the student council will procure food and sell it for now.<br />  So, we must appoint a manager to oversee this project.</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p>*[語  句]</p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /></div>
<div id="body"><span style="font-weight:bold;">新しいサイトでスクリプト作成中</span><br /><hr width="100%" size="2" /></div>




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