Ch2-1 Family --L at ICPO

「Ch2-1 Family --L at ICPO」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ch2-1 Family --L at ICPO」(2011/12/24 (土) 05:38:15) の最新版変更点



<p>(classroom)<br /><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: He found himself overwhelmed with happiness and satisfaction, knowing that at long last his dream had finally come true.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">GIRL</font></strong>: I have no idea of what he was thinking, coming to my house, but I am so through with him.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">BOY</font></strong>: Seriously?<br /> So what happened with your Dad after that?</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: All right. Then, Yagami?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Huh?<br /><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: Please recite this line for us.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Sure.<br /> Having finally made his dream a reality, he was overwhelmed,  both by the magnitude of his achievement and by the joy and happiness that was brought to him.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: That was very well-done. But I'm not surprised, of course.<br /> Absolutely flawless. Very good.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">TEACHER</font></strong>: Well then. I'll leave it at that for today.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">BOY</font></strong>: So you got...<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: I thought it would never end. How do you do this every day? It's so boring here. Hey, where are you going?</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Hey, Light, are you listening to me?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Don't talk to me. Unlike you, people can still hear me when I talk out loud.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Heh, well,  aren't you boring.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">BOY</font></strong>: Hey, what's up, Light? We will just gonna head down to the …<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Sorry. I'm a little busy today.<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: You don't have anything to do. Aren't you just gonna go home and hang out in your room as usual?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: What are you talking about?<br /> Of course I have something to do.<br /> Yes. Something very important.</p> <p>(Light's room)</p> <p>TV announcer: There was more violence across the city today.<br /> Another stabbing. This time at a restaurant in the heart of Kabuki-cho district of Shinjuku, following...</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Hey, Light. I'm talking to you.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: What is it?<br /><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: Why are you working so hard?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: I can't afford to waste any time.<br /> I have a very small window to write names in this notebook.<br /> I only have from [when] I get  home from school until I go to bed.<br /> I still need to sleep so I can maintain my average and stay at the top of my class.<br /> Obviously I can't be sleeping in class, plus there's all the studying at home and at cram school.<br /> I can't let myself get too tired.<br /> It will start to affect my health and my mental performance.<br /> If I'm serious about trying to create an ideal world that is free from evil, then I need to make the most of my time.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF69B4">SAYU</font></strong>: Huh? Weird.<br /> Hey, Light, what's going on?<br /> Why is your door locked?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: It's Sayu. What is it?<br /><strong><font color="#FF69B4">SAYU</font></strong>: Can you help me with my homework?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Er. Yeah. OK.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF69B4">SAYU</font></strong>: We're doing quadratic equations in math.<br /> Sorry to interrupt.<br /> I know you're studying right now.<br /> But I'm like the only person in my class who doesn't get this stuff.<br /> Thanks so much.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: No problem.</p> <p><strong><font color="#8B0000">RYUK</font></strong>: I'd be careful if I were you.<br /> If anyone else touches that notebook you've got hidden in the drawer right now, they will be able to see me, too.<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Huh?<br /> He waits till now to mention that important detail? Damn Shinigami.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF69B4">SAYU</font></strong>: What's wrong? Are you all right?<br /><strong><font color="#0000FF">LIGHT</font></strong>: Hm? It's nothing.<br /> So, what exactly don't you understand?<br /> What are you stuck on?<br /><strong><font color="#FF69B4">SAYU</font></strong>: Er...well...I think all of it.</p> <p> </p> <p>(ICPO)</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>:There've been fifty two deaths that we're aware of and that's just in the past week.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>:Every single one of them involved a heart attack.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>:They were all criminals who were either being held in prison or who were wanted by police for outstanding crimes.<br /> And I think it's safe to say there are other criminals whose deaths are unaccounted for.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: In which case the death toll could be well over one hundred.</p> <p><strong><font color="#90EE90">MATSUDA</font></strong>: Oh, morning, chief. They started the meeting without you.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">SOICHIRO</font></strong>: That's fine. I had to take an urgent call from headquarters.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: At any rate, these were criminals who were probably facing executions sooner or later. Perhaps we shouldn't..<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Why should it matter whether it's a criminal or someone innocent?<br /> Last time I checked, murder was still murder.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: It's still too early to consider these a homicide.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Then how did all these people have heart attacks at the exact same time? That's not coincidence. It's murder.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: You think it's possible to simultaneously kill all these people in different locations.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: We're treating this as an elaborate murder plot that has been carried out by a large organization.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: If it is a large organization, I'm sure I'm not alone in suspecting the FBI or CIA.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: I dare you to say that again!<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Now, now. This is not the time to be joking around.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: We need to confirm that these are indeed homicide and not coincidences.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Autopsy results show that in all of these cases the victims died of a sudden heart attack.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Investigating a series of heart attacks is pointless. I don't see what else we can learn.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Absolutely. If these people'd been shot or stabbed, at least we'd have something to go on.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: If that's the case, it looks as if  we'll have no choice but to bring in L.</p> <p><strong><font color="#90EE90">MATSUDA</font></strong>: Oh Chief. What's this L they're talking about?<br /><strong><font color="#000000">SOICHIRO</font></strong>: Right. I forgot that it's your first time at this conference.<br /> We don't know L's real name or whereabouts.<br /> In fact we still don't even know what he looks like.<br /> However he's managed to solve every case he's ever taken on.<br /> And he's tackled some of the greatest mysteries this world has ever known.<br /> He hides in the shadows, but he is the best of the best.</p> <p>Our last resort, our trump card.</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: But I've heard this L is extremely arrogant. I understand he'd only take on cases that he's personally interested in.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: That's exactly right.<br /> Besides, we don't even know how to contact him.</p> <p><strong><font color="#708090">WATARI</font></strong>: L is already on the move.</p> <p><strong><font color="#708090">WATARI</font></strong>: Gentlemen. L has already begun his investigation into these incidents.<br /><strong><font color="#000000">MAN</font></strong>: Watari.<br /><strong><font color="#90EE90">MATSUDA</font></strong>: Ha? Who's that?</p> <p><strong><font color="#000000">SOICHIRO</font></strong>: That man's the only known person who can contact L.<br /> Nobody knows his true identity either.</p> <p><strong><font color="#708090">WATARI</font></strong>: Please be silent.<br /> L would now like to address the delegates.</p> <p><strong><font color="#FF0000">L</font></strong>: Greetings to all of you at the ICPO.<br /> I am L.</p>




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