The dog surely barks to sneaking Miu

「The dog surely barks to sneaking Miu」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The dog surely barks to sneaking Miu」(2011/12/15 (木) 22:42:17) の最新版変更点



<p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Come on in.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">So, this is your bedroom.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">It's so cute!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">It's nothing, really.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">It's so exotic!</font></p> <p> <font color="#800000">Nice computer, Ana!<br />  What do you use it for?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">You know, the usual stuff... Ha!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Huh? Is something wrong?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">No! Everything's just fine!</font></p> <p><font color="#808000"> What's up!? I asked you not to bring them here!</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">I know...</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Swear, you won't tell them you came to practice English with me?</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Yeah, okay.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Oh, by the way, where did Miu go?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Yeah! She disappeared!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br /><font color="#808000"> ...Oh, you mean Miu was with you two?<br /></font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Yep! She should be...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">She probably got lost along the way.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Don't fall! I must live and respect the mountain!<br />  They're so high-and-mighty they had to build a wall!</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF00FF">Help me!!!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Did she climb over the wall?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Ana, whose dog is that?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Um... his name is Frusciante. He's our family pet.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Geez... Does he bite?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">I don't think so...</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Not so far...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Get away from me, doggy...! Nice doggy!<br />  Hey! Who's chasing who here?!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">That'd be you, Miu.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Don't just stand there! Do something!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Come on now, little Fruanshite!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">No! It's Frusciante!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">All righty, then.</font><br />  <font color="#800000">Frushiaten!</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">You're mixing it up on purpose!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Can I bring you something, Miu?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">No, thanks...<br />  But, what's wrong with your stupid dog?!<br />  Why isn't he trained?!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">You are the one who snuck in over the fence.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">If you think about it, he's actually trained pretty well as a guard dog... Right?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Don't you think his name is too long?</font></p> <p><font color="#FF00FF"> I know! From now on, your name'll be Fu-chan!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">That's sounds good!</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Shikoku?</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">You mean Gifuhashima, right?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">That's the train station.</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Uh, I think she's from England, nya.</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Nya?</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Hey, Ana. Where exactly are you from?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Oh! I'm from Cornwall in the southwest part of England.<br />  It's the warmest place in that country.</font></p> <p> <font color="#808000">It's surrounded by nature, if you could only see how beautiful it is there.</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">Nature...</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Beauty...</font></p> <p>Matsuri:<br />  <font color="#339966">Cornwall...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Corn... corn... Half-price...</font></p> <p> <font color="#FF00FF">So, what are you trying to say?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Huh?</font></p> <p> </p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Oh...! Red Hot Chili Peppers, primal!<br />  Wow! Lots of western CDs!</font><br />  <font color="#800000">Well, that makes sense!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Are you familiar with them, Nobue?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Oh, sure! I listen to them quite a bit!</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">I-I'm so glad!<br />  Nobody around here's even heard of them before.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">There aren't many elementary kids who listen to western-music.</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">It's excellent that someone like you live so close by!<br />  I don't have a lot in common with kids my own age.</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Yeah, well, Japanese kids are pretty immature compared to western kids.</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Pah! I know primal, too!<br />  They played in last year's Ko-Haku!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">You don't know them, Miu...</font></p> <p>Miu:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Weren't they on the Red-Team?</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Ana! So, which CDs are your all time faves?</font></p> <p>Ana:<br />  <font color="#808000">Um, let me see... No, wait, wait.<br />  W-Would you like to come up to my room and have a listen?<br />  I keep all my favorites there!</font></p> <p>Nobue:<br />  <font color="#800000">Yeah! That's sounds great!</font></p> <p>Chika:<br />  <font color="#FF0000">What happens to the tea...?</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>righty: rightのくだけた言い方(=rightie)<br /> immature: 未熟な、子供っぽい、大人げない<br /> fave(s): お気に入りの(=favorite)</p> <p> </p>




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