03.Deep Feelings ~ Im Innersten 胸裡

「03.Deep Feelings ~ Im Innersten 胸裡」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

03.Deep Feelings ~ Im Innersten 胸裡」(2011/12/17 (土) 07:23:04) の最新版変更点



<p><font color="#000000">Kohta:<font color="#000080">No. Look. I-I-It's not what you think. Nyu's clothes are wet, a-and she can't change herself. Uh, so, you see.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Here's the key to the house. I leave it on the table. I'm happy. Nyu seems to be doing fine.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka! Hold on. This isn't what you...</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">It looks like I'm interrupting. I'll just be going.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What are you implying? Wait a second. At least give me a chance to explain. Like I said, you misunderstood.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Hey Kohta?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Hm?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Do you remember the festival? The one we always went to when we were kids? Do you remember?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">The festival? What are you talking about? Come on. That hardly seems important right now.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You jerk!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Ahh, Yuka...</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Ever since I've been, I've been...</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You such a jerk!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka! Hold on! What was all that about? I just got a chill down my spine. Wonder if I'm getting sick.<br /></font><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">It's you, papa. It's really you.</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Nana, I'm here to ask for your help.</font><br /><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">Ah, oh no, it cut.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, wow. You suck at this.</font><br /><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">Yeah? Let me see you do it.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">Okay.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">There. I'm finished.</font><br /><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">It's so good. It's perfect.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">Big deal. Anybody could do it.</font><br /><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">Ungh. It cracked again.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">You such a spaz. Get it right once, and I'll do whatever you tell me.</font><br /><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">Don't act like you're so cool. Just you wait. Next time you see me, I'll be able to do it. No problem. Then you'll be sorry.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">Well, keep practicing, and I guess we'll see what happens.<br /></font><br /> Child Yuka:<font color="#993300">And when I get it, you better believe I'll make you do whatever I say. I'm serious.<br /></font><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">Don't worry. I'll remember.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I can't believe it. I'm so stupid.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">...would you want me to do? I'll do anything you want. Just ask me, papa?<br /></font><br /> Shirakawa:<font color="#339966">Why'd she call him papa? Number Seven isn't really Chief Kurama's daughter, is she?</font><br /><br /> Researcher:<font color="#FF9900">Of course not. She's been locked in here since she was born. Her life has been spent enduring experiments worse than torture. To stay alive she needed some kind of support: someone to convince her it all meant something.</font><br /><br /> Shirakawa:<font color="#339966">And you're saying that support came from Chief Kurama?<br /></font><br /> Researcher:<font color="#FF9900">She believed that Chief was a father, and she did everything she could to live up to his expectations. So far that's kept her alive. Without something to strive for, she would've been insane long ago. Number Seven is remarkably obedient, and has never turned her vectors against humans. I suppose she's a unique case.</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">There's a person I need to kill.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">I, I can't kill anyone.</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">The target is a diclonius like you, Nana.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">What?!</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">A diclonius has escaped. Diclonius have a natural ability to sense each other. Only you would be able to find her.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">I think I can find her. But I can never kill her.</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Then just locate her. I'll arrange for you to contact me when you found her.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">Papa? Is this person, somebody that's making trouble for you?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Yes. And you're the only one who can help me.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">Really? Really? Then, I won't let you down!</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">You have a day. Get ready for combat.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Thirty-nine degrees. Oh, crap!</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu...</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Don't worry I'll be fine as long as I stay in bed. You should worry about putting on some underwear.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">It's morning already? I wonder what time it is.<br /></font><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu! Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Water.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Do you think you can bring me some water?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">I said water, okay? Ah, no idea what I'm saying.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Wa-ter?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Ah, right. Do you think you can get me some water?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Uh? huh?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Thank you for trying. Anyway, it's the thought that counts, right?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Uh, huh. Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Uh, It's not like I came to see you, Kohta. I just brought some clothes for Nyu.<br /></font><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Water! Water!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">What's the matter?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You're really sick. You should go to the hospital.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Please, I'm not going to a hospital.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Kohta... What's all that stuff? Were you unpacking or something?<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Huh?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yesterday you were talking about the festival.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Don't worry about it.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">You know, I don't remember much about it. Not long after the last time we said good-by, things got kind of tough for me. Only few days after I left, my dad died in a car accident.