

死神界」(2008/10/25 (土) 01:54:38) の最新版変更点



わからないところは(?)を入れてあります。間違いはどんどん訂正してください。m(_ _)m Shinigami A: Gah. A pair of sleeping skulls? Shinigami B: Hehe. I win again. No hard feelings, right? Shinigami A: Hey there, Ryuk. Why don't you join us? You should come play with us for a change. Ryuk: No. I'll pass. Teacher: Listen for the voice of God and follow it, in no other time you know it. Find the salvation. Teacher: Yagami, are you still with us? Teacher: Can you please tranlslate the following sentences into English? Light: Follow the teachings of God and receive his blessings, and so it shall be. The seas will again become bountiful, and a raging storm will subside. Announcer: Today, at approximately eleven a.m., a thirty-two year old man was found stabbed to death in his apartment in the city of Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture. Kanagawa police are treating this case as a homicide. In other news. Today a suspected Makuda Okikoji was arrested in the district of Shibuya, Tokyo. He's been held in custody based in murder charged with(?) the brutal slaying of common love partner, only twenty five at the time of death. Ryuk: Day in, day out. Light: The same news. A permanent repeat. Ryuk: This is all so ridiculous. Light: This world is rotten. - どこまで続くかわかりませんが、デスノートやっていきます。解らない箇所も多くて、これでアップしてよいのかとも思いますが、びしばし訂正お願いいたします。 -- 玲 (2008-09-15 02:16:28) - I wanna againでなく、I win againのように聞こえます。 -- 名無しさん (2008-09-15 06:18:44) - 記事を少しだけ編集させていただきました(かえって誤りを増やしている恐れもありますが…(>_<))。私が聞き取れなかったところも参考にさせていただきました♪-- ディンゴ (2008-09-16 19:44:25) - ディンゴさん、訂正ありがとうございます!なお訂正箇所はこちらに書かなくても上の「表示」→「このページの編集履歴」でわかります。(このことに今日気づきました)今後もよろしくお願いいたします。(^^) -- 玲 (2008-09-16 23:05:55) #comment
わからないところは(?)を入れてあります。間違いはどんどん訂正してください。m(_ _)m Shinigami A: Gah. A pair of sleeping skulls? Shinigami B: Hehe. I win again. No hard feelings, right? Shinigami A: Hey there, Ryuk. Why don't you join us? You should come play with us for a change. Ryuk: No. I'll pass. Teacher: Listen for the voice of God and follow it, in no other time you know it. Find the salvation. Teacher: Yagami, are you still with us? Teacher: Can you please tranlslate the following sentences into English? Light: Follow the teachings of God and receive his blessings, and so it shall be. The seas will again become bountiful, and a raging storm will subside. Announcer: Today, at approximately eleven a.m., a thirty-two year old man was found stabbed to death in his apartment in the city of Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture. Kanagawa police are treating this case as a homicide. In other news. Today a suspected Makuda Okikoji was arrested in the district of Shibuya, Tokyo. He's been held in custody based in murder charged with(?) the brutal slaying of common love partner, only twenty five at the time of death. Light: Day in, day out.The same news. A permanent repeat. Ryuk: This is all so ridiculous. Light: This world is Ryuk: rotten. - どこまで続くかわかりませんが、デスノートやっていきます。解らない箇所も多くて、これでアップしてよいのかとも思いますが、びしばし訂正お願いいたします。 -- 玲 (2008-09-15 02:16:28) - I wanna againでなく、I win againのように聞こえます。 -- 名無しさん (2008-09-15 06:18:44) - 記事を少しだけ編集させていただきました(かえって誤りを増やしている恐れもありますが…(>_<))。私が聞き取れなかったところも参考にさせていただきました♪-- ディンゴ (2008-09-16 19:44:25) - ディンゴさん、訂正ありがとうございます!なお訂正箇所はこちらに書かなくても上の「表示」→「このページの編集履歴」でわかります。(このことに今日気づきました)今後もよろしくお願いいたします。(^^) -- 玲 (2008-09-16 23:05:55) #comment




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