

part1「一」~捜査本部、Lの推理を聞く」(2011/12/24 (土) 10:12:11) の最新版変更点



[[デスノート]] > [[第6話「綻び」]] > Part1「一」~捜査本部、Lの推理を聞く (Hotel) MEN : Oh? L : I am L. SOUICHIRO : This is him? Hm. MATSUDA : He's nothing like I thought he would be. SOUICHIRO : Hmmm... I'm Yagami of the NPA. MATSUDA : Matsuda. AIZAWA : I'm Aizawa. MOGI : Mogi. UKITA : Ukita. SOUICHIRO : I'm very sorry we're late. Currently the five of us are... L : Bang. MEN : Oh? AIZAWA : What the hell was that? L : If I were Kira, you'd be dead, Mr. Souichiro Yagami, chief of the NPA. MEN : Oh. L : Kira needs a face and a name in order to commit murder. But I'm sure you've already figured that much out, haven't you? Please do not give out your name so carelessly. Instead, let's value our lives. MATSUDA : I knew that he needed a face to kill someone, but I don't remember any evidence to show that he needed a name, too. SOUICHIRO : There is no way to verify if this is related, but criminals whose names were never released publicly or whose names were spelled incorrectly in the media have not been targeted. We briefly went over it at one of our meetings. L : That's enough small talk for now. Come this way. MATSUDA : Oh, oh, right. L : Please turn off all your cell phones, handhelds and any other communication devices, and leave them on the table right there. AIZAWA : What do you think? we're gonna be using our cell phones during this meeting to leak information? SOUICHIRO : It's all right. Just do as he says. MATSUDA : I realize he's been cautious from the very beginning, but I still can't tell if he trusts us or not. L : No. I just find them distracting. I can't stand it when people's cell phones're ringing while I'm trying to talk. L :Let me start by saying nobody takes notes on anything that's said in these meetings. That means when we will leave headquarters, any information we need is committed to memory. Please make yourselves comfortable. SOUICHIRO : Um. Right. MATSUDA : Excuse me, L. L : Hm? From now on, I'll have to ask that you stop calling me L. It's Ryuzaki now, just to be safe. MATSUDA : Ah, OK, Ryuzaki. If we know that he needs a name and a face to kill, couldn't we cut down on the numbers of victims by keeping criminals' names from the news? L : If we do that, we'll only be putting the general public at risk. UKITA : The general public? Why? L : Kira is childish and he hates losing. Matsuda : But how do you...? SOUICHIRO : Just what do you mean? L : Well, I'm also childish and I hate to lose. That's how I know. SOUICHIRO : Ryuzaki. Would you mind being a little more specific for us? L : Early on the investigation, I tried to provoke Kira with that broadcast. Up until then, we thought that Kira would only go after criminals, but as we all witnessed, he didn't hesitate to kill my stand-in. Also as soon as I said we knew he was in the Kanto region, in defiance he made sure his next victims came from within Japan, as if to say, "what are you gonna do about it?" He's met each of my challenges head on and he's never missed an opportunity to return the favor. Now what do you think would happen if we try to use media restrictions to hide criminals from someone like that? MATSUDA : I guess... L : "If you choose to withhold the names of your worst criminals, I'll kill petty criminals or the innocent. I'm holding the whole world hostage, so who's it gonna be? I'm not the evil one here, but all those who oppose me by hiding criminals, you are truly evil" That's exactly how Kira thinks. In any case, let's look at another way we can use the media to draw him out. AIZAWA : But how? L : How about something like this? "Death of FBI agents infuriates the U.S." "Latest killings anger the international policing community." "Nations agree to send 1500 investigators to Japan. " For Kira this would be way beyond what he faced with the FBI. He'll see everyone is a potential threat. Psychologically, he'll start to feel cornered, and that would cause him to take some kind of drastic action. UKITA : That's interesting. AIZAWA : So he'll think there are 1500, when there're really only 7 of us. And since none of these investigators exist, Kira won't be able to kill them. UKITA : It just might work. L : Well before we celebrate, I'll tell you the rest of my thoughts in the Kira case. Kira works alone. He had access to all our classified information. AIZAWA : What evidence do you have that he's working alone? SOUICHIRO : Hold on, Aizawa. Let's listen to his entire theory before asking questions. L : We know he needs a name and a face to kill, and to some extent