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">What?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">And then Kanae started getting sick. It was just one terrible thing after another. I wonder if that's the reason. Huh? What's wrong?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">But that day... you, your dad and little Kanae were on a train. I stood there and watched you guys get on.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What? I can't hear what you're saying.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">It's nothing. I'm not saying anything.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka...</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I'll get some fresh water. I get it now. Kohta doesn't remember anything about that day. That's why...</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">Don't give me that crap! You think, come and let you castrate me?! You stupid fuck! How had I had enough cut off already?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">I do sympathize, but without this operation, you're going to die on that table.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">What are you telling me? I almost died once already. Now you're giving me this shit?<br /></font><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">The fate on mankind depends on it.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">You freaking retarded?! What does the fate of my balls have to do with the fate of mankind?! No, first tell me. Who was that bitch with the horns? And what are those hands? Tell me. That girl. What was she? How did she beat me?<br /></font><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">We call her kind a Diclonius.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">Diclo...?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">A genetically altered human. A mutant.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">She was human?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">As you know, the mutation is marked by a pair of protrusions grown from the skull, but the crucial mutation is those extra hands you encountered.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">You're kidding, right? Or are you saying they're born equipped with those insane freaking weapons?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Those are her vectors, or receptors depending on the context. We don't know much about how vectors develop yet. We know they possess extraordinary speed. They vibrate at such a high frequency that they can cut through objects. But we don't believe that they're intended primarily to function as weapons.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">What?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">In the past, individuals with this genetic abnormality died in infancy or could not reproduce. Your target is proven herself to be exceptionally adaptable. Once she started developing, we expected certain things of her. Environmental acclimation, the mastery of her vectors, but now she's found a way to reproduce although it's very different from the normal human methods.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">What are you telling me?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">She uses her vectors to spread the kind of genetic infection.</font><br /><br /> Bandoh:<font color="#0000FF">What? I was...</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">You see, her genetic future depends entirely on the end of mankind as we know it.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Feeling better?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, well, I think I'm feeling much better.<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">It looks like your fever's all gone.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Er..., where's, er, Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I dressed her up in some of my clothes.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Hey? Haha.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">And what are you gonna do about Nyu? Do you think we should call the police?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What?! We can't do that.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Kohta?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Well, look. All I am trying to say is, if she wants to stay here, it doesn't seem right to force her to leave. I mean, it'd be rude, you know?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Really?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Uh, but, th-there's def nothing weird going on, okay?<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Here's the thing. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this.<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Um?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">And I don't think it's really a good idea for you and Nyu to live here all by yourselves.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yeah, well, but, like I said...</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">So I've decided to live here, too. I'm moving in.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Huh?!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Besides, you got a plenty of room.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">Aha! I've never worn this kind of dress. Papa, doesn't it look good on me, does it?</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Nana, I'm counting on you.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">I know. I'll do my best for you, papa. And all I want is a pat on my head if I do a good job.<br /></font><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">Of course. But if you think the job is too hard, I want you to stop the mission immediately. Be sure to come back.</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">Papa, I've got a favor to ask you.</font><br /><br /> Shirakawa:<font color="#339966">So, Lucy, if she's still in Kamakura, Number Seven should have no trouble finding her, but Number Seven has no chance of defeating Lucy in combat.</font><br /><br /> Kurama:<font color="#800080">No matter. Her death may save lives we'd lose in a random search.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Oh, that's right.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka's such a slave driver, isn't she? I'm still a little sick, but she doesn't care. But you know, living with a girl, it could be kind of cool.<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Kohta?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Ew!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">What were you fantasizing about, huh?<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Nothing! I wasn't thinking anything.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu! Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You want to help us clean? Is that it, Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Ah. Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Then you just wait right here. I'll go get you a rag.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Huh?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Huh? You're getting your own. Yuka's going to bring you one.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Huh? Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Shoot! I'm sorry.</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu~.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What? What are you doing?