

死ぬなら宇宙で」(2011/12/18 (日) 12:16:37) の最新版変更点



<div id="body"> <p><span class="wordlink">woman</span><span class="wordlink">:</span><br /><font color="#800080"> It's frustrating!<br />  Our factory was in business for well over three generations!<br />  We could hold our heads high, selling our products to the most discerning buyers?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">man:<br /></font><font color="#808000"> What else we could do?!<br />  We can't get the gasoline we need to run our equipment anymore!<br />  And even if we could, it would add too much to our costs!</font><br />  <font color="#808000">The only people who would lend enough money to people like us to buy new machine are those low life loan shark thugs.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">woman:<br /><font color="#800080"> You don't think these people will chase us all the way to the moon, do you?</font><br /></font></p> <p><font color="#000000">man:</font><br /><font color="#808000"> No...</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">woman:</font><br />  <font color="#800080">Who was it who discovered resources out in space, anyway?</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">man:</font><br /><font color="#808000"> That's why we decided to die on here in space...<br />  It'll be much easier on Sia that way.</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">woman:</font><br /><font color="#800080"> You're right.<br />  She really does love being in space, doesn't she...</font></p> <p> </p> <p>lady:<br />  <font color="#FF00FF">Nooooo!!!</font></p> <p>rogue:<br /><font color="#800000"> <font color="#999999">No escape for you, lady!<br />  Ha-ha-ha-ha! I've already got you.</font></font></p> <p><font color="#800000"><font color="#000000">lady:</font><br />  <font color="#FF00FF">No! get away!</font></font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br /><font color="#0000FF"> What in the hell do you think you're doing!</font></p> <p><font color="#000000">director:</font><br />  <font color="#808080">CUT!!! Cut, cut!!!</font><br />  <font color="#808080">You moron! This is supporsed to be a closed set!</font></p> <p>assistant director:<br />  <font color="#00CCFF">I don't know what happened. I'm sorry, director.</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#0000FF">Director?</font></p> <p>assistant director:<br />  <font color="#00CCFF">This is a movie set. we're shooting.</font></p> <p>Hachimaki:<br />  <font color="#0000FF">Shooting a movie?! Hey, is that really true?</font></p> <p>assistant director:<br /><font color="#00CCFF"> Hey, pull yourself together!<br />  It's useless! I'm afraid he's out cold!</font></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>in business : 商売[取引・事業]を行って[において・として]、営業中で、商売上(の)、実業界で[における]<br /> hold one's head high: 毅然としている、堂々と振る舞う、昂然としている<br /> discerning: 鑑識眼のある、目利きの(→discern)<br /> low life: 犯罪活動に手を染める人、下層社会の生活<br /> loan shark: 高利貸し<br /> thug(s): 強盗団、悪党<br /> easy on : ~に優しい、~をほどほどに、~に甘い、(人)に対して手加減して<br /> pull oneself together: 立ち直る<br /> out cold: 気を失って</p> <p> </p> <hr width="100%" size="2" /><p> </p> </div>




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