he can control a victim's time of death and their actions before dying. We already know that much. Please keep that in mind. And listen carefully to what I have to say next. On December 14th, 12 FBI investigators entered Japan. Here we are on December 19th. Using prisoned inmates, Kira conducts experiments manipulating his victims' actions before they die. In other words, during this window of only five days, Kira became aware of the FBI's presence and obviously felt threatened. Because he didn't know any of their names or faces, he was at a disadvantage. He needed to know how much control he had over his victims before he could use it against the 12 agents. And as we all know, on December 27th... (月の部屋)  LIGHT : I got a hold of a file which contained all the names and faces of the FBI investigators in Japan, and I succeeded in killing each one of them. It's practically impossible to guess which agent gave the file to Kira. But I have to make sure that no one ever finds out that I came into contact with Raye Penber. RYUK : Huh? How come you're not using the death note today? You studying for those entrance exams? LIGHT : Those are the least of my worries. Plus it's a little late to start now. RYUK : Oh? What are you doing? LIGHT : December 19th to December 27th, I've been most active during this period. (Lのホテルの一室) L : During this period, to the best of our knowledge, at least 23 individuals died of heart attacks. But these victims were different from Kira's previous targets. They were all alleged criminals, ex-convicts or suspects in ongoing investigations. So legally speaking, they were innocent. SOUICHIRO : That's true. L : What this indicates is that Kira had to manipulate these lesser criminals in order to kill those FBI agents. He killed that many people, so he would be unable to tell the decoys from those who were actually used. In truth, he probably only needed a few. He waited 8 days so the FBI could investigate other suspects, which meant there'd be no timeline linking him to their deaths. I suspect Kira had to be one of the people being investigated by the FBI between the 14th and the 19th of December. In fact I have no doubt. These are files provided by the FBI, and they contain additional information you might find useful. For obvious reasons, you are not permitted to take these out of this room, but... MATSUDA : Amazing! There might only be five of us, but with this much information we should be able to cover a lot of ground. AIZAWA : We'll split into two teams: one team traces the FBI agents. The other looks at the heart attack victims. MATSUDA : There weren't that many people who had access to information from the headquarters, and of those the FBI only investigated a small group in the first five days. AIZAWA : Yeah. L : So, does anyone have any questions? MEN : Ah? SOUICHIRO : Actually Ryuzaki, I do have one question for you. And it pertains to what you said to us earlier about how you hate to lose. Does the fact that you've shown your own face means that you've lost? By just being here are you admitting defeat to Kira? L : That's right. By showing my face to you now and by sacrificing the lives of 12 FBI agents, I have lost the battle. But I'm not gonna lose the war. This is the first time I've ever put my life on the line. I want to show Kira that we're all willing to risk our lives if that's what it takes, hm, and that justice will prevail no matter what. MOGI : Hey, yeah. That's right. MATSUDA : I like the sound of that. UKITA : We can do this. AIZAWA : All right, then, let's do this, Ryuzaki. SOUICHIRO : (reflection) Well, I had my doubts about whether he was really him at first. But there is no mistaking it. This man is L. L : Before we go any further, I have to be absolutely sure that none of you are Kira. So I need to speak with each of you individually before you leave today. AIZAWA : Ha! What's the deal? He still doesn't trust us? SOUICHIRO : No. I think it's a fair request. Try to see it from his perspective. Kira's been getting information from our headquarters from the very beginning. So there is a good chance that he is one of us. MATSUDA : Chief's right. Working this case has given us a chance to see him in person. AIZAWA : He's risking his life to be here. L : (reflection) Things are going well. Just one clue. Single decisive factor is all I need. (月の部屋) LIGHT : (reflection) Just one oversight. A single piece of evidence is all it would take. It could cost me my life. LIGHT &L: Just one thing.




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