Ch3-2 Shinigami's eyes

「Ch3-2 Shinigami's eyes」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ch3-2 Shinigami's eyes」(2011/12/24 (土) 09:16:16) の最新版変更点



<p><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: In order to solve this problem, we must establish the concept that X squared equals large X.<br /> Now pay attention because this is important.<br /> Before we tackle more complex quadratic equations, we have to start thinking of large X's values, as simply the multiple of two integers. Now let's apply this concept to our first problem.</p> <p><br /><strong><font color="#708090">WATARI</font></strong>: We've brought the FBI to Japan four days ago.<br /> They are fully operational. As requested they are now gathering intel of the police.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: And this is the complete list?</p> <p><strong><font color="#708090">WATARI</font></strong>: Yes.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: There are 141 people in the police force who have access to classified information regarding the investigation.</p> <p>I'm sure somewhere in this list of the police officers and the people closest to them, we will find our suspect.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Light, you got a second?</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: I've already told you, Ryuk.<br /> You can't talk to me in public.<br /> How many times do I have to tell you?</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: In that case I'll talk, you just listen.<br /> If you don't want to hear me, you can plug your ears or something.</p> <p>First of all, I don't have anything against you.<br /> I actually think the notebook couldn't have been picked up by a better person.<br /> I'm here 'cause I have to stick around till the death note is finished or I see you die,  whichever comes first.<br /> But make no mistake, Light. I'm not on your side or L's side.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Yeah. Well, I knew that much already.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: You'll never hear me say anything about whether what you're doing is right or wrong.<br /> I'm not here to support you or give you my opinion.  I'm just a spectator.<br /> But as your roommate I might have a few things to say now and then.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: What's this about, Ryuk?<br /> Why are you telling me all this stuff now anyway?<br /> It's really not like you.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: It's just  that  I'm no ally of yous or Kira's if you prefer, the only reason I'm going to tell you this is because personally it is starting to creep me out.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Get to the point already.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Hahaha. You are being followed by another human.<br /> He's watching you right now.</p> <p>It's really starting to get on my nerves.<br /> I realise there's no way he can see me, but because I'm always following behind you wherever you go, I feel like I'm constantly being watched.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: That's a problem. I'll have to get rid of him as soon as possible.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Who would be following me?<br /> Does this mean L is already starting to suspect the police?<br /> If he's gonna investigate the police, he'll need a lot of resources and manpower.<br /> Even if he has as many as 50 people on the case, I don't see how they could ever figure out that I'm Kira.</p> <p>I shouldn't look like anything other than your average high school senior.<br /> But the longer I let this person keep following me, the greater the chance is they'll figure out who I really am.</p> <p>Above all, I need my stalker's name.<br /> Once I figured that out, I can get rid of him for good.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Light. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.<br /> What makes a Shinigami and a human who has a death note different?<br /> Well there are two things.</p> <p>And why do Shinigami have to write the names of humans in their death notes?<br /> You got any ideas?</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Of course not. Why would I know that?<br /> You know, you sure are talkative today.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: It's because we are able to take human life spans for ourselves.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Huh? Wait, what do you mean by that?</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Let's say you have a human who is due to live until the age of sixty and a god of death wrote that this person would die at forty.<br /> Sixty minus forty equals twenty.<br /> Now those twenty years taken from someone in the human world are added to that god of death's life.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Huh.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: So it means that as long as we don't slack off, even if someone was to shoot us in the head, or stab us in the heart with a knife, a god of death cannot die.</p> <p>On the other hand, no matter how many names you write in your death note, your life span will not increase.</p> <p>That is the first difference between gods of death and humans who possess a death note.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Haha. That's something about Shinigami that I haven't heard before.<br /> Pretty interesting stuff.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: The second difference between us will probably be of even greater interest to you.</p> <p>Though this has less to do with lengthening life and more to do with cutting it short.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: What do you mean cutting it short.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Shinigami can tell what the person's name is by just looking at their face. We know instantly.<br /> And do you have any idea why?<br /> Because through a Shinigami's eyes a human's name can be seen about their head.<br /> Not only that we see their life span as well.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Their name and life span?</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: That's right.<br /> I'm able to see your name and life span right now.<br /> If I converted that to human time I could tell you how many years you got left.<br /> But there's no way I'd ever tell you that.<br /> I may have a big mouth but even I wouldn't go that far.<br /> Hahaha.</p> <p>Shinigami never have to worry that they won't be able to kill a person just because they don't know their name.</p> <p>And every time we do take a life we always know exactly how many years we are going to receive.</p> <p>Our eyes just aren't the same and that is the difference between you and I.</p> <p>However, if a Shinigami drops his death note and a human picks it up, he can grant that human the eyes of Shinigami, but only if a deal is made, one that has been with us since ancient times.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: And what's the deal?</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: The price for having the Shinigami's eyes is half of that person's remaining life span.<br /> That's all it is.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Half of my remaining life span.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Yeah. In other words, if you are supposed to live another fifty years, it'll be twenty five.<br /> If it was one more year, then six months.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: I see.<br /> And since you've made it clear you're not on anyone's side, you won't help me out.<br /> You wouldn't just give me the names of people I want to kill.</p> <p>Basically you are saying that I can't simply borrow your powers.<br /> I'd have to pay for them.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: That's right.<br /> It's a key part of the code that all Shinigami are bound by.</p> <p>I'll say this once more.<br /> Give me half  your remaining life span, and I'll give you the Shinigami eyes.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: If I agree, I'll be able to know everyone's name<br /> just by looking at them.<br /> If I had that power, the death note would only be easier to use.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: So, what'll it be, Light?<br /> Is it a deal?</p>




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