Ch1-2 Ryuk comes to Light

「Ch1-2 Ryuk comes to Light」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ch1-2 Ryuk comes to Light」(2011/12/24 (土) 03:56:33) の最新版変更点



<p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> It's been five days. Now then. I'd better get going.<br /><strong>Shinigami A:</strong> You headed somewhere, Ryuk?<br /><strong>Shinigami B:</strong> Hate to tell you, but a whole world looks like this.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> That's true but I've dropped my Death Note.<br /><strong>Shinigami:</strong> Haha, you really messed things up, didn't you?<br /><strong>Shinigami</strong>: Hold on a sec, didn't you already trick the old man to get a second book?<br /> Don't tell me you dropped both of  them.<br /><strong>Shinigami:</strong> You must have some idea where you dropped the thing?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Yeah. The human world.<br /><strong>Shinigami:</strong> What?</p> <p><strong>Mom:</strong> What a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting you home so early.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Yeah. Hi, Mom, it's because...oh... the results of the nationwide exams.<br /><strong>Mom:</strong> I've been waiting all day.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Here.<br /><strong>Mom:</strong> Goodness! No.1 again!<br /> These are the highest scores you've had.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Yeah, I guess.<br /> I'm going to study in my room, so please don't interrupt me, OK?<br /><strong>Mom:</strong> As you wish.<br /> Oh, Light. Do you want anything at all, dear?<br /> You can ask for whatever you like.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> No, I'm fine, Mom. Thanks, though.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> I've already got what I want.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> He..haha..</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> You've taken quite a liking to it.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Ohhh!</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> No reason to act surprised.<br /> I am the Shinigami Ryuk.<br /> That used to be my notebook.<br /> Judging by your laughter, you've already figured out that what you have is no ordinary notebook.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Shinigami. A God of Death, huh?<br /> Well, I'm not surprised. In fact, Ryuk, I've been waiting for you.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Oh?<br /><strong>Light:</strong> I've already figured out that this Death Note I found is real.<br /> It didn't take me long.<br /> And now that I've witnessed the proof of its power, I only feel more confident what I'm going to do.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> That's interesting. I certainly wasn't expecting this.<br /> Several Death Notes have made their way into the human world in the past, but you are the first to have written this many names.<br /> Look at how many people you've killed in only five days.<br /> Most are reluctant to write this much.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> I've already prepared myself, Ryuk.<br /> I used the notebook even though I knew it belonged to a Shinigami.<br /> And now that Shinigami has come, so what will happen to me? You're here to take my soul, right?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Hm? What do you mean?<br /> Is that some fantasy you humans came up with?<br /> I'm not gonna do anything to you.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Huh?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> The notebook becomes part of the human realm from the very moment it touches the earth.<br /> In other words, the notebook is now yours.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> This is mine?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> If you don't want it, just give it to someone else, but if you give it away, I'd have no choice but to erase your memories of the notebook.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> So then you are saying I can use the Death note all I want and won't be punished?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Let's just say this: you will feel the fear and pain known only to humans who've used the notebook.<br /> And when it's your time to die, it will fall on me to write your name in my Death Note.<br /> Be warned any human who used the Death Note can neither go to heaven nor hell for eternity.<br /> That's all.<br /> Hahaha...<br /> Now you have something to look forward to after you die.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Mom:</strong> Light?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> It will be all right. Answer it.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> What is it?<br /><strong>Mom:</strong> I thought you'd like some apples.<br /> The neighbor's brought them over for us.</p> <p>Why on earth is it so dark in your room?<br /> You'll ruin your eyesight.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> What's going on? Mom can't see him?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> That notebook you found originally belonged to me.<br /> And since you're now using it, you are the only one who is able to see me.<br /> And of course my voice can only be heard by you.