Fly Me to the Moon

「Fly Me to the Moon」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Fly Me to the Moon」(2008/09/08 (月) 12:32:54) の最新版変更点



<h2><font face="arial, helvetica"><strong>Fly Me to the Moon</strong></font></h2> <hr /><p><font face="arial, helvetica"><br /> Fly me to the moon<br /> And let me play among the stars<br /> Let me see what spring is like<br /> On Jupiter and Mars<br /> In other words hold my hand<br /> In other words darling kiss me</font></p> <p><font face="arial, helvetica">Fill my life with song<br /> And let me sing forevermore<br /> You are all I hope for<br /> All I worship and adore<br /> In other words please be true<br /> In other words I love you</font></p>
<h2><font face="arial, helvetica"><strong>Fly Me to the Moon</strong></font></h2> <hr /><p><font face="arial, helvetica"><br /> Fly me to the moon<br /> And let me play among the stars<br /> Let me see what spring is like<br /> On Jupiter and Mars<br /> In other words hold my hand<br /> In other words darling kiss me</font></p> <p><font face="arial, helvetica">Fill my life with song<br /> And let me sing for evermore<br /> You are all I hope for<br /> All I worship and adore<br /> In other words please be true<br /> In other words I love you</font></p>




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