Ch2-2 Currency --How to hide the death note

「Ch2-2 Currency --How to hide the death note」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ch2-2 Currency --How to hide the death note」(2011/12/24 (土) 05:38:59) の最新版変更点



<p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: What are we doing here anyway?<br /> I don't understand why we are sneaking around this dump.<br /> Tell me.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Isn't it obvious?<br /> You told me that anyone who touches the Death Note will be able to see you.<br /> I can't afford to carry something this dangerous with me any more.<br /> Up until now, I thought that if my family ever saw the notebook, I can tell them I was keeping the records of various criminals in preparation for becoming a detective one day.<br /> But I'm walking a very fine line right now.<br /> I don't want to think about it, but if I make one mistake, I might end up killing my own family.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>:The difficulty of this case lies on its unprecedented scope.<br /> And make no mistake.<br /> We are witnessing an atrocious act of mass murder, one that is unforgivable.<br /> This case cannot be solved without the full cooperation of the ICPO.<br /> That is all of the police organizations you represent throughout the world.<br /> You need to make the decision to fully support the investigation at this meeting.<br /> Also I require additional cooperation from Japan's National Police Agency.</p> <p><strong><font color="#556B2F">SOUICHIRO</font></strong>: Huh? What?  Why Japan in paticular?<br /><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: Whether this guilty party is an individual or a group, there is a strong possibility that they are Japanese.<br /> And even if they are not, we can be sure they're hiding in Japan.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: What is all this based on?<br /><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: Why Japan, you ask? I think I will be able to provide you with proof of that after I directly confront the<font face="Arial" color="#000000">culprit</font><br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: A direct confrontation?<br /><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: At any rate, I would like to set up the investigation headquarters in Japan.</p> <p><br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: That was easier to make than I thought it'd be.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Ha. Does that mean you were able to hide the notebook?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Yeah. I hid it right here in this drawer.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: But it doesn't seem to be particularly well hidden.<br /> You left the key in the lock.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: That's the whole point.<br /> I intentionally left the key in the most noticeable place I could think of.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Isn't that just a regular diary?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: That's what it is.<br /> I'm guessing that once most people find the diary inside my desk, that'll probably satisfy their curiosity.<br /> But the real key is this.<br /> Just an everyday item you'd expect to find lying around on my desk.<br /> A regular ball-point pen, and all I need is this part.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: So that's the key?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Yeah.<br /> If you look closely, you'll find there's a small hole underneath the drawer.<br /> Then you just insert this..<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Aha. A fake bottom.<br /> The diary would distract most people so I doubt anyone will find it.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: But that's not all.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Hm?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>:Even if someone figures out there's a fake base, I've set things up so that there's no way they could get their hands on the notebook.<br /> You see, once the ink reservoir is inserted, it accesses the insulator, preventing the flow of electricity around the circuit.</p> <p>When the fake base of the drawer's put back, this piece of rubber also prevents the flow of electricity.<br /> However, if someone were to try and force the bottom of the drawer open, the circuit would connect and now would ignite the gasoline contained in this thin plastic case, instantly setting the notebook on fire.<br /> The way I've got it set up, all the evidence will be completely destroyed.<br /> If I'm ever questioned, I'd say that I was hiding the real diary, because I didn't want anyone to see it.<br /> It sounds like a pretty believable excuse.<br /> I mean, it is my diary after all.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: I've heard of humans finding Death Notes in the past and typically the biggest problem they had was finding a good place to hide it.<br /> But you, Light, you're probably the first to have given it this much thought.<br /> Though, it's a pretty risky set up from the look of it.<br /> If you make even the slightest mistake, you could be badly burned.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Risky? You say the strangest thing sometimes, Ryuk.<br /> This whole thing has been a risk since the very beginning from the moment I obtained the Death Note.<br /> I'm sorry, but compared to that, this doesn't even qualify as a risk to me.<br /> In fact it actually protects me.<br /> It all comes down to a choice; would I prefer to be executed or deal with a little house fire.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">ANNOUNCER</font></strong>: Last night in the West Tokyo penitentiary, Naoki KoroKitayama, originally sentenced to fifteen years for armed robbery, was reported to have died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 32.<br /> This is just the most recent death in the steadily growing number of cases involving inmates dying...</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: This is unbelievable. Criminals are dropping like flies lately.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: It's a little scary, but at the same time it's kind of cool.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: Sure. Just make sure you don't do anything bad.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: I won't be surprised if the police are behind this.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: No way. The police don't have that kind of power.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: Don't you know about him?<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: Huh? About who?<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: Kira. You know, Kira.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: I wonder who's gonna be killed next.</p> <p><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Ryuk, you should check this out.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Huh?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Web sites like this are popping up everywhere lately.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: The legend of Kira the savior. Huh.<br /> Sounds pretty cool. Is this about you?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Yeah. I think they've taken the name "Kira" from the English word killer.<br /> Can't say I'm too happy about that, but it looks like that's the name they've decided to give me.<br /> When I search the word Kira, I'm pulling up tons of sites just like this one.<br /> The media hasn't picked up on it.<br /> They're  still calling this a succession of unexplained deaths among the world's most hardened criminals.<br /> But the people of the world can already sense that there's something happening.<br /> They know there's someone out there passing righteous judgement.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Oh?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Human beings are like that, Ryuk.<br /> Although this would probably never happen in school, let's say that students were asked to discuss whether bad people deserve to die.<br /> Well you can bet that everyone will give the politically correct answer.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">STUDENT</font></strong>: It's just wrong to kill people.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: That's what they are bound to say.<br /> Of course that's the correct response to give, right?<br /> Humans are always trying to maintain appearances when they're in public. That's just how we are.<br /> But this is how they really feel.<br /> Most are too afraid to support me as they're worried about what others would think.<br /> Many would rather deny my existence.<br /> But on the Internet, where you can remain anonymous, support for kira is growing.<br /> Maybe people are afraid to say it out loud, but they all understand what's happening.<br /> Someone's making the bad guys disappear one by one.<br /> Those who have done no wrong are cheering for kira in their hearts because they have nothing to fear, while those who have done wrong are on the run.<br /> They are forced to hide from an unknown enemy.<br /> This is how it should be.<br /> It's perfect. Everything is going just like I planned.</p> <p> </p>




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