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Uh, uh. Nyu~. Nyu, Nyu, Nyu, Nyu~, Nyu, Nyu, Nyu.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">You want me to squeeze it?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu. Nyu!</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">I wonder who'd have told her to do this.<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Well, well. A love affair. Isn't that just terrific.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">It wasn't me! I swear! Nyu started it.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I'm going shopping.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Glad she didn't punch me.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Try keeping your hands off Nyu. Okay?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">O-Of course.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">I'm sure the place is around here. Is this it? Hello?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu?</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Excuse me, sorry to bother you. The thing is, at the beach...</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What is it? What did you forget? Huh?</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Er, well, you see, I found an umbrella. And the name of this restaurant was written on the handle.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, thanks for bringing it back.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">The thing is, I found it at Yuigahama the night before last.<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">The night before last?!</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Um, yes.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Do you remember seeing anyone that night?</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Well, there was this man who looked like a soldier.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Hey! I'd really like to ask you some questions about what you saw that night.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">What?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Huh? Who's here? Another girl?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yuka! This girl. She was there that night. She saw everything that happened.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">What night is that?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu, Nyu, Nyu! Nyu, Nyu, Nyu. Nyu? Huh?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Just like I always thought. That detective at the hospital, he knew about the soldier all along!<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You were attacked by a soldier? What? Why didn't you tell me?</font><br /><br /> Nyu:<font color="#FF0000">Nyu~!</font><br /><br /> Kohta,<font color="#000080"><font color="#000000">Yuka, Mayu:</font>H<font color="#993300">u</font><font color="#008080">h</font>?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, no. The water spilled all over the place. Nyu, are you all right? What happened? Did you hurt yourself?<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">What's up?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">She scared me. That music.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Uh! She dropped the music box.</font><br /><br /> Child Kohta:<font color="#000080">No! Please, stop!</font><br /><br /> Lucy:<font color="#FF0000">Kohta...</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Hey, Nyu?</font><font color="#000080">Ah, I really hope she's okay.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Kohta, remember? Remember the song?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Hmm. Let's see. Hmm...</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">The melody is beautiful.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I've been meaning to give this to you.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">To me?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">You left it at my house the last time you were here.<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">I left it?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Don't you remember?<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Er..., I think I kind of remember. Huh?<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">The dog out there, is it yours?</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Ah, yeah. He's more of a friend, I guess.<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">He's your friend?</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Uh-hun. I don't actually own him, but we're always together. So I guess we're friends?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Looks like Nyu's taking a walk.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">She didn't have a problem finding this place last time. I'm sure she'll be fine. Besides, her horns are covered up.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">What? Horns?<br /></font><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Ahaha. I bet he means hair. Haha.<br /></font><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Okay. Guess I'll be leaving.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, wait a second. You didn't tell us your name.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Oh, yeah. It's Mayu.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Would you mind if I could get your address or something? Maybe somewhere to find you? Just in case I think of any questions I forgot to ask.</font><br /><br /> Mayu:<font color="#008080">Well, er, I, um... Uh, I gotta go.</font><font color="#008080">Oh, no! Oh, no! Wanta! Wanta! Wanta! Wanta! Wanta! Wanta! Wanta! I'm so glad. I thought even you left me this time. Huh? Wanta. You promise you aren't gonna leave me or anything?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Nyu's been kind of while.</font><font color="#000080">Wait here. I'm gonna go check on her. What's wrong now?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Always.</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Huh?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">I'd always meant to give you this when you came back. I kept it for you.<br /></font><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Oh, I see. Thanks. Well, anyway, we should check on Nyu.</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">So, have you forgotten everything?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">What?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Hey, Kohta?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Yeah, what is it?</font><br /><br /> Yuka:<font color="#993300">Do you think about touching my breasts, too?</font><br /><br /> Kohta:<font color="#000080">Huh?</font><br /><br /> Nana:<font color="#FF00FF">Papa, I've got a favor to ask you. Can I have this string from around your neck? I've always wanted it ever since I saw it. Yay! Thank you, papa. I'm going to make you so proud.</font><font color="#FF00FF">Excuse me. Of course you knew I was coming, and I knew that you'd know. I'm going to go home, and you're going to come with me.</font><br /><br /> Narrator: It became a place without reason or meaning. Only the inevitable strife of a species born to bite and tear itself to pieces. A mortifying banquet of blood and tears held at the peaceful sanctuary of resting souls. On the Next Elfen Lied, Episode Four, Attack.</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">サイトは移転しました<br /></font></p> <p><font color="#000000">新しいサイトへ移動してください</font></p>




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