

今年の日本シリーズは、大売出し関係なかったわよ」(2011/12/11 (日) 20:00:05) の最新版変更点



<p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  There sure was a lot of stuff happening in sports this year.</font><br /><br /> Miyuki:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Yes, for starters, that figure skater won the gold medal in the Winter Olympics.<br />   And then there was a high school baseball tournament.<br />   Wasn't it amazing how they had to go into extra-innings?<br /></font><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Huh-uh, how about Prince Handkerchief?<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  If you talk on baseball, there's also that player who left for America.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Hey, is this year's Japan Series already over?<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Yeah, for a while.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Eh! No way! Were there any sales?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Relax, the series was between you-know-who's and the other team.<br />   Neither of them own department stores or supermarkets or anything like that.<br /></font><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  There was a common memorial day sales though.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Aw..<br />   I bet it was a sale on ham or something like that, huh-uh.<br /></font><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  I wonder if it wasn't ham...</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I just gotta make sure that next year I don't miss the sales.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Oh, well knowing you, I bet you're just gonna load up on candy and stuff.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  No way,<br />   I need to pick up stuff like sugar, salt, soy source and all your basic house-holding things.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Huh?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Oh, that's right Kagami, you wouldn't know about any of that, would you?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I suck at chores!<br />   I got it, ha-ha-ha!</font></p>




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