

そろそろ体育祭か」(2011/12/11 (日) 17:59:46) の最新版変更点



<p>Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I don't know, maybe I should cut my hair for the festival, just chop it all off really short.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#800080">  Ah, why do you wanna cut your hair?<br />   It's taking you forever to grow it out.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Uh... I wasn't serious, I was just thinking.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Such a profound response must mean it's about a guy, isn't it?!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Don't relate everything to that!<br />   And don't talk so much, Tsukasa!</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  But if Kagami did go and cut her hair...</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Isn't the super slim Pocky the same as the regular Pocky?<br /></font><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Don't do it!<br />   Pigtails are classic tsundere hairstyle!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Sorry, my face is so boring!</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Oh, yeah, the athletic festival's coming up.<br />   What a drag.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  I've never thought of an idea teenagers say that.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#800080">  You're good at sports, Kona-chan, so you do it great.<br />   But someone like me, I just get in the way.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  You're gonna be fine.</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#800080">  Hey, Sis, which event are you gonna sign up for?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I totally know it, Kagami's gonna pick... the bread-eating race!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  If I did know better, I'd say you're trying to pick a fight with me?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  All right, you then, what event are you going to sign up for?</font><br /><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#800080">  Hm?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  Was I right?<br />   I was, wasn't I?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Piss me off!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  I guess you could say I've been doing some training for the festival.<br />   Autumn is the season for sports, you know.<br /></font><br /> Tsukasa:<br /><font color="#800080">  Really...</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  The question is, are you really doing it for the festival or are you doing it for the event thing that happens after it?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  What event thing?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  You want me to say it?</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  You really piss me off!</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  So, Miyuki is gonna be running in the relay race, huh?<br />   That's understandable.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  You're telling me, but get this, at first she was gonna do the obstacle course.</font><br /><br /> Kuroi:<br /><font color="#FF9900">  Okay, does anybody else feel like volunteering?</font><br /><br /> Miyuki:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  No, I've never done it before, I'll do my best.</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  But you can't, Miyuki-san.</font><br /><br /> Miyuki:<br /><font color="#FF0000">  Huh?</font><br /><br /> Konata:<br /><font color="#3366FF">  With those curvy curves, you shouldn't be doing the obstacle course.<br />   You'll have to squeeze through things and go over stuff.<br />   After that, she got to switch to the relay.</font><br /><br /> Kagami:<br /><font color="#333399">  Doesn't it sound like something a middle-aged guy would say?</font></p>
<hr /><p>左側にあるメニュバーにリンクがあります。</p> <p>そのリンクから引越し先へどうぞ</p>




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