<br /> In other words, the Death Note is the bond between Light the human and Ryuk the Shinigami.<br /> Mmmmm. Yum!</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> I just have one more question I wanna ask you.<br /> Why was I chosen for this?<br /> Hey, are you even listening?</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Apples in the human world are worth the trip.<br /> What's the best way to describe these? Juicy?</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> Just answer my question.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Ha, I didn't choose you.<br /> Don't you see this is all just an accident?<br /> You actually thought you were chosen because you're so smart or something?<br /> Don't be so vain.<br /> It just happened to fall around here and you just happened to pick it up.<br /> And that's all there is to it.<br /> That's why I wrote the instructions in English, the most popular language in the human world.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> Then why did you drop it in the first place?<br /> You even wrote down specific instructions.<br /> So don't try to tell me this was an accident.</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> You are asking me why?<br /> I did it 'cause I was bored.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> You were bored?<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> The truth is, Shinigami haven't got much to do these days.<br /> Most of the time we're either  taking naps or gambling.<br /> If you take the time to write names in your Death Note, the others will just laugh at you for working so hard.<br /> Even if you wrote the name of another Shinigami, it would be poinless because they wouldn't die.<br /> And since we live in the Shinigami realm, it brings us no amusement to kill those in the human world either.</p> <p>So I figured I'd have more fun if I came down here myself.<br /> Anyway, I am surprised at how many names you've written.<br /> But I want to know why you only wrote the cause of death for that guy who was hit by the truck.<br /><strong>Light:</strong> If you don't write down the cause of death, the victim dies of a heart attack.<br /> And that's probably the best thing about the Death Note.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> Hey, Ryuk.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Hm?<br /><strong>Light:</strong> You see, I've already exhausted the list of the world major criminals.<br /> And eventually I'm gonna get rid of them all.<br /><strong>Ryuk</strong>: What's the point of doing that? <br /><strong>Light:</strong> It's only a matter of time before people figure out that these criminals<br /> are being eliminated by someone.<br /> I want the world to know of my existence; that there's someone out there passing righteous judgement on the wicked.<br /><strong>Ryuk:</strong> Why even bother? What are you trying to achieve by passing judgement on them?<br /> I mean, why do you care?<br /><strong>Light:</strong> Because I've been bored, too.</p> <p>I wasn't ready to believe it at first.<br /> But it's obvious now.<br /> There is something about the death note itself that makes humans want to try it out at least once.</p> <p> 回想 ---<br /><strong>Light:</strong> I killed them both.  I [really].. I killed two men.<br /> Those were human lives.<br /> It won't be overlooked.<br /> Besides, who am I to pass judgment on others?<br /> No, no, wait, maybe I'm wrong.<br /> This is exactly what I've been thinking about lately.<br /> This world is rotten.<br /> And those who are making it rot deserve to die.<br /> Someone has to do it, so why not me?<br /> Even if it means sacrificing my own mind and soul, it's worth it.<br /> Because the world can't go on like this.<br /> I wonder... what if someone else had picked up this notebook, is there anyone out there other than me who'd be willing to eliminate the vermin from the world?<br /> If I don't do it, then who will?<br /> That's just it, there's no one. But I can do it.<br /> In fact, I'm the only one who can.<br /> I'll do it.<br /> Using the death note, I'll change the world.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong> At first I wrote the names of the worst criminals I can think of, like I was cleaning up the<br /> world, one name at a time so that eventually, no one will ever do anything evil again.<br /> And while the truly guilty ones who deserve to be punished for their crimes die of heart attacks, the people who are less guilty but who still make trouble for others will slowly be erased through disease and accidental death.<br /> Then, and only then, the world will start moving in the right direction.<br /> It'll be a new world free of injustice and populated by people who I've judged to be honest, kind and hardworking.</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong> But if you did that, it would make you the only bad person left.</p> <p><strong>Light: </strong> Huh? I have no idea what you are talking about.<br /> I'm a hardworking honor student who is considered to be one of Japan's best and brightest.</p> <p><strong>Light:</strong>  And I, I will become the god of this new world.</p> <p><strong>Ryuk:</strong>  It's just as I thought.<br /> Humans are so interesting.</p> <p> </p>




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