

つかさにメールの打ち方教えたのよ」(2011/12/11 (日) 20:37:53) の最新版変更点



<p>Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  And in the end, I thought I had to show Tsukasa how to send text messages with her phone.<br />   Even after messaging with it so much, she told me she never figured it out.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Really...</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Oh, yeah, now she knows how it's done, she's been texting me nonstop with anything and everything she can think of.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  It's gotta suck to be on the receiving end of all those text though.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Nah, not really.<br />   I mean I'm not gonna lose any sleep worrying about, you know.<br />   Here's the thing that first she gets really excited about the stuff, then she'd get bored and move on.<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Yeah, I know what you mean, some people can be so childish sometimes.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Ah, I've got another.<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  If she doesn't get bored soon, you're gonna be hate in life.<br />   Wait, she can't have that much stuff to text you about.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I know we're together all the time anyway.<br />   Oh, and she's just discovered emoticons. You see?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Hm? You wanna buy the soy-milk cream buns again on our way home today?<br />   Hm? What's all that supposed to mean?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I don't know if you can tell, but she's really having fun with emoticons.<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Might as well be hieroglyphics.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hm? Huh, looks like she's got used to doing it.</font><br /><br /> # That's true, but I like the guy with the afro better.<br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hm?</font><br /><br /> # Really? But he's not really playing that instrument, is he?<br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Urgh?</font><br /><br /> # Yeah, maybe so.<br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Huh... Huh?<br /></font><br /> # I see.<br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hm?<br /></font><br /> # Yeah.<br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hmmm.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Okay...</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Oh, Jeez...</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I get you're having fun within the stuff, but you think you can text someone else for a change?</font><br /><br /> Tadao:<br /><font color="#800000">  Hey, you guys got a minute?<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hm, sure.</font><br /><br /> Tadao:<br /><font color="#800000">  Well, I can't seem to figure out how to send these text messages things from my phone...</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  For real?!</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Oh, Dad, that's super easy!<br />   Can't believe you don't know.<br />   Okay, I'll totally teach you how!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Isn't it funny how people learn something new and then run out to brag about how much of an expert they are.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Uh! Yeah...<br /></font></p>




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