

もし私の方がお姉さんだったら」(2011/12/11 (日) 18:11:41) の最新版変更点



<p>Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  I just thought of something.<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Hm?</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  You get to be the older sister because you are the one that popped out first, right?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  That's right.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#333399">  I'm so glad I get to be the younger sister!<br /></font><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Okay, why is that?<br /></font><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  'Cause it's kinda sad if the older sister is asking the younger one, who helps her homework, or she's asking to copy it.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  When it comes to copying homework, I don't think any of that matters anyway.<br />   Look, we're twins, so I don't think there are any differences as far as our age goes.<br />   Don't worry about it, just hurry up and finish your homework.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Okay!</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  I wonder how it would be if I was the older sister and I was all reliable in stuff like her...</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  How believe, Sis, could you show me your homework?</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#993366">  Again? Come on, Kagami, do I even have a choice?<br />   Oh, wow, that would be so amazing!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  You're gonna be okay over there?<br />   You're spazing out.</font></p>




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