

集合」(2011/12/15 (木) 08:37:48) の最新版変更点



<p>Meeting Up<br /><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Wow!<br />   It's the perfect weather for going on a trip!<br />   I better get ready before they start arriving.<br />   Oh, coming!</font><br /><br /> Sakaki:<br /><font color="#00FF00">  Morning.</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Oh, Miss Sakaki, you're here already?<br />   There's still another hour before everyone's supposed to get here.</font><br /><br /> Sakaki:<br /><font color="#00FF00">  Yeah. I'll just wait. With Mr. Tadakichi.</font><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><font color="#008080">  Hey, Chiyo-chan, I finally made it.</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Oh, okay!</font><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><font color="#FF6600">  I didn't get lost this time.</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  I'm so glad!</font><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Oh, look, hey you guys!</font><br /><br /> Nyamo<br /><font color="#800080">  Is everyone here?</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Tomo and Miss Kagura should be coming too.<br /></font><br /> Sakaki:<br /><font color="#00FF00">  Huh... what bliss.<br /></font><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  Morning! I'm here and I'm not late!</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Hey, welcome you two!</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Man, your house is something else, Chiyo-chan.<br />   I guess you'd call it a mansion?</font><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  How about it?! Isn't it awesome?!<br /></font><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Yeah, it is pretty awesome.<br /></font><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  Isn't it? Yeah, I know.</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Just what exactly are you so proud of?</font><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><font color="#FF6600">  Hey, Kagura, you've gotten totally tanned.</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Yeah, it's 'cause I'm on the swim team.</font><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><font color="#FF6600">  It makes you look like someone who plays it really loose.<br />   Like some kinda playgirl.<br /></font><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  I... I really look like that?</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  I suppose so.<br />   There were groups of boys back in grade school who looked like that and played outside all the time.</font><br /><br /> Osaka:<br /><font color="#FF6600">  Nah, it's a different kinda playin' than that kind.(xxx)</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Huh?</font><br /><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Ooh! So, this is our ride for this year's trip!<br />   Chiyo-chan, you are so thoughtful.<br />   You were heading and got a car ready that can fit everybody.</font><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  I asked my father, he would rent it for us.<br /></font><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I'm impressed. What a good girl.</font><br /><br /> Nyamo:<br /><font color="#800080">  Yukari, come here a sec.</font><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Sure thing.</font><br /><br /> Yomi:<br /><font color="#008080">  A countermeasure for the Yukari-mobile?<br />   Way to go, Chiyo-chan.</font><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  Yukari really is clueless, huh.<br /></font><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  So, what is this &quot;Yukari-mobile&quot; thing?</font><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  See, Chiyo-chan rode in it last year and was deeply psychologically scarred for her life.<br /></font><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Hmm... Was it that bad, Chiyo-chan?<br /></font><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Oh, no. Nyaow'm(now I'm) completely fine.</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Nyaow?<br />   Does... does she speed or something?<br /></font><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  She doesn't speed that much, but there're times she goes too fast and other times, incredibly slow.<br />   Miss Yukari really should check her sides more often, and her behind.<br />   Please Miss Yukari, Please look behind you too.<br />   And sometimes, I get the feeling she doesn't even see the traffic lights or pedestrians.<br /></font><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  So, basically she's totally no good at it?</font><br /><br /> Yomi, Tomo:<br /><font color="#008080">  Uh-huh.</font><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  All right!</font><br /><br /> Yomi, Tomo:<br /><font color="#008080">  Huh?</font><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I'm driving!<br />   Everyone, hop on board!<br /></font><br /> Yomi, Tomo:<br /><font color="#008080">  What?!</font><br /><br /> Yukari:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Uh...</font><br /><br /><br /> Kaorin:<br />   If only there weren't any club activities, I could be at the beach with Miss Sakaki right now...<br /><br /> Kimura:<br />   But I'm here!<br /><br /> Kaorin:<br />   Why on earth are you here?!<br /><br /><br /> Chiyo:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  We're here!</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Hey, so this is Chiyo-chan's summer home, huh.<br />   Not bad, not bad at all.</font><br /><br /> Tomo:<br /><font color="#808000">  Isn't it? Isn't it?!</font><br /><br /> Kagura:<br /><font color="#339966">  Okay, but why are you so proud of it?<br />   That's what I wanna know.</font></p>




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