

真紅の箱まで」(2011/12/09 (金) 00:23:42) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><strong>Girl:</strong> <font color="#000000">Huh? What do you mean you don't have time today, Nori?</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">I'm sorry guys, but Jun is not doing very good these days.</font><br /><strong>Girl:</strong> <font color="#000000">I see. It must be tough...for you, too.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Let me know when you guys go next time. Bye, see you tomorrow.</font><br /><strong>Girl:</strong> <font color="#000000">Careful riding home, Nori. You keep forgetting to...</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Nothing in here, either. Hey Jun-kun, I'm home now!</font><br /><strong>Delivery Person:</strong> <font color="#000000">Good afternoon! Package for you. Can you please stamp for it?</font><br /><strong>Delivery Person:</strong> <font color="#000000">Can you please stamp for it?</font><br /><strong>Delivery Person:</strong> <font color="#000000">Can you please stamp for it?</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Jun-kun!</font><br /><strong>Delivery Person:</strong> <font color="#000000">I have a package for SAKURADA-san!!</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">Once you've read with the clause below and circled your choice... humm... Please place it in the second drawer of your desk. The aritificial spirit HOLIE will arrive from an alternate dimension to retrieve it. Euh!! Alternate dimensions and fairies! I have a feeling this is gonna be the best thing ever! Let's see...</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Jun-kun...</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">I told you to knock before you come in.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Jun-kun, you got a lot of packages again. There's a voodoo doll, gold and silver pearls of happiness, and I think these are X-ray specs.</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">Yeah, I've bought 'em all through mail order. Did I say you could open 'em?</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Oh Jun, you gotta stop doing this. I'm your big sister and if you want something...</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">Heck no! I don't want some stinky outsider criticizing the one thing I like doing more than anything else.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">I'm not an outsider, I'm your big sister.</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">Shut up and get out, blockhead.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">But I..., I..., I saw on TV the other day, how bad these catchy mail order places, and how these sometimes be often...</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">I know that! Once I get here and I get some laughs out of 'em, and then I return 'em for refund just before the trial period ends. The thrill of it! The thrill of knowing that I just might get stuck with some piece of garbage. That's what's so irresistible.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">But... Jun-kun...? You... You think it's pathetic, right? That you think it's creepy too, don't you?</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">No! That's not true... I just think it's kind of wrong for you to do something like that. Anyway, I was thinking maybe a hobby like lacrosse would be a bit healthier. Yay! That's good form! You were born to play lacrosse, Jun... Ah! Jun-kun...</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">The pacages in the living room. They need to get shipped out today, or I won't get my refund.</font><br /><strong>Nori:</strong> <font color="#000000">Hey,Jun-kun. Maybe you, could you maybe come down and start eating dinners with me again? I wanna hear about your hobbies and have fun conversations with you again. Maybe if you do that, you'll go back to school....</font><br /><strong>Jun:</strong> <font color="#3366FF">Get going, Nori! And mail those packages! I just really hate it when she totally wounds the moment like that. Ow my shin... That hurts. Hey, what'd I trip on?</font></p> </div>




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