9日目・古手神社 >


9日目・古手神社/沢」(2011/12/23 (金) 15:05:05) の最新版変更点



<p>Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Hey, where'd Rena go? She was right here a second ago. Mr.Tomitake!<br /></font></p> <p>Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">How's it going? Where's everybody else?<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Guess I got separated from them .<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">So what do you think of it, Keiichi? Were you able to enjoy the festival?<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">I guess.<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Really?<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Who is this person anyway?<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">So, do you think that after tonight you can say you're part of Hinamizawa?<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">I don't know. I get the feeling I'm still in the dark about a lot of things.<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">What? You mean about Hinamizawa?<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Yeah, I guess so. Well, there's that stuff about the dam. I heard Hinamizawa came close to being underwater. That was a big deal back then, wasn't it?<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">I think they started planning the dam's construction about seven or eight years ago. For a while there, it looked like Hinamizawa and all the other villages of the upstream were gonna end up underwater.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Man, you're kidding.<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">Most of the town protested it. And eventually got the courts, and they found out about of all the scandals and corruption revolved around the whole thing. In the midst of this mess, contsruction on the dam was canceled.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">What about a murder, or someone was chopped off? You hear about that?<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">I heard about that. It happened about four years ago around this time of year. I think it was on the day of the cotton drifting festival, too.<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">All the old folks in town were possitive that the murder was the result of the curse of Oyashiro.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">The curse of Oyashiro? What's that about?<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">People said it was divine punishment by Oyashiro, the guardian guard of Hinamizawa, revenge for threatening to flood the village.<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Since that time it's happened every single year.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">What do you mean? What's happened?<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">Each year... on the day of the cotton drifting festival... somebody dies.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Every year?<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">Uh-huh. On the day of the festival, the year after the ha<font size="2">cked-up</font>body was found, a resident of Hinamizawa who supported the dam's construction died when <br /> he fell off the cliff into the water. Poor guy was on vacation. As far as wife, well ..., they've never found her body.<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">And the year after that, on the night of the festival, the priest of the shrine came down with some unknown illness. And drop dead on the spot. His wife drowned herself in a swamp that very same night.<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">And then, following year, also on the night of the cotton drifting festival, a housewife who lived in the neighborhood was found beaten to death.<br /></font><br /> Keiichi:<br /><font color="#FF0000">Really?<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">I know, it's strange, isn't it? Remember the man who fell off the cliff and died had actually his younger brother who was married to the housewife.<br /></font><br /> Tomitake:<br /><font color="#993366">After that first murder, there've been four cotton drifting festivals. The fifth one is...<br /></font><br /> Takano:<br /><font color="#FF00FF">Tonight.<br /></font><br /> [語 句]<br /> separate from:~と別れる     underwater:水の中で     upstream:上流の     for a while:しばらくの間     <br /> end up:結局~になる     corruption:汚職     in  the midst of:~の真っ最中に     mess:混乱、騒ぎ   <br /> murder:殺人     chop off:切り落とす     the Cotton Drifting Festival:綿流しのお祭り     curse:呪い<br /> divine:神の     cliff:がけ     as far as:~に関する限りは、~に関して言えば      <br /><font color="#FF00FF"><font color="#000000">the priest of the shrine:神社の神主</font> </font>   come down with:(病気で)倒れる     on the spot:その場で     <br /> swamp: 沼地    (be) beaten to death:撲殺される</